History of the origin of the name Vitalin
Vitalina is a feminine name, derived from the masculine name Vitaly, which in turn comes from the Latin Vitalis – “vital”, “necessary for life”, “full of life”.
Please note that the word Vitalina has the same root as vitamin – a substance necessary for life. So, we can conclude that Vitalina is a life-giving, life-affirming and life-glorifying woman.
Some resources claim that Vitalina and Vitalia are actually the same name in different phonetic formats, since both names are derived from the masculine Vitaly.
Since Vitalin’s name is not on the church calendar, name days are not celebrated.
The name Vitalina is quite rare, so it is not characterized by a variety of variants and diminutive forms: Vitalinka, Vitalinochka, Lina, Linochka, Linka, Vitalka, Vita, Vitka, Vitusya, Vitulya, Tala.
Some researchers argue that Lina and Vita can also act as completely independent names.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vitalina
Of course, the origin and meaning of a name are necessarily reflected in the fate of its bearer and can bring new facets, feelings, and experiences into a person’s life.
If we proceed from the fact that the name Vitalina is derived primarily from the Latin “life,” then the conclusion arises about the dominance in a woman’s character of such character traits as optimism, cheerfulness, hope and independence.
Vitalin amazingly combines tenacious business acumen and sophisticated femininity, independence, independence and gentleness.
The name Vitalina will bring many surprises to the owner: a beautiful, sophisticated woman bearing this name is able to take on the functions of a man in critical life situations, perform work equally with him and share responsibility.
Vitalina is a gentle and soft woman who does not strive for leadership. She is smart, proud and determined, but she uses her strong-willed qualities only when she is confident in the result and that her efforts will not be in vain.
Feminine Vitalina wants protection and a reliable rear, which a woman believes a strong man can provide her with. Vitalina chooses her life partner very carefully. Beauty or simply attractiveness is not an argument for her at all. According to Vitalina, the main qualities of a man should be intelligence, life wisdom and the ability to provide for his family. That is why Vitalina’s chosen one usually becomes a successful, well-educated man, usually much older than her, whom she could respect.
Vitalina has well-developed intuition, so she makes important decisions correctly on a subconscious level. A woman bearing this name is marked by emotionality and expressiveness, which often border on artistry. You can be sure: if Vitalina wants something, she will definitely achieve what she wants by any available means.
Vitalina is a good housewife, but household chores do not excite her. Yes, her apartment is always tidy, the children are well-groomed, the food is prepared, but Vitalina will not be happy if she is limited only to household chores. She wants to feel needed, and she can realize herself in any profession.
Famous people bearing the name Vitalina: Vitalina Dyachenko (tennis player), Vitalina Bunina (dancer), Vitalina Sidorkina (fashion model), Vitalina Vlasova (architect).
Name days:
Diminutive version
Vita, Vitka, Vitya, Lina, Linka, Link, Talya, Talina
According to the church
- violet
- Uran
- fire
Stone talisman
aspen, saxifrage
Totem animal
electric eel