History of the origin of the name Vesna
The origin of this beautiful name becomes clear to anyone who knows at least one Slavic language. The name Spring comes from the Slavic name for the warm season following winter and cold weather.
This is probably what our ancestors called the long-awaited babies born with the first warming sun of spring.
The name is by no means rare for Balkan countries. In Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, no one will be surprised and will not ask again what the name is. In these countries, names that have a direct meaning in Slavic languages are common. We, unfortunately, have lost this tradition.
The name has two possible pronunciation options: with an emphasis on the first syllable Vesna and on the last syllable Vesna. There are also similar names Vesenia, Vesnyana, Veseya.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vesna
The name Vesna in all Slavic languages means “spring”. Spring, stonefly, spring is a warm season, a season that comes after winter and gives way to summer.
Direct characterization of a name in language makes it easier to understand and enhances the character with certain traits. The perception of the word “spring” endows the owner of a similar name with tenderness, lightness, and femininity.
Spring will not be tough and strong-willed, closed or ambitious. No, this is the very embodiment of femininity, love, wise power and light. From childhood, such a child delights with obedience, despite activity and mischief, attention to details, to the word of elders, to everything living and beautiful.
The girl will be charismatic, but affectionate and gentle. No excessive storm of emotions or eccentricity. Feminine depth and wisdom, musicality, the great role of intuition – all this will help Spring find her place in life.
A penchant for music and any creativity in general, for communication and helping plants, children and animals open up wide opportunities in choosing a profession. Spring is hardworking, persistent, and can work long and hard for a goal.
No one expects that this airy creature is capable of career growth, defending its position, overcoming difficulties for the sake of what it loves. All these qualities will help Vesna ensure financial stability for herself and her family.
She is lucky in love. It cannot be said that Spring is amorous. Rather, it is fickle. But exactly until he chooses “his” person. It’s important for her to find a soul mate. A man’s status, money or achievements do not attract her as much as the ability to sense her mood, the willingness to put her interests first.
Her home is the epitome of comfort and fun. This is a real place of power for her large family. After all, Spring can gather under one roof not only a husband and children, but also older relatives, friends and classmates of children, a dozen cats and dogs, visiting girlfriends, etc. She is a kind mother, a caring and sensitive wife and a hospitable hostess.
Despite this state of affairs, Vesna will never get bogged down in everyday life, will always be aware of interesting events, and is young in soul and mind. Therefore, Vesna has many real friends, and her best friends become almost sisters. Vesna solves her own problems, rarely asks for help, but always appreciates goodness.
Name days:
The name is not Christian. Name days are not celebrated. But you can celebrate a memorable name day during the spring equinox on March 20-21.
Diminutive version
Vesenka, Vesya, Vesya, Vesnyashka, Freckle, Vesnochka, Yesya, Vesenka
Vesya, Esya
According to the church
- golden
- yellow
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
beryl, rock crystal
coltsfoot, poplar
Totem animal