The Minister of Health announces the end of the pandemic. How many people will lose their lives through this? [COMMENT]
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Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, announcing the lifting of most of the restrictions, practically announces the end of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland. Meanwhile, in some European countries, the number of new cases is increasing dramatically, and the sixth wave of the pandemic is clearly spoken of. Is Poland supposed to become a “green island”?

We remind you of the comment that was first published on March 17.03.2022, 24.03.2022, when the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, recommended lifting most of the restrictions. On March 28.03.2022, 17.03.2022, the actual lifting of most of the restrictions was announced from March XNUMX, XNUMX. All data contained in the comment comes from XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX.

At the moment when the sixth wave of the pandemic is spreading through Europe, at a time when in Poland, despite talking about the end of the fifth wave, there are still several thousand new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection and over two hundred deaths due to COVID-19 daily, Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski talks about “transition from an epidemic to an epidemic threat” i recommends lifting restrictions from April. This practically means the end of the epidemic in our country.

Looking at the statistics and the pandemic situation in the world, this move seems to be, to say the least, surprising. Poland is one of the worst “vaccinated” countries against COVID-19 in the European Union (59%, for comparison Germany: 75%, France: 78%, Spain: 85%). At the same time, we are at the forefront of countries with the highest daily COVID-19 deaths.

Further part below the video.

The Polish government may be looking at other countries that have lifted most of the restrictions some time ago. Unfortunately, he does not draw any conclusions from their movements at all. And yet more and more voices clearly indicate two causes of the sixth wave of the pandemic in Europe. One of them is to be the lifting of the restrictions, the second – the spread of the Omicron BA.2 sub-variant, which is not only more infectious, but also seems to be easier to bypass the vaccination barrier and infect vaccinated people.

Our government also likes to refer to the R index, i.e. the reproduction rate of the virus, which tells how many more people can be infected by one person suffering from coronavirus (a value higher than 1 indicates that the epidemic is on a rising tide). Yes, it is now 0,91, which could indicate that the epidemic is dying out, but there are still voivodeships where the R coefficient is much closer to 1. It is also hard to say to what extent we can trust it when In Poland, compared to other European countries, very few tests are still performed (per 100 inhabitants).

We know how the ends of the pandemic, announced several times by various members of the government, have ended so far – with another wave, often with much more tragic consequences than the previous ones.

Lifting restrictions in Poland, where – even when they do – many of us unfortunately do not comply with them, in the context of another virus sub-variant and when the fifth wave is not over yet, it will mean that having our health will be solely in our hands. Because by lifting the restrictions, the government will give a sign that this is the end.

Let us not pay for it with the loss of health or life.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

See also:

  1. One person may have several variants of SARS-CoV-2 in different organs
  2. Why do some people not get COVID-19? The answer … swine flu?
  3. Can you exercise while suffering from COVID-19? Doctors warn against common mistakes

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