History of the origin of the name Veronica

The name in question has a rich, fascinating past. Its origins lie in Ancient Greece, where it was originally pronounced Pherenike. This was the name of the wife of the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter, and the mother of the ruler of Cyrene, Magas. The legend also names the mother of the ancient Olympic champion Peysedora in a similar way. The mythical heroine herself trained her son, but the presence of women at the games was prohibited. Then the brave lady made her way to the stadium in men’s clothing and rejoiced at the triumph of her son. The trick was discovered, but the wrestler’s mentor was forgiven.

From Hellas the name passed to Rome and its provinces, and varieties emerged – Berenice, Berenice. The Bible mentions the Jewish queen Berenice.

According to apocryphal legends, the name was glorified by the followers of Christ: the bleeding woman who was cured by touching the robes of the Messiah and the girl who followed Jesus on his way of the cross to Golgotha. When the Savior fell to his knees, exhausted from torment, the merciful student wiped his face with a handkerchief, on which the divine face was imprinted. Catholics keep several relics called “Veronica’s Plates”, which they believe contain a miraculous image of Jesus. The saint’s memory is celebrated on July 9 and 12; she is considered the patroness of photographers.

In medieval Europe it was transformed to “Veronica” – a resident of the city of Verona. The stress here is on the second syllable. An analogue for the stronger sex also appeared – a rare example of the formation of a man’s name from a woman’s.

It came to Russia at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century due to the fact that the Orthodox do not honor the mentioned righteous women. Today it is fashionable and is one of the top ten popular names for newborns.

Among its famous owners: opera singer Borisenko, poetess Tushnova, pop singer Kruglova, actresses Dudarova, Kozorovitskaya, Izotova, Lake, Webb. Loved by millions of fans are the “star” of the TV series Castro, the author of the Divergent book series – Roth, the psychologist Nurkova, and the athletes Roig and Popova.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Veronica

Translated as “bringing victory,” “true,” “victorious.” Associated with the goddess of primacy Nike, whose name is used as a shortened version. Other diminutive forms: Vera, Veronya, Rona, Vika.

It feels tenderness, beauty, lightness, fearlessness, joy and mobility. “Nika” sounds weaker, but delicate. “Rona” is more harsh, cold and ponderous. Other appeals are muted.

Associated with faith as a virtue, feminine, carries a positive emotional connotation. It probably gives the people wearing it attractiveness, activity, kindness, an optimistic attitude, and femininity. May leave an imprint of ambition and pride.

The energy of the name is positive and powerful. Vibration – 120 fps, radiation – 000%.

In astrology, it is answered by the Sun and the constellation Leo; talismans – onyx, dark opal, tourmaline; colors – black, purple, blue; symbols – tiger and dove; tree – cypress; element – water. A genus of flowering plants, Veronica, is dedicated to him.

Character traits of the name Veronica

The distinctive features of the bearer of the name are carelessness, spontaneity, and good nature. She is light, like her winged namesake – the celestial goddess. She loves to be the center of attention since childhood, but is shy in her early years.

Veronica likes to sing, dance, draw, take part in amateur performances, and entertain companies with sparkling humor and resourcefulness. And, by all means, succeed, triumph, collect trophies of admiration and compliments. They are attracted to the vibrant bohemian environment. Communication, travel, and visiting cultural events are necessary. They prefer to be friends with men.

Imperfections result in stubbornness, capriciousness and narcissism. But these qualities are also a tool for them to deal with difficult circumstances, a means of maintaining determination.

The sensitivity of these individuals is combined with developed intelligence and profundity, which turns into wisdom. Thanks to them, Veronica does not make serious mistakes that accompany frivolity, impulsiveness and changeability.

The “victorious” lady knows how to be content with little, cope with difficult situations, and is able to help with advice and action. If he resorts to manipulating people, he does it skillfully and unnoticed.

In the event of unfavorable turns of fate, one tends to become irritated, withdraw into oneself, and seek solace in religion and spiritual communities.

It is difficult to experience everyday life, routine, and needs regular intense impressions. Brave, fair to others, steadfastly endures insults.

Veronica’s family and love relationships

In matters of the heart, Veronica is impetuous, often falls in love, but quickly grows cold. She is accompanied by an army of admirers. Sometimes she uses power over her gentlemen. She gets married very early under the influence of feelings, usually deep and lasting.

She gradually gets used to her family situation, does not get used to the role of a homebody, and strives to gradually lead her husband, which she successfully succeeds in doing.

Over time, she becomes an impeccable housewife and a selfless mother, but her husband will need patience and warmth. Being a wife, she does not tolerate the rudeness and inflexibility of her companion. I agree if he provides for the household financially, but rebels against the patriarchal approach in the decision-making process. In such a case, divorce is not excluded.

Often marries two or three times. Due to constant love affairs and unstable attachments, Veronica loses her happiness, remaining lonely in old age. She needs a reliable person, with whom she will appreciate the benefits of stability.

The sexuality of this person is not as great as it seems. Sex gives her pleasure, but she is distracted in bed by her own thoughts, she is worried about whether she is beautiful at that moment. What is important to her is emotional closeness, caring, and tact from her partner, which allows her to reveal herself as a passionate lover and give him an unforgettable experience.

Harmony is attributed to alliances with Vladimir, Victor, Peter, Leonid, Boris, Igor, Stanislav.

Choice of profession, business, Veronica’s career

Lack of discipline is the main obstacle for Nika the worker. But in an interesting field he overcomes his disadvantage. Realized as a good teacher, doctor, kindergarten teacher. Ambitious, she performs her duties impeccably in order to become an ideal winner. At the same time, her responsiveness and compassion are revealed.

She likes the world of art, so she chooses the tempting prestigious professions of an artist, musician, designer, writer, photographer, fashion designer, and show business figure. He is sensitive to the needs of the public, aesthetic trends and wants to make the existence of humanity more beautiful and enjoyable.

Innate communication skills contribute to her in the field of journalism, service, law, advertising and public relations.

She moves up the career ladder without problems, is efficient, and does not conflict with colleagues. Doesn’t gravitate toward management positions. Willingly choose household chores rather than work.

Entrepreneurship is not suitable for Veronica. She is unable to control the current situation, manage subordinates and finances, and predict future changes.

Veronica’s health

The owner of the name is in average health. From a young age she suffers from colds and hypothermia: she is susceptible to ARVI, sore throat, diseases of the nose and throat. It is believed that “spring” Nicks have stronger immunity. Persons with the specified name will have to increase the body’s resistance: use immunomodulators, vitamin-mineral complexes, and perform breathing exercises.

They are at high risk of injury. They are plagued by neuroses, depression, allergies, dermatitis, cholecystitis and intestinal diseases. Oriental gymnastic practices, choreography classes, and non-strength sports are shown. To relax the nervous system, massage, aromatherapy, and herbal baths are suitable.

A balanced diet without exotic diets, adequate sleep on a hard surface, daily walks in the fresh air, and seasonal outdoor recreation are recommended. It is important to avoid direct sunlight and solariums, and monitor the humidity in the room.

Veronica is contraindicated from stress and negative experiences. Increased sensitivity is smoothed out by correction through autogenic training, listening to soothing melodies, and using art therapy.

Veronica baby name

Veronica is a cheerful and affectionate child. She needs a cozy atmosphere of harmony and mutual understanding within her home. She is growing up nimble and restless – she will need leniency from her elders and encouragement of her creative endeavors. But excessive care is fraught with lack of independence and selfishness; the baby should be trusted and given a certain freedom.

She studies normally, but is absent-minded and neglects school knowledge in favor of extracurricular clubs and sections. To prevent overexertion, it will not hurt to regulate the girl’s work schedule, teaching her to be organized and act according to plan.

Little Nika helps her parents in raising her brothers and sisters, and although she sometimes competes with them, she sincerely loves them. The name can be given to the firstborn or subsequent daughters.

It is successfully complemented by the patronymics Vadimovna, Gennadievna, Stepanovna, Ruslanovna, Aleksandrovna, Pavlovna, Igorevna.

Enhances the best properties of those born under the signs of Taurus, Libra and Gemini.

At baptism she is called Virinea. Name days are celebrated on October 17th.

Name days:

July 25, October 17

Diminutive version

Veronica, Verochka, Veronya, Verunya, Verusha


Vera, Vika, Nika, Nikasha, Nikusha, Ronya, Rona, Ronyusha

According to the church




  • Sun
  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

onyx, black opal




cypress, veronica

Totem animal

tiger, dove

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