Origin of the name Vladislav

The name Vladislav came to us from paganism – it consists of two bases: “owner” + “glory”. Perhaps it was borrowed from the ancient German consonant in meaning Waldemar – which is translated as “reigning, dominant” + “glorious, famous”. Another version of its origin is from the Polish language – a good ruler, while the Polish version comes from the Czech – Vladislav.

Vladislav’s name day on October 7 in honor of the Serbian king Stefan Vladislav Nemanjic, better known as Saint Vladislav of Serbia, throughout his life he carried deep devotion to his country and the Orthodox faith, and provided all possible support to the church. For a long time, the name Vladislav was considered pagan, because it was not borrowed from Greek culture, like most names that entered Russian culture along with Christianity. And only with the canonization of Vladislav of Serbia, the name acquired an Orthodox spirit.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Vladislav

The Vladislavs are very purposeful individuals, they go straight to their goals. If they have something in mind, they will achieve it by all means. They may also resort to forbidden techniques: pressing for pity or using charm and perseverance. Natural charm is in their blood and they skillfully use it. But there is also no shame in simply asking for help; in the end, they will arrange everything in such a way that they achieved everything on their own.

Vladislav can solve problems that others would have given up on long ago; his persistence simply amazes those around him.

They are also highly moral and responsible, and do not like bias. They look at everything from their own point of view. And it can be simply impossible to convince them of something. They will agree with you, but in their thoughts they will not give up their opinion. Connoisseurs of everything beautiful. They idolize women, but do not like feminists. Smoking and drinking alcohol are always avoided. He definitely needs to feel like a real man next to his chosen one. Femininity is the main thing they expect from ladies.

Character traits of the name Vladislav

Vladislav’s character traits are kindness, honor, intelligence, pedantry, steadfastness, openness to everything new, adventurism, organization, straightforwardness. A perfectionist by nature. Achieves a high position and recognition of authority. His passion, diligence and courage in any endeavor certainly lead to heights. The desire for perfection is very high, and all shortcomings are skillfully hidden. If something happens in life that does not fit into his plans, then this can result in depression. And the hidden side, so carefully hidden by him, will appear before everyone.

Vlad has a special sense of humor, is very sarcastic, but will not allow ridicule to be addressed to him. Easily communicates with people, winning everyone’s attention with his wit, eloquence and charm. Reasonable, able to see the whole picture, focused on the goal, thanks to this he quickly resolves pressing issues. He has an inquisitive mind, is interested in new products in all areas, because it is important for him to be an entertaining interlocutor. An innovator, he always comes up with something, infecting those around him with enthusiasm. Thanks to his adventurism, he loves the spirit of competition. He does not accept defeat; if this happens, then you need to prepare for revenge.

Family and love relationships of Vladislav

Vladislav is very attentive, courteous, compliant, and gentle with women. He is kind to his chosen one. This is his upbringing, and it is even possible that he does not receive it in the family, but intuitively comes to such an attitude. For Vladislav, his mother is the ideal woman.

A heightened sense of beauty leads to the fact that from a very young age Vlad chooses the most beautiful girl and protects her like a faithful page. He tries to be helpful, comes up with original ways to attract her and get a smile. Vladislav loves to give gifts, he is very generous and gallant. He is always on the alert – to open the door, to give a lady his hand – it’s all about him. In marriage he is also a leader as in everything. Wife and family are synonymous for Vlad. Vladislav will even be glad to complacently give in to a woman who knows how to use all sorts of feminine tricks. He hates communicating with masculine women. Refinement, grace, tact, and intelligence will certainly attract his attention. He is a hunter and he wants to achieve. Easy-to-handle prey is not for him. And he generally avoids those who are flattered by his high position.

Choice of profession, business, career named after Vladislav

Vladislavs can achieve success in various fields: in politics, art, sports, they make good doctors. They strive for public professions. Because they love to shine, they have something to say to the public, they are very erudite, they are interested in everything, and they can talk about their hobbies for hours, infecting everyone with their enthusiasm.

They will never humiliate themselves in front of their superiors in order to obtain a higher position. Universal respect and recognition are taken for granted. They are successful in their chosen field of activity, see the whole picture, are insightful and inventive and can quickly come up with an algorithm for solving a problem in the simplest way. They see sources of income in everything; poverty is not about them.

Vladislav’s health

From birth, Vladik is a very strong baby. He develops faster than his peers and is very inquisitive. Always on the move, enjoys sports. This hobby can even develop into a profession. Little Vladiks definitely need to be sent to some sports section, where they will find the use of all their energy. They are very susceptible to injury due to their irrepressible nature and impulsiveness. Having matured, Vladislav will definitely find time for sports. Being in the center of attention requires being smart and well-groomed. His excessive enthusiasm for business and snacking on the run is the main enemy of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems with the eyes are also possible, because Vladislavs can read a lot. They are susceptible to depression, which leads to alcoholic libations.

Name Vladislav for a child

The name Vladislav has many abbreviated versions – Vlad, Vladushka, Vladyusha. The child is named Vladislav and behaves according to the meaning of the name. He is everyone’s favorite, has many friends of different ages, feels on an equal footing even with older children, thanks to his ingenuity and creativity. He will not allow anyone to control him. He is also friends with girls, the girls know that Vlad will always help.

His intelligence and intelligence are constantly noted by adults. The way Vlad talks since childhood really captivates those around him. He is attentive to elders, ready to have long, casual conversations, he always has something to talk about. Therefore, grandparents are Vladik’s best friends, not only relatives, but also neighbors, who are very touched by his politeness.

He has an excellent memory and studies come easily to him; he can even confuse teachers with the complexity of his questions.

Name days:

7 October

Diminutive version

Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya


Vlad, Vladik, Slava, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya

According to the church



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