History of the origin of the name Vladlen

The name Vladlen entered our lives quite recently; he was not yet a hundred years old. The “culprit” behind the creation of this name was V.I. Lenin. However, the surname Lenin was for Vladimir Ilyich just one of hundreds of pseudonyms he used. To the professional revolutionary V.I. Until October 1917, Ulyanov had to live in conditions of strict secrecy. Vladimir Ilyich began using the pseudonym “Lenin” in 1901, signing printed works and letters with it. There are two versions explaining why this particular pseudonym was chosen for conspiracy. According to one, the name of the Siberian Lena River was used to create the pseudonym. This was probably done by analogy with the pseudonym Volgin, which G. Plekhanov used. The second version looks more prosaic, but also more plausible. The children of the State Councilor, Nikolai Yegorovich Lenin, who sympathized with the revolutionaries, gave Vladimir Ilyich their parent’s passport, adding the date of birth in it.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Vladlen

The name Vladlen is a fusion of truncated stems of the name Vladimir Lenin. Linguists note the extraordinary harmony of this formation. The energy of the name is distinguished by its beauty and hardness. From the first years of his life, little Vladlen’s parents notice that they have an unusual child growing up. Adults need to know that their baby is prone to acute respiratory diseases and may often have dental problems. The correct daily routine and nutrition are important for him, this will protect him from improper functioning of the stomach.

This boy is very confident in himself; in any society, even unfamiliar ones, he feels like a fish in water. Vladlen is persistent, capable of mastering all the skills and abilities he needs in a short time. The boy is hardworking, in critical situations he can stand up for himself and give a worthy rebuff to offenders, but he does not like to do this, trying to resolve the conflict peacefully. From early childhood, Vladlen’s character shows independence and pride, while he is quite secretive, and not everyone will trust his secrets. He can be capricious and touchy, but after outbursts of resentment he quickly comes to his senses and does not hold a grudge against someone who treated him unfairly.

By school age, Vladlen becomes balanced, he does well in the subjects that he likes. Often his day is scheduled minute by minute; he not only prepares his homework efficiently, but also attends various clubs and sports sections. He is interested in technology and exact sciences. Among the Vladlens there are many chemists, agronomists, military leaders, and veterinarians. Vladlen’s good education, intelligence, and diplomacy give him the opportunity to make a brilliant career. Vladlen has few real friends, although he is often considered the life of the party.

As a teenager, Vladlen actively courtes girls; he is very amorous, especially for spring bearers of the name. It can be difficult for him to choose a life partner, because he is trying to find the ideal woman for life. The search for the ideal continues until he meets a calm, homely girl who is capable of selflessly loving her chosen one.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Vilya, Lenya, Vilen, Vladlenka


Vlad, Vladya, Vladik, Ladya, Vadya

According to the church



  • yellow


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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