Origin of the name Vesta

Onomast scholars do not give an exact answer about the origin of the name Vesta, highlighting two main versions. According to one of them, the name came from Ancient Rome, where the cult of the goddess Vesta, the guardian of the family hearth, flourished. The priestesses of Vesta, called vestals, had broad powers, including pardoning criminals. In Ancient Greece, this goddess was called Hestia.

According to the second version, the proper noun Vesta is of Slavic origin. This explains the spread of the name in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. It is believed to come from the noun “news”. Let us note that the ancient Slavs called Vesta a girl who was fully prepared for family life, that is, in charge. You can also recall the same root word “bride,” which meant a girl who was not ready for marriage. The female name Vesta has several abbreviated versions: News, Veta, Vetochka. It is not found in Christian sources, so its bearers do not celebrate their name day.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Vesta

Vesta has original thinking and an analytical mind. The girl always amazes those around her with her unusual and eccentric actions. Vesta does not like to show her emotions, even if passions flare up inside her. Those around her believe that Vesta has a difficult character, because she often uses a commanding tone when communicating. Since childhood, Vesta has been more drawn to her father, finding a common language with him more easily than with her mother. Even as a child, she gets what she wants from her parents. Therefore, she masters the art of manipulation, using it in adult life. Purposeful Vesta always achieves planned results.

At school, Vesta is considered a good activist, but she cannot be called an exemplary student. She amazes teachers with her strength of intellect and developed horizons. Vesta has few friends, since the girl has a rather difficult character. In addition, she is honest and straightforward: not everyone wants to hear the truth about themselves. However, if Vesta began to be friends, she will patronize her friend and take care of him.

A woman with this name does not choose painstaking and monotonous activities. She enjoys creative work and communicating with children. She will make an excellent leader: conservative, but fair.

A girl with this name has a bright appearance. Vesta is always surrounded by fans, followed by the glory of a fatal beauty. But don’t think she’s frivolous. She takes relationships more seriously than her lovers. Vesta gets married early. She loves to give orders to her household, to command them. However, one should not assume that she is a leader. Vesta likes it when her husband does not bend under her and does as he sees fit. She does not like routine, entrusting some household responsibilities to relatives.

Vesta is a sporty person. Throughout her life she has been interested in active sports. As a child, Vesta was involved in athletics and dancing.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Veta, Vestochka, Vest



According to the church



  • blue


  • Jupiter


  • air

Stone talisman

sapphire, beryl





Totem animal


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