Origin of the name Vanda
The name Wanda has Polish and West Slavic roots. A typically Polish name is found in addition to Poland in the Baltic states, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and rarely in Europe and Russia. There are three main versions of the appearance of the name Wanda.
According to one version, Wanda is a derivative of the name of the Vistula River in Latin “Vandalus”, which correlates with the famous Vandal tribes. According to the second version, the name Wanda has Lithuanian roots after the name of a female mythical deity. The goddess Wanda was distinguished by her formidable character and negative role in people’s lives. And according to the third, the name Wanda comes from the name of fishing gear, nets, seines, nets with hooks, in general, all kinds of devices for catching fish: in honor of the legendary Wanda, daughter of Krak, the founder of one of the largest and oldest cities in Poland, Krakow, who was a fisherman . It was believed that his beautiful daughter lured suitors with her beauty like nets and seines, which is why she was called that.
The name did not spread in Poland until in the mid-19th century, on the wave of romanticism and appeal to the Middle Ages, it began to appear in Polish art. After the release of two operas with the title “Wanda”, the name of the ancient queen became famous and popular. Now found in Poland and countries closely associated with Polish culture. In Russia it is considered rare.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Wanda
The meaning of the name Wanda is from the Latin “vandalus” – “vandal” (the name of the ancient Germanic tribe that destroyed Rome). The name Wanda can also mean from Lithuanian the name of the ancient goddess Wānda. Or from the Polish “wānd” – “net, seine”, which comes from the Old Dutch “want’” – “fishing net”, which, according to the legend of Wanda, has a figurative meaning “alluring, catching beauty”.
Wanda is a bright but calm name. Solid and clear, like the sound of pine trees in the wind. Wanda’s character is solid and strong. She is open to the world, but wants to establish her own rules. Solid, friendly and active nature. Defender of truth and justice.
In childhood, he can be stubborn, characteristic, and defends his opinion. It is useless to scold, he will do it out of spite. Parents will have to show patience, wisdom, find an approach, and explain. But such moments are not a common occurrence.
Overall, Wanda is a pretty kind, cheerful and positive person. She is calm and feminine. But she is somewhat firm and straightforward; she may lack tact, sensitivity, and empathy. Can command and impose his opinion. But not from selfishness and power, but because he considers it right and useful.
At school, Wanda is an activist and leader, and can successfully engage in sports, volunteering, choral singing, gymnastics, and dancing. She has many friends, she also has fans, but they are also more like her friends. Wanda is always in the company of guys. Such friendly feelings can one day develop into love.
Wanda’s family is her back. The husband and children are a team, where Wanda is a coach, a psychologist, a doctor, and a substitute player. Family and relationships with her inner circle, with others and colleagues are very important to Wanda’s sense of self. If everything is fine in this area, then Wanda is fine. She is ready to give the necessary attention and care to everyone who is dear to her and who needs help and advice. People feel this and are drawn to Wanda, returning kindness to kindness.
Wanda approaches her work, career or hobby with dedication and responsibility. She is very hardworking, collected, businesslike, smart. Success awaits her in any business, in any field. To her patience and work, which will grind everything down, is added her activity, intelligence, connections, ability to be a leader or part of a team. The stubbornness and obstinacy of the girl Wanda gives way to the wisdom and life experience of a woman.
Name days:
There is no such saint in Orthodoxy. Wanda’s Catholic name day is September 23. You can baptize with a similar name (Vera, Barbara, John) and celebrate name days on the day of remembrance of these saints.
Diminutive version
Vandochka, Vandy, Vandya, Vandusya, Vandushka, Vanyusha, Vandetta, Vandosya, Dosya, Vanya, Vana
Vandya, Vana, Dosya
According to the church
- green
- emerald
- brown
- gold
- Saturn
- land
Stone talisman
chamomile, pine
Totem animal