History of the origin of the name Zemfira

Etymologists and people who study anthroponymy have different views on the history of the origin of the name Zemfira. Some believe that this name has Greek roots and is derived from the name of the wind Zephyr. Zephyr is a warm and light breeze. Hence the meaning of the name – “airy”, “light”, “warm”. The similarity in the name of the wind and the name is obvious; they differ only in one letter and gender.

Others suggest that Zemfira is a name that appeared in the East. Initially, it was born in the Turkic language stream and was translated as “rebellious.”

According to the third version, Zemfira is a Muslim name, Tatar, whose forefather was the Iranian language. Its literal translation is “sapphire”. There is a clear consonance between the words Zemfira and sapphire. The second syllable of the name is a copy of the second syllable of the name of the gemstone.

Zemfira, Zamfira, Zanfira, aka Zinfira are synonymous variants of the full name. Zemfira is affectionately called Zemfirushka, Zara, Fima or Zemushka. In modern Tatarstan, a large number of girls, young women and women bear this wonderful name.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Zemfira

Since childhood, Zemfira has been distinguished by her secretive character. It is difficult to get a girl to be frank. Often she does not tell the whole truth, because she does not believe that she should be found out. Among her friends, the girl stands out for her bright appearance, charisma and originality. She is not like others. Sometimes her actions surprise and even shock her peers and adults.

Adult Zemfira moves towards her goal carefully and calmly. She lives by the principle: “Measure seven times, cut once.” Very often Zemfira is accused of being slow, sluggish and even imposing. But these are not entirely true characteristics of a woman. Rather, it can be called thorough and practical.

In her personal life, Zemfira often faces disappointments and mistakes, but she does not despair and makes more and more attempts on the path to true female happiness. Zemfira is not one of the women who suffer for years over lost love. He is proud, independent, reasonable.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Zemfirochka, Zemfirushka, Zemfironka, Zemfirchik, Firochka, Firushka, Fironka


Zemfirka, Zemfi, Fira, Firka

According to the church



  • red


  • Saturn


  • land

Stone talisman





cedar, poppy

Totem animal


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