The method to convert minutes into hours to organize yourself better

The method to convert minutes into hours to organize yourself better


We spoke with Leticia Pérez Serrano about planning so that 24 hours a day they squeeze the maximum and time to everything they want to do

The method to convert minutes into hours to organize yourself better

After a week of intense work, going from here to there all day and feeling that you get nowhere, do you sigh when Sunday finally arrives? You sit on the sofa, ready to spend a day relaxing, you look around and… you realize that the house is a mess, that you haven’t put the closet in place… In the end, you end up spending all the rest time cleaning and order. Monday comes and starts again the same vicious circle

Leticia Pérez, professional organizer, image consultant and personal shopper, has launched her first book ‘Order your house, your mind and your life’, in which she shows us her novel organization method that has proven its effectiveness in helping thousands of people to lead a more productive life and better organize themselves, in addition to reducing the stress in which we are often immersed.

In this book the author shows all the keys and tools necessary to learn from how to organize your time to tips to create your weekly menu and make your home the perfect office in times of telework.

There is a phrase that we often say: ‘I don’t have time for anything’. Is it more stress than anything else we are trying to say by that?

That phrase is very common, I think we have all spoken it at some point in our lives. We really all have the same time, 24 hours a day, the problem is not that we do not have time, the main problem is that we do not know how to manage it well. We do not set priorities. The ideal is to set three daily goals; If we only set three goals, of course we will have time. We must stop, be aware of our priorities and set real goals.

You all advise planning so that on a day-to-day basis we have time to do as many things as possible. Does it really work?

Of course it works, but only if we have set specific priorities before. For example, I know that from 7 am to 16 pm I have to work, eat and do my express daily cleaning. Afterwards, my priority is to be with my children. Having this clear, and planning well the exact tasks that I have to do during those hours of concentration and setting real goals, it can be reached. As for the type of planner, it depends a lot on each person. It can be on paper or digital, agenda or planner type, weekly or daily. The important thing is to write it down since by taking this action we internalize it and create a written commitment for ourselves. It is like a contract, in writing is better.

What is your planning method based on?

My organizational method ‘Organize your house, your mind and your life’ (as my book is called) basically consists of keeping our house clean and tidy easily and quickly, with the least possible effort to have as much free time as possible. Ultimately, my method is to make life easier for us.

How do you facilitate it?

It consists of detecting, first of all, in what state of satisfaction each of the areas of our life is found. And from there draw a plan to design our life from this moment. Create habits and routines, tidy up our entire house so that we only have to maintain it thanks to a conscious cleaning planning system, and above all to avoid giving ourselves cleaning marathons. We gain space, money, peace of mind and above all time to enjoy the things that are really worthwhile and make us happy.

How can we be less overwhelmed when we feel like we don’t have hours?

Taking advantage of the downtime, for example, if to go to work we have to take the car or the subway and we have been wanting to read a book or take a course for a long time and we always say that we do not have time for it, use the downtime of the commute to work to read or train you.

Setting goals is a very good option so as not to overwhelm ourselves. With my domestic agenda, we can plan all the tasks of our life in a well-organized and meaningful way. We will save time and health since the simple fact of having the tasks written down makes us live much more calm, gives us peace and generates a sense of security.

Sometimes stress clouds us and keeps us from moving forward. What do you have to do to avoid reaching this point?

Stop. We live very fast. Many times it is necessary to stop, breathe, know our ‘what for’, our life purpose, establish medium and long-term goals and plan our lives. Then the motivation comes by itself.

About Leticia Pérez Serrano

Leticia Pérez Serrano is a professional organizer, image consultant and personal shopper. The birth of her first child made her wonder if she was managing the time she had in her day to day well. In order to lead a more organized life, he created his own system of order and planning based on practical tools and solutions.

Encouraged by the success that this new system brought her in her life, in 2017 she founded her most personal project: «Ordeno tu Casa», a space where she shares some of the keys to her method and offers her services as a professional organizer.

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