- History of the origin of the name Vitaly
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Vitaly
- Character traits of the name Vitaly
- Family and love relationships of Vitaly
- Choice of profession, business, career of Vitaly
- Vitaly’s health
- Name Vitaly for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Vitaly
Vitaly is a beautiful and euphonious male name. The roots of which go back to the ancient past. The name Vitaly is taken from the Latin language, and has the Roman variant Vitalis. Which means “vital, full of life.” The name entered the church calendar during early Christianity. History says that in the 2nd century in Rome, the great martyr Vitaly, together with his brothers, suffered in the name of Christ. Name days are celebrated on January 25 (February 7, old style). There is even a folk sign that says that Vitaly’s day foreshadows the coming winter: what the weather is like on this day, it will be like that all winter.
The name Vitaly is widespread not only in Orthodoxy, but also in Catholicism. Found in all European countries, it takes the forms Vital, Vio – in French, Vitalis – in German, Vitale – in Italian, Vidal – in Spanish.
The name came to Rus’ in the 12th–14th centuries. Initially, only people close to the church were baptized with it. Until the 14th century, the name lived only in the environment of the church. In the history of the Orthodox Church there are many famous people who bore the name Vitaly. After some time, the name went beyond church boundaries and began to be used among the common people. In the 19th century it became quite stable, but spread mainly among the intelligentsia. In the 20th century, boys from all social strata began to be called Vitaly. Today it is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons Vitaly.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vitaly
A name can say a lot about a person, as people have been convinced of since ancient times. The name Vitaly aims a person at creating and increasing material wealth. Men have an interest in any business, and, as a rule, achieve success. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this will benefit others or cause harm. Vitalys are logical in their actions, consistent in their judgments and thoughts, their emotions are rational.
Leadership over others is of great importance in social life. They become a leader in their business or group. Owners of the name rarely listen to the advice of other people and make decisions alone, based only on personal views and opinions. There are problems with the perception of humor; any jokes are perceived negatively and without understanding. This causes negativity even towards those people who treat Vitaly wonderfully. In personal relationships they show imbalance and impulsiveness. Their significant other never knows how he will behave in a given situation. In their career they never stop there; they want to get money and power. This is what they want from life to the fullest. In married life he behaves as equals with his wife, but in front of people he is rather dry, although in reality he is temperamental.
Character traits of the name Vitaly
Vitaly is self-confident, quickly learns new things, but works according to his mood, on a grand scale. It is a decoration of the company. Has strong hidden jealousy. Lives in a way that makes it interesting. The person is witty, friendly and cheerful. Outwardly he is very generous, but inside he is stingy and wants to get rid of it. Vitaly is easily able to change any character trait and, with a good desire, can get rid of an unnecessary habit. Great woman lover. He is sociable and prefers not to pay attention to trifles. By nature he is trusting and cheerful. If he wants, he will achieve everything, fate is favorable to him. She always helps you win in everything, you just need to be able to take advantage of it, which Vitaly does easily. Sanguine by temperament. He is rarely moody and gets excited quickly. Doesn’t have high willpower. Able to quickly settle into a new environment and find a common language with people.
Thinking is above average. But the big enemy here is laziness and carelessness. A little cunning, but his cunning does not cause hostility. Vitaly has spiritual and physical balance, real masculine strength is felt. Likes to eat well and drink occasionally. He is interested in various music and chess, and is a keen collector.
Family and love relationships of Vitaly
Vitaly experiences strong sexual desires, indulging in passion, and is able to express vivid emotions and feelings. A very amorous person, but even in love he prefers to be independent and free. Does not tolerate sexual dominance from a woman. The type of woman-daughter suits him better.
Due attention is given to the external qualities of the partner. For him, this is a source of constant delight and positive emotional outbursts. They never try to hide their feelings and actively express them in a variety of ways. He is not inclined to change women often and is quite squeamish. The main thing for him is to provide for the emotional needs of his partner. In marriage he is very faithful and values his wife. In public, he tries not to demonstrate his feelings for his wife. In family life he likes to do housework, he is neat and calm. Thanks to his character, he is able to flexibly adapt to any spouse and be a faithful husband. It is created for a happy family life.
Choice of profession, business, career of Vitaly
Vitaly can connect his profession and career with technology and science. Jobs are given as a doctor, programmer, engineer, scientist, mathematician. Thanks to his creative abilities, he feels comfortable in the role of a journalist, musician, designer, and artist. He only does work that can bring material benefits, even if he doesn’t like it. The main thing in work is stability, a normal working day, which will give you a lot of time for your family. As an employee, he is responsible, hardworking and disciplined. Working in a team is not easy; he prefers to be responsible only for his own decisions.
Things with business are not entirely successful, since there is often a lack of assertiveness; without it, business is extremely difficult. Softness of character affects the fact that the business develops poorly and does not bring the desired results.
Vitaly’s health
As a child, Vitaly was in good health and had excellent immunity, which helps to avoid seasonal outbreaks of viral diseases. But weak points in the body are also present – the kidneys and digestion, as well as the excretory system. These are the places you should pay special attention throughout your life. You should be careful about your diet and periodically take vitamins to maintain body tone. Although he is in good health, Vitaly sometimes suffers from infectious diseases, which, however, he easily tolerates and recovers quickly. The nervous system is well balanced, it allows you to comfortably tolerate increased nervous stress.
Name Vitaly for a child
Vitaly is a beautiful, sonorous, noble name. Many parents give this to their sons. As a child, the boy is calm and obedient, a little capricious, and inclined to learn new things. In his childhood he was very close to his mother; he can safely be called “mama’s boy.” There are no problems with upbringing; he obeys not only his parents, but is also quite afraid of his older brothers and sisters. The boy easily adapts to kindergarten and makes many friends. He spends a lot of time with them and always ends up in good campaigns. Closer to adolescence, he begins to show independence and needs less help from his parents. Doesn’t like to sit on someone’s neck, strives for something new, for independence.
Name days:
January 24, February 7, May 5, May 11, August 5, October 7
Diminutive version
Vitalya, Vitalyushka, Vitalechka, Vitalenka, Vitaska
Vitalik, Vitalka, Vitas, Vitasya, Vitales, Vitakha
According to the church
R’RёS,R ° F “RёR№
- violet
- Mercury
- land
Stone talisman
poplar, violet
Totem animal