History of the origin of the name Zalina

The name Zalina, like most names, has several versions of origin.

The first version places the name Zalina in the family of Arabic names. From Persian it is translated as “born of gold.” This is how it is interpreted mainly by Kazakhs and Tatars. Among Ossetians, the name Zalina is a variant of the name Zarina – “singer”.

The second version claims that the name Zalina is a European name. There are also several interpretations of meaning here. Some scientists believe that Zalina is a variant of the sound of the female name Salina, which in turn is a variant of the name Selina, which goes back to the ancient Greek Selena. Selene was the goddess of the moon. Therefore, the name Zalina is usually interpreted as “moonlight”, “moonlight”.

Perhaps the name Zalina is a modern name that came from the surname Salinas. This surname is common among Catholics: Chileans, Spaniards, Cubans, Argentines. Translated as “salty”, from the Spanish word “salina”. And the pronunciation of the name through “z” is a Russian interpretation, determined by the phonetic laws of the language.

In Russia, the name Zalina is rare; it has become more widespread in the East.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Zalina

As a child, Zalina is very active and full of interesting, and sometimes dangerous, ideas. She constantly runs around somewhere, makes friends with boys, comes home with broken knees and torn clothes. The girl sits down for her homework only when she is threatened with a bad grade and house arrest. You can hardly find a dress or ribbons in her wardrobe; she is a real tomboy.

Gradually Zalina becomes more feminine, she wears dresses more and more often, and takes care of herself. But this does not mean that Zalina has lost her boyish enthusiasm. She happily rides a bike, goes hiking, and can take up wrestling or sambo. Zalina always has more friends among men than among women. She appreciates them for their frankness, ability to intrigue, and intelligence.

Zalina likes to spend time at home. She leaves her parents early and chooses a small but cozy apartment, where everything will be done to her taste. This is a real refuge where it is pleasant to return after a long journey or a noisy party. The girl rarely invites guests, but she loves to visit and always brings the owners an original gift, found at a flea market or made with her own hands.

Zalina takes her work lightly. She does not seek to build a career; she likes to change directions of activity. Often, having entered one specialty, Zalina quickly changes her mind, drops out of school and gets a job. Then he goes to study again, but for a different profession. Even more often, she generally chooses work that is not related to her education, guided by momentary impulse or interest. She can work as a bartender, waitress, secretary, tour guide, or salesperson. The main thing is that the work does not take a lot of time and effort and generates at least some income.

Despite the fact that Zalina is surrounded by men, it is quite difficult for her to get married. Male friends do not perceive her as a future spouse. When Zalina realizes this, she begins to behave more femininely and tries to change her social circle. She chooses as her husband a cheerful, cheerful man who is not concerned about financial well-being and career, but agrees to live modestly, but for his own pleasure. Children love Zalina very much; she is easy and unobtrusive with them.

Name days:

April 7, October 21

Diminutive version

Zalinochka, Zalinushka, Alinochka, Alinka


Zalya, Alya

According to the church



  • purple


  • Lands


  • air

Stone talisman

emerald, topaz





Totem animal


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