History of the origin of the name Zilya
The name Zilya or Ziliya, Zila, Zilyana has Arabic roots. Although now it is more typical of the cultural tradition of naming girls in Central Asia, at one time it came out of the Arabic language and in the Middle Ages was found quite often in the Middle East.
The name is considered favorable for Muslim women, i.e. has a good “correct” meaning. Thanks to this, the name Zilya began to spread among Muslims. Very rare, but still found in Turkey, the Middle East, and Europe. Of course, most often this common name can be heard among the Tatars, Bashkirs, among the peoples of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, and rarely in the Caucasus.
In Russia, Zilya is considered a famous Tatar name, because very popular among this nationality. The bright, sonorous name became famous for its famous owners. The name Zilya has a sought-after future, because… many parents like a euphonious and gentle name with a good meaning.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Zilya
“Zila”, “zilia” is translated from Arabic as “light”, “emitting light, radiance”, “shining”, “radiant”. And indeed little Zilya is a ray of sunshine, a spark of happiness and joy in the house. Very ringing, loud, playful – does not sit still. It grows restless, sometimes even wayward, but overall it does not cause any trouble.
But Zili’s bright and restless character helps her become a school star, be a leader and ringleader, have many friends and interesting acquaintances. Zilya tries to study well, but her studies can be hampered by her too lively disposition and lack of willpower. Zilya is an active and purposeful child: she planned it and did it! But she lacks perseverance in her studies and monotonous tasks that require attention and painstaking work.
Zilya can be very multifacetedly gifted by nature: a bright feminine appearance or even fatal beauty, a sweet, cheerful and energetic disposition, musicality and rhythm, an acting gift and a sense of beauty – it is difficult to choose a path. Therefore, it often happens that Zilya tries a little of everything until she decides what is “hers” in the end. Will always strive for creativity and communication with people in work. Routine and monotony, increased responsibility and scrupulousness will not endure for a long time. Sports, creativity, live interaction with people are her element.
Zili’s warm heart often lets her down. She is prone to self-deception and excessive gullibility. Very in love! She rarely marries successfully right away and does not know how to choose men. He may become a victim of betrayal and be left with children in his arms. She may try to find love several times. Zilya is one of those “seekers” who get married 4-5 times. If that doesn’t work out, he tries to find solace in children, creativity, his favorite hobby and travel.
Name days:
The name is not Christian, name days are not celebrated.
Diminutive version
The name is not Christian, name days are not celebrated.
Zee, Lyalya, Zilli
According to the church
- blue
- blue
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
lapis lazuli, hematite
poppy, walnut
Totem animal