History of the origin of the name Vlas

The displacement of the pagan cult by the Christian faith brought many changes to the territory of Rus’.

One of the most revered gods among the ancient pagans was Veles. According to legend, it was he who protected domestic animals and the future harvest. Saint Blasilius became the Christian alternative to Veles. Vlasiliy, like Veles, is considered the patron saint of family life.

Gradually, the ancient cult with its gods, values ​​and names was forgotten. And Christian innovations were firmly entrenched on the territory of Rus’.

The Greek meaning of the name Vlasiliy (Vlas) is clumsy, simple, stupid, sluggish. Not the best qualities. However, they are not characteristics of people named Vlas.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Vlas

Confidence in one’s own rightness and unbending perseverance are the main character traits of the bearers of this name. They are the ones who allow the Vlas to achieve what they want in the shortest possible way and with a minimum of losses.

Excellent communication skills are a good help in establishing long-term, useful connections and strong friendships. They are the ones who make it possible for Vlas to easily go through life and always count on the help of friends and loved ones in difficult situations.

Vlass are cheerful, interesting, appreciate beauty and uniqueness. The lives of many of them are connected with music, painting, theater and cinema. Thanks to their basic qualities, they always stand out among people in their circle and have enough fans of their work. Their undisguised delight and admiration push the Vlasovs to new achievements. After all, pride is another very pronounced quality of these people. And even if it is infringed, perseverance and confidence allow you not to deviate from your intended path.

Despite the qualities listed above, Vlas is characterized by a certain cowardice in vital matters. They are reluctant to take responsibility for their actions. And they try to solve the consequences that arise with outside help. And from the outside it seems that they do not take themselves and those around them seriously. But this is only from the outside.

People named Vlas are quite self-critical and like to subject everything to the deepest analysis. After which they make every effort to prevent unfortunate repetitions of their mistakes in the future.

Another very characteristic character trait of these people is veiled intolerance towards others. Vlas considers himself ideal in all respects, which is what he demands from others. At work they are picky bosses, and at home they are dictators. Sometimes, because of this character trait, people see them as an insensitive and callous person.

Name days:

February 16, February 24, April 14

Diminutive version

Vlasenka, Vlasushka, Vlasyk



According to the church

Vlasiy, Volos


  • gold


  • Neptune


  • water

Stone talisman

agate, garnet, hawk’s eye




azalea, beech

Totem animal

bear (an echo of paganism – one of the incarnations of Veles)

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