The main plot around which the plot of the new Polish miniseries Netflix ‘The Queen’ is built is a kidney transplant. A middle-aged dialyzed woman gets a chance to improve her quality of life because her father agrees to be a donor, even though they have never met before. Although the series was well received by viewers, Adam Siennica, deputy editor-in-chief of draws attention to “harmful script sloppiness” in medical threads. What is it about?

  1. The Polish miniseries directed by Łukasz Kośmicki deals with many topics important for various social groups, but the whole action is focused on the topic of kidney transplantation
  2. It was the way of presenting a woman suffering from kidneys, the preparation for the procedure, and the attitude of the heroine after the surgery that outraged the film critic Adam Siennica
  3. The journalist has a kidney transplant behind him
  4. In his opinion, such presentation of the topic may be simply harmful
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Journalist Adam Siennica in a review published on admitted that the mishaps of the series “Królowa” shocked him. «Unfortunately, the screen presents a frustrating and damaging sloppy script. […] The harmfulness of this series on the Polish market may be great due to the way it presents one thread: kidney transplantation and all related matters. It was presented so culpably that I wonder what the medical consultations mentioned in the end credits consisted of. As a kidney transplant and currently dialyzed person, I feel that this series even offends me, because it creates a number of problems for me and people affected by this ailment […] » writes Siennica.

A series of shameful mishaps in the series «Królowa»

Kidney transplantation is the theme of the series, which became the starting point for showing the next ones, such as re-arranging the family relations of the father (played by Andrzej Seweryn) and daughter (Maria Peszek), the problems of miners in Lower Silesia or the life of Parisian drag queens, to which it belongs donor father. Kidney transplantation performed in the series, according to the journalist, is a series of shameful scenario mishaps.

According to the critic, the creators of the series deepen the ignorance of Polish society about transplants, introducing information chaos and misrepresenting the facts. The journalist criticizes the suggestion in the series that the only salvation for the patient is a kidney transplant. «This is completely untrue, because the transplant is not a life-saving procedure, but it improves its quality. In this case, dialysis saves life! » writes. »[…] It is devilishly harmful, untrue and against people waiting for a transplant, who can be dialyzed for years […] For scriptwriters, a transplant is something akin to a tooth extraction: once, twice and home. It is a pity that it is actually not that simple. The series had a chance to educate the Polish society that knows nothing about it ».

Adam Siennica assessed that also the procedures related to the preparation for surgery, including obtaining consent from the donor and recipient, as well as the patient’s behavior after the procedure, are distorted or presented in a harmful way in the series. “In addition, there is the behavior of the character played by Maria Peszek after the transplant, which has nothing to do with how the person feels after such an operation. […] He disregards the recovery process. The scene in which she was drinking beer with the miners just a few days after the surgery was an inflection! » writes.

The critic did not leave a dry thread on the streaming service. “In Polish series we are bombarded with a lot of information that has nothing to do with the state of medical knowledge, but nevertheless we should require a reliable approach from Netflix” Siennica wrote.

What is kidney dialysis?

The dialysis performed in severe kidney disease is hemodialysis, or extracorporeal dialysis. When the kidneys are sick, harmful ingredients build up in the body. Hemodialysis involves passing blood through the so-called an artificial kidney that removes all harmful and unnecessary elements. Blood purified in this way normalizes blood pressure and restores the proper level of minerals. Kidney dialysis should be performed several times (usually three) a week in a dialysis center, it lasts about 5 hours.

Dialysis is most commonly used for problems with kidney failure. The necessity to undergo dialysis makes it difficult for patients to function in everyday life. In the case of severe kidney diseases, living donor kidney transplantation is the most beneficial method of treating kidney failure.

50 transplants a year

In Poland, about 50 kidneys are transplanted annually from living donors, which is 5 percent. all kidney transplants (from living and deceased donors). In the European Union countries, it is performed by approx. 15 percent. more transplants. Transplantologist dr hab. Piotr Domagała from the Clinic and Department of General and Transplant Surgery at the Medical University of Warsaw claims that Poles are not less willing to make sacrifices for their loved ones, but there is a lack of awareness in society and among the medical staff.

Sick kidneys do not hurt, but the problem can be detected very easily. It is enough to perform one painless test regularly. Order a mail-order urine test today or arrange a kidney health blood and urine test package with patient transportation.

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