Origin of the name Violetta

Violetta is a female Catholic name. Etymologists claim that it comes from the Latin word Viola, translated as “violet”. In the 14th-15th centuries, in countries where Latin was spoken, this was the name given to girls born in the spring, during the blooming of the violet flower, or this name was given to the owner of blue-violet eyes. Most common in South America and European countries, in our country it is a rather rare name. In the Orthodox calendar, such a name does not exist, therefore, at baptism, Violetta is given a different name. Among Catholics, Violetta Giolini, whom the pagans executed for her faith, is considered the patroness of the name. According to another version, it is assumed that the name Violetta comes from the Italian male names Violetto and Violo and they are the progenitors of this female name. There is also a version that Violetta is a diminutive of the name Viola, which later became an independent name.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Violetta

The meaning of the name Violetta is “violet”, “violet”, “emotional”, “decisive”.

As a child, Violetta is a very smart, sensible, lively, determined, stubborn, fearless girl, well developed. But she is very vulnerable, deeply worried about domestic scandals. Loves parents and animals, helps mom do housework. She is very active at school, participates in all events, and loves to be first everywhere. He studies “excellently” without making any effort. She becomes independent early, does not like her peers, tries to find older company, is brave and persistent. She loves when she is given attention and admired for her talents, achievements and beauty.

Violettas are very beautiful, attractive, stylish women. They have excellent taste, charm and style, love comfort, art, luxury. Knows how to be sweet and charming. The shortest way to her heart is flattery. She is very sociable and loves to make profitable acquaintances. She does not need money; usually it easily comes into her hands, since Violetta is a very lucky person. He spends money without looking back, so he may face old age in poverty.

Loving, amorous and fickle, so she can get married more than once. Their husbands are jealous of them, their mothers-in-law do not like them. If her husband loves her very much, he may well become a good mother and wife, an excellent housewife. He loves and spoils his children.

She loves large, noisy companies, is in the center of attention, and is always aware of all the affairs of relatives and friends. He will listen to anyone, but does not share his problems with anyone, preferring to solve them on his own. But she doesn’t have many real friends. And only they know that Violetta is a very sensitive person, while others think that she lacks warmth.

Violetta doesn’t have time to get sick, so she has excellent health, but if you don’t take care of it, heart problems can arise.

Purposeful, active, lively, practical, she will find a way out of any situation. If she likes something, she is very diligent and throws herself into her work. Can make an excellent career in art, tourism. Loves dancing, music, and has a penchant for foreign languages. Can become a good leader, psychologist, teacher, analyst, designer, tour guide, even a flight attendant or nurse.

Not every owner of the name Violetta likes her name; they consider it too pretentious. Name days – May 3, October 29.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Violka, Olyusha, Violetka, Viola, Vitulya, Vitusya


Ola, Olya, Villa, Vela, Veta, Vita, Tusya, Volya, Letta, Vitsa

According to the church



  • red


  • Луна


  • air

Stone talisman






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