Origin of the name Yasmin

The name Yasmin comes from the Persian language and is one of the so-called flower names. Yasmine – Jasmine is the name of the flowers of mock orange, a shrub that blooms with white delicate inflorescences that have an unusually pleasant aroma.

The name is common in Arab countries, especially popular among Muslims. It also occurs in Europe. A huge role in popularizing the name Yasmine was played by the princess of the same name from the Disney cartoon about the adventures of Aladdin. The Slavs use a similar name Jasmine, for example, it can be found in Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovakia, Romania.

But still, the name is more characteristic of the Eastern tradition than the Western one. In Russia it is rare, mainly among Muslims. A beautiful name that evokes the most positive associations will certainly continue to gain popularity.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Yasmin

The name Yasmin or Yasmina comes from the Persian “jāsmin” meaning “jasmine”. A typical “flowery” name suits the sophisticated beauty Yasmin very well. This woman is a match for this flower – outwardly thin, fragile and refined, but inside she is emotional and active, like the sweet and spicy aroma of jasmine.

People named Yasmin are characterized by a certain duality and contradiction in everything. Yasmin’s task is to learn to find a balance, to combine the incongruous. The internal energy of the name goes well with the capricious feminine nature, so such a task will not cause any particular difficulties.

Tender baby Yasmin’s childhood passes quietly and unnoticed. She is kind, quiet and obedient. True, parents are worried about their daughter’s excessive vulnerability and emotionality. But in a familiar and friendly environment, little Yasmin has no reason for tears, whims or hysterics. A delicate flower must be raised with love and surrounded with care.

When Yasmin goes to school, it will be like a cold shower for her. But you will have to adapt to the harsh reality. In her studies, she is unlikely to be at her best, but creative activities and sports will help reveal Yasmin’s talents.

It will be difficult for her to make friends, she is more of an introvert, and she is too vulnerable. But her school years will still help Yasmin make some real friends, especially girlfriends. The owners of this name have a great sense of women; they have highly developed intuition and empathy, which helps them find a common language with the female sex.

The main thing in life for Yasmin is relationships with her loved one and family. She is very beautiful, attractive with exquisite tenderness and an aura of mystery. She always attracts the attention of men who are ready to do a lot for her. Choosing a spouse for Yasmin is not an easy matter. She finds it difficult to trust her feelings. But if the chosen one is able to convince Yasmine that he is her soul mate, then a faithful and reverent heart will love him.

For Yasmin, children are both her institutions and her career. Although she can get a good education and find a prestigious job. However, the happiness of self-realization will be brought to her by family life and creativity, which can be her favorite hobby. Yasmin is an excellent and practical housewife, hospitable and hospitable. With her, household members and guests feel like they are at the best resort.

Name days:

The name is not Christian, name days are not celebrated.

Diminutive version

Yasenka, Yasminochka, Yasya, Yasminka, Yasminushka, Mina, Minnie, Yasochka, Minusya, Minusha, Yasmi


Yasya, Mina, Yasmi, Minnie

According to the church



  • white
  • silver


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman

moonstone, fluorite





Totem animal


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