- History of the origin of the name Vyacheslav
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Vyacheslav
- Character traits of the name Vyacheslav
- Family and love relationships of Vyacheslav
- Choice of profession, business, career of Vyacheslav
- Vyacheslav’s health
- Name Vyacheslav for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Vyacheslav
Vyacheslav is one of the few names that undoubtedly arose in the lands of the Slavs. Early mentions of it are found in chronicles. The heirs of Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir Monomakh were called in a similar way. Unlike other popular names, it was not destroyed by church rules thanks to the canonization of Vyacheslav (Vaclav) of the Czech Republic.
The martyr, who lived in the 10th century, was the grandson of Saint Lyudmila, was distinguished by wisdom, kindness, and helped strengthen the position of Christianity in the state. The righteous man was killed by his pagan brother, who soon repented of the crime. The Passion-Bearer is considered the patron saint of his homeland and is revered by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. His memorial day coincides with a national holiday.
In Eastern Europe, the forms Vyacheslav, Vyacheslav, Vechislav, Vyachislav, Wenceslau, Wenceslas are used, in Germany and Spain – Wenzel and Wenceslao. The diminutive title – Slava – is in demand. Female analogues – Wenceslaus, Wenceslas – are almost absent in the domestic region.
In Russia, starting from the XIV century. was rare, its popularity returned in the 1920s. And the peak of fashion came four decades ago. Today it is found infrequently, in the ranking of male names it occupies approximately fiftieth place. There is a demand for it in circles trying to revive the original Russian culture.
This name was given to the Duke of Luxembourg, Field Marshal Colloredo, composer Gallenberg, human rights activist and President of the Czech Republic Havel, writer Fernandez Flores, symbolist poet Ivanov, engineer and writer Shishkov, politician Molotov, pianist Ganelin, actors Tikhonov, Shalevich, Nevinny, director and animator Kotenochkin, hockey players Starshinov, Fetisov, fashion designer Zaitsev and more.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vyacheslav
The name consists of two roots “vyache” and “slav”. The initial component is translated from the Old Church Slavonic language as “large”, comes from the adjective “big”. The final part requires no interpretation; the word “glory” is clearly recognizable in it. Consequently, Vyacheslav means “the most glorious,” “glorified,” “who has achieved great glory.”
Our ancestors highly valued military valor, fearlessness, and power. Probably, sons were named this way, promising them the listed virtues, or the name was assigned, as a second name, to participants in battles who won victories over enemies.
You can hear greatness, joy, light, lightness, and even tenderness and brightness in it. It exudes security, stability, and harmony. Although initially associated with warriors, it does not contain any connotation of aggression or evil. “Glory” sounds laconic, muffled. Less common versions of Vyachik, Vyacha, Vava are soft, meek and beautiful.
The name has powerful energy that promotes activity, creation, and leadership.
In astrology, he is patronized by the planet Venus and the constellation Libra; talismans – topaz, jasper, amber; colors – golden, orange-red, brown; symbol – buffalo; plants – hazel and heather.
Character traits of the name Vyacheslav
The bearer of the name strives for primacy, but is not ambitious. Indeed, he craves fame, but it is deserved. Values justice, honesty, and lofty ideals. Untruth, violation of one’s own and others’ rights, oppression of the weak deeply hurt him. On this basis, Vyacheslav has conflicts with others, but in general he is peace-loving. Not vindictive, rather simply stop communicating with the offender.
He makes plenty of friends and acquaintances, is faithful and selfless in his friendships. Outwardly he seems cheerful and simple-minded, but in reality he is a serious, thoughtful, sensitive subject. His goal is perfection in everything, so he is disciplined and avoids vices and bad habits. In his youth, curiosity and naivety sometimes lead him into bad company: there he also gains authority.
He copes with problems on his own – a classic loner who prefers independence. If he supports a collective initiative, it is solely for the sake of the common good.
He endures everyday hardships with steadfastness, even if he is nervous. Because of unbearable difficulties, he sometimes becomes discouraged, becomes depressed, he lacks strength, faith in success and perseverance in the fight against fate.
Easily excited, he has outbursts of anger, instantly replaced by awkwardness and regret. He remains a delicate, kind-hearted person, devoid of selfishness.
He is suggestible, it is not difficult to convince him of the infallibility of certain views, but more often he gravitates towards traditional values. Patriotic, conservative, inclined to be interested in politics.
Family and love relationships of Vyacheslav
Ladies like Slavik: the guy is charming, gallant and romantic. He chooses a smart, impressive woman whom he trusts. In love, openness and straightforwardness are important to him; he does not tolerate betrayal. He himself is devoted to his girlfriend, his morality is worthy of praise. The first marriage often turns out to be unsuccessful for the owner of the name.
The Vyacheslavs are wonderful family men and fathers, they are happy to help their wives and give them warmth. They provide financially for their relatives; they believe that the role of breadwinner is the main one for the stronger sex. They have a developed sense of duty.
Integral elements of home comfort for the owner of the name are receiving guests, walking with four-legged pets, dinner with relatives, playing with children.
If the managerial inclinations of such a husband manifest themselves at home, then his wife will suffer from tyranny. It has been noticed that they are gradually changing, becoming more despotic. Your companion will need restraint and tact.
A “nice” man stands out for his sexuality and sensuality. His intimate life is full of adventures and varied experiences. He receives and gives pleasure, looking for a partner who can guess his desires. He conquers lovers with affection, frankness and naturalness. The degree of passion is influenced by the environment, the mood during intimacy, and pleasant smells.
According to interpreter Boris Khigir, an ideal couple is likely with Inna, Larisa, Olga, Olesya, Margarita, Yulia, Anna, Elena.
Choice of profession, business, career of Vyacheslav
The individuals in question are conscientious, efficient workers, but they need a specialty that involves competition and competitiveness. In the relevant industry, Vyacheslav reveals his talents to the fullest.
He makes an excellent athlete, manager, employee of a bank, trade organization, artist, musician, painter, designer, constructor. Quickly masters new prestigious occupations as a stylist, producer, image maker, and recruiter.
In any business, he is painstaking, thorough, and brings each work stage to its logical conclusion. Shows determination and a certain amount of passion. In his role as a leader and organizer, he is consistent and incorruptible. Gets along well with colleagues as long as principles are not discussed. Senior staff respect him for his commitment to carrying out assignments.
Prolonged strenuous activity exhausts him. Slava is comfortable in a position that does not exclude breaks, periodic rest, and creative freedom.
In entrepreneurship, Vyacheslav realizes his hard work and finds such significant competition. How a businessman can reach the top without starting capital. He is prudent, knows how to save, develop plans, and predict changes in the market. Tries not to deprive team members, directs income to charity and social projects.
His wealth comes from commerce, mediation, operations in the service sector, information technology, industry, tourism, and the auto business.
Vyacheslav’s health
Slavik’s health begins in childhood. It is recommended to protect the boy from colds and infectious diseases, harden him, and take him to sports clubs. As it grows, it grows stronger and is resilient in maturity.
The nervous system in his body is extremely vulnerable: exposure to stress and mental illnesses cause a predisposition to pathologies of the heart and digestive tract. Vyacheslav is called upon to rationally distribute efforts, eat well, and adhere to the daily regimen. At the stage of decline and melancholy, one must not give in to the temptation to drown out the melancholy with the help of alcohol and drugs.
The persons mentioned are advised to exercise moderately, manage emotions, and control blood pressure. Inactivity and smoking should be avoided. The best sports are athletics, football, basketball, rowing and other team competitions.
Psychophysical practices will not hurt: meditation, yoga, autogenic training. In combination with massage, herbal medicine, swimming, and spending time in the fresh air, they have a positive effect on Slava’s well-being. And a philosophical view of the world and a revision of priorities make it possible to consolidate the effect. Hiking and traveling on vacation are additional ways to overcome fatigue, especially after intellectual work.
Name Vyacheslav for a child
Little Vyachik is a very kind, lively, impulsive kid. Parents are forced to smooth out his impetuosity, otherwise it will transform into a stable trend.
A receptive offspring needs understanding and approval, an atmosphere of security. Psychologists advise protecting him from overwork, negative impressions, and quarrels. He cries for no reason, worries over trifles, and his peers are sometimes frightened by his liveliness. It is advisable to develop communication skills in the presence of elders.
He studies well at school, is diligent, and is good at exact sciences. During adolescence, you will need to monitor Vyacheslav’s friends and activities.
You can give a name to your firstborn and subsequent children; it’s great if he finds brothers and sisters – he will certainly love them and take care of them.
The combination of a name with patronymics Stanislavovich, Romanovich, Bogdanovich, Tarasovich, Georgievich is favorable.
Suitable for those born under the signs of Aries and Taurus.
Name days are celebrated on March 17 and October 11.
Name days:
March 7, March 17, October 11
Diminutive version
Vyacheslavchik, Vyacheslavochka, Vyacheslavushka, Slavushka, Slavonka, Slavochka
Slava, Slavka, Slavik, Vyacha, Vyachik, Slavyan, Svalyan
According to the church
- light golden
- Venus
- land
Stone talisman
tin, electrum
nut, scream
Totem animal