History of the origin of the name Zaur
The name Zaur is most often used to call boys in Georgia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, and Kazakhstan. In accordance with the territory of distribution, the origin of the name is associated with Arab, Turkic, Abkhaz, and Georgian roots.
Zaur is interpreted differently in different languages. In Georgia in ancient times there were names – “saurmag”, “saurbek”. Later the name was transformed into Saur, and then into Zaur. Literally translated as “black right hand”, “black-handed”, “mighty warrior”. However, it has several indirect meanings:
dark-skinned, dark-skinned person;
a noble warrior with a black tattoo on his shoulder;
hardworking (one who is not afraid of hard, “menial” work);
Georgian king (also a mighty warrior).
In Abkhazia this name is interpreted as “soldier”. And in the Arabic version it means “brilliant”, “shining”, “famous”. Female names have the same meanings – Zaure, Zaurat, Zuresh.
From a historical point of view, the name Zaur originally originated in the Turkic tribes. And then, during numerous military campaigns, it spread to other countries.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Zaur
The man who bears this name is completely consistent in character with the historical meaning of the word Zaur. Like a warrior, he is tough, strong, strong-willed, energetic. He can rightfully be called a “brilliant” person. Zaur is capable of achieving great career growth and becoming famous in his field of activity. After all, he is a workaholic by nature and is really not afraid of hard (“menial”) work.
Sociability, openness, and authority among others help him achieve heights. In addition, Zaur is endowed with good intuition. She helps him avoid deceitful, insincere people in his life. On the one hand, he cannot tolerate deception from loved ones, on the other hand, he quickly forgives mistakes. But it can easily offend another person. Because Zaur is an emotional person. He is hot-tempered, temperamental, sensitive. Starts with half a turn. Any little thing can set him off.
Unpredictable. Capable of doing extraordinary things. Often follows feelings rather than reason. Entrepreneurship and practicality give him the opportunity to achieve great success in business. Emotional impulses, fantasies, passion for crazy ideas become the cause of loss of professional achievements. But the ability to constantly move, and not sit idly by, helps Zaur to catch luck by the tail again.
Zaur is a male breadwinner for his family. But he’s by no means a business owner. Life and raising children oppress him. Zaur’s wife must take on all the household responsibilities on her shoulders. Although a family hearth and a faithful wife are important components in the life of a man with this name. He is a reliable, caring, loving family man. He demands submission from a woman and dominates her. He often imposes his views and leaves no choice.
Zaur, like a true warrior, is ready to defend the family fortress to the last. He will withstand any challenges in life.
In appearance, Zaur is always neat, fresh, smart. He carefully monitors his appearance, devoting a lot of time to it. His self-care often borders on pedantry.
Name days:
doesn’t celebrate
Diminutive version
Zarik, Zaurchik
According to the church
- green
- the black
- brown
- Mercury
- Saturn
- Uran
- fire
Stone talisman
olovo, uranium
Totem animal