The median salary of an IT specialist in our country has grown to ₽120.

According to a study by Habr, for the first half of 2021, the median salary of an IT specialist in our country increased by 6,2% to ₽120. Regions became the growth driver

What’s going on

  • According to the results of a study by the Habr Career service, in the first half of 2021, the wages of IT specialists increased by 6,2% – from ₽113 thousand to ₽120 thousand. The authors of the report understood as IT people everyone who is somehow involved in creating digital products.
  • If the median salary across the country (half of the specialists receive more, half – less) reaches ₽120 thousand, in Moscow this figure reaches ₽160 thousand, in St. Petersburg – ₽135 thousand, and in the regions it is ₽100 thousand.
  • Basically, the increase in the salary of IT specialists occurred in the regions – from 88 to 100 thousand rubles (+ 13,7%). The most significant growth was recorded in Krasnodar (+25%), and the largest decline was in Nizhny Novgorod (-12%).
  • Almost all specialties within the IT industry have increased their salaries, with the exception of marketers (-1%) and personnel officers, whose salaries have not changed. The salaries of analysts (+28%) and admins (+15%) grew most noticeably.
The median salary of an IT specialist in our country has grown to ₽120.
Photo: Habr
  • The highest paid programming language in the first half of 2021 was Objective-C (₽200 thousand), leaving Scala and Goland in second and third places, respectively.
  • The highest wages for developers are now offered in Luxoft (₽240 thousand), Avito (₽229 thousand) and Skyeng (₽200 thousand).
The median salary of an IT specialist in our country has grown to ₽120.
Photo: Habr

What does it mean

The string of lockdowns has forced many companies to rethink their digital strategy. If earlier the movement towards online was quite smooth, then the coronavirus pandemic has significantly accelerated the digitalization of business. Accordingly, there is a shortage of personnel in the IT specialist market, which leads to an increase in wages: employers are trying to attract workers with high salaries.

Experts predict that the difficulties in hiring employees in the IT industry will continue for another five to ten years, and the salaries of IT specialists will grow along with them. Moreover, wages are growing mainly due to medium-sized companies and start-ups, which are thereby trying to compete with IT giants for high-quality personnel.

However, this trend may have negative consequences for the industry. So, Avi Golan, a world-famous top manager in the IT field, called on company leaders to stop the growth of employee salaries.

“I urge Israeli CEOs, especially in IT, to stop the hiring frenzy before this bubble bursts. <...> We harm the younger generation, our market and our country as a whole, by continuing to raise salaries and offer insane, illogical advantages. You all know that sooner or later the hour of reckoning will come,” he stressed.

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