The memory for a month works much better. Hope for Dementia Patients

All you need is non-invasive transcranial stimulation of the brain with a small electric current to improve memory for a month, suggests research by American specialists. They hope that in this way it will be possible to help the elderly with memory disorders.

  1. Low-frequency stimulation of the frontal cortex improves working memory, useful for decision making and problem solving
  2. Long-term memory, in turn, is improved by high-frequency stimulation in the back of the brain.
  3. The authors of the study also want to see if transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain will help improve the memory of people with symptoms of dementia
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Electrical stimulation of the brain improves memory

Tests conducted by Boston University specialists showed that after such stimulation, volunteers were better at remembering and recalling words, reports Nature Neuroscience. – In these tasks, it was necessary to demonstrate working and long-term memory – explains one of the authors of the study, Prof. Robert Reinhart.

The electrical stimulation of the brain used in the research consisted in putting on a special cap with electrodes on the head. A low-intensity electric current is emitted via the electrodes, affecting brain waves in specific regions of the brain. This treatment does not cause discomfort – the electrical stimulation is felt only as a slight itching on the skull.

The stimulation used in the experiment was performed for 20 minutes each time over the next four days. – The result was a selective memory improvement that lasted for at least a month – says prof. Robert Reinhart. Tests showed that volunteers after such surgery generally performed better in tests for remembering words. However, different types of brain stimulations must be used to improve certain types of memory.

Stimulation will also help with dementia?

Low-frequency stimulation of the frontal cortex is essential for improving working memory for decision making and problem-solving. Long-term memory, in turn, is improved by high-frequency stimulation in the back of the brain.

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The study involved 150 people aged 65 to 88 who had no problems with memory. The authors of the study therefore want to see if transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain will help improve the memory of people with symptoms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, it is not known yet.

“We don’t know if electrical brain stimulation will help people with dementia, but research is underway,” said Dr. Susan Kohlhaas of Alzheimer’s Research UK, in a statement for BBC News. However, other studies show that all intellectual exercises, such as solving crosswords, are helpful in improving memory.

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