- History of the origin of the name Vera
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Vera
- Character traits of the name Vera
- Family and love relationships of Vera
- Choice of profession, business, career of Vera
- Health of Vera
- Name Vera for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Vera
Vera is a name that penetrated into the Old Church Slavonic language by tracing the ancient Greek “Pistios” – faithful. In Greek, the word was used as one of the main epithets inherent in the god Zeus.
There is another opinion, according to which Vera is short for the names Venus or Veronica.
The name Vera entered the Slavic name book along with the names Nadezhda and Lyubov quite late – in the 18th century, although it is found in church books already in the 9th century. The later entry into the Slavic lexicon of these names is explained by the close connection of the proposed names with a general vocabulary prone to polysemy. In church calendars, only the names of saints could be used, sometimes transliterated, but always proper, unambiguous.
Colloquial and diminutive versions of the name Vera are: Verochka, Verunya, Verka, Verakha, Verasha, Verulya, Verusya, Rusya, Verukha, Verusha. The name Vera is now popular not only in Slavic languages, but also in English, German, Finnish, and Swedish.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vera
Angel of Faith Day – September 30th.
Who is Vera? According to legend, Vera – next to Hope and Love – is one of the martyrs executed by Emperor Hadrian around 120-137. At the time of execution, her elder sister Vera was only 12 years old.
Their mother, the widow Sophia, arrived in Rome from Milan with three daughters, whom she raised in the Christian spirit. When the emperor found out about this, he tried to distract them from their professed faith and force them to worship the goddess Diana. The girls refused – and paid for this disobedience with their lives. Having endured brutal torture, the children died only after beheading. After burying the torn bodies of her daughters, Sofia lived only three days.
The legend became most famous in the Middle Ages, and the first veneration of the saints dates back to the 6th-7th centuries, which already raises doubts about the authenticity of the existence of these saints, whose life history was subject to changes more than once and contained numerous inaccuracies. Some researchers are inclined to believe that there were no specific historical figures with such names, and the legend about them is an allegorical story about Christian virtues.
Character traits of the name Vera
Of course, the name leaves an imprint on the fate of its bearer, so it is not surprising that Vera is, first of all, a sensible truth-seeker who clearly knows what she wants and how to achieve it. Vera’s imperturbable character often pushes her to take tough actions. Vera is a practical woman, not subject to fantasies and head in the clouds. She is very kind, but her kindness has limits, so Vera, if she sees that she is being trivially used, is able to let out her claws and fully show all the charms of her character. Faith is truthful, therefore it does not tolerate lies or sycophancy, which it unmistakably recognizes and immediately rejects.
Logic and common sense are the key traits that manifest themselves in little Verochka as a child. She is rarely capricious, she is always busy with something: she either collects various little things, then gets into researching living nature and breeds and dissects bugs, thinks about ways of plant propagation, then she is ready to devote all her free time to caring for flowers in a flowerbed, dacha, or at least balcony
At school, Vera usually studies well, often with excellent marks; she is organized, collected, knows how to accurately plan time, dispassionately analyze the situation and draw logical and logical conclusions.
Vera is trusting in childhood and adolescence, but over time, Vera’s trust in people fades somewhat – and she begins to judge her friends not by words and promises, but solely by deeds and actions. Vera has few friends, but Vera can always count on those she has. Women bearing this name perceive betrayal very painfully: they immediately become indecisive and acquire many complexes. If something doesn’t work out for Vera in life, she is capable of falling into depression, she is enveloped in groundless sadness and depression, from which she is quite capable of getting out of it on her own, relying only on strength of character, sober calculation and a clear plan of what to do next.
Faith is very kind and even sacrificial. This trait of hers manifests itself primarily in neglecting her own interests if someone close to her needs help. Vera will always pick up and leave a neglected stray animal and, even if she doesn’t keep it, she will definitely give it into good hands.
Vera does not like noisy companies, and if such a gathering cannot be avoided, she tries to run away as quickly as possible. A woman named Vera is extremely reserved and is not extremely impulsive. She, like every person, has some hidden desires regarding the search for adventures and various adventures, but she never follows their lead and always thinks about the consequences. Vera, as a rational person, the opinion of what others will say will always restrain her from rash actions.
Vera is a creative person. She has a well-developed sense of beauty and the ability to see something original and interesting in those things that another person would not even pay attention to. Vera often plays musical instruments, writes poetry, or does handicrafts.
Family and love relationships of Vera
Vera is a very organized and practical person, and therefore approaches creating a family pragmatically and wisely, but at the same time, young Vera is devoid of commercialism and is far from chasing rich suitors. When choosing a life partner, the key qualities are those that will subsequently provide Vera with a comfortable and comfortable existence, and she, in turn, will do everything for the chosen one to reach the top: she will support him, encourage him, and help him in every possible way. Vera is very far from the idea that it’s heaven with a sweetheart and in a hut; she has very, very specific requirements for this “hut”.
Women named Vera are very attractive in their youth and are popular with the opposite sex, but only a few can count on her favor. Vera has a very difficult time making a decision about marriage; she is very afraid of making a mistake, and therefore tries to calculate all possible options. Very often, Vera can change plans at the last moment, when, it would seem, nothing can stop the wedding.
Usually Vera is happy in her marriage, which she owes primarily to herself, her ability to accurately “read” people and set priorities correctly.
Immediately after the wedding, Verochka tries to build a good relationship with her husband’s family, so even when the family was previously against marrying her, over time they will definitely change their decision. Vera wants to maintain a good relationship with her mother-in-law, because she believes that in this way she demonstrates a good attitude towards her husband. And if the mother-in-law is smart, then she will definitely appreciate Vera’s intelligence and efforts and will support her in every possible way. If not, then over time Vera will definitely do a “debriefing,” sort out the relationship and distance herself as much as possible from her husband’s family, while enlisting the obligatory support of her chosen one.
Vera is kind, restrained and balanced, but if these traits are not appreciated and they try to manipulate Vera, then she very quickly shows who is the master of the situation.
The best suited for marriage with Vera are men named Alexander, Vladimir, Egor, Evgeniy, Zakhar, Mikhail, Pavel. Men with the names Anatoly, Vyacheslav, Vladislav, Oleg or Philip are best avoided.
Choice of profession, business, career of Vera
In her work, Vera sets very specific goals and strives to achieve them. She is very efficient and can work equally with men.
Vera is an impulsive person, but in everything related to work, she tries to push aside emotions and be guided exclusively by common sense. Vera is very persistent and obligatory, so she will definitely complete the task, no matter what it costs her. She is meticulous and neat, so she would do well in the professions of a chemist, biologist, and laboratory assistant. However, Vera treats work without fanaticism if it is not related to creativity and perceives it simply as a way of making money.
If you are confused in a situation and cannot make a decision on your own, contact a friend or colleague named Vera. She will very quickly clarify the situation, help you take off your rose-colored glasses and open your eyes to the real state of things.
It is believed that Vera has very poorly developed intuition, so she is guided by generally accepted norms and stereotypes. If Vera’s subconscious doesn’t tell her anything, then she takes control of the situation and tries to solve complex problems on her own. She often succeeds in this very well.
The ability to “read” people makes Vera a good psychologist, teacher or diplomat.
Vera will also achieve success in purely creative professions: actress, musician, artist, poet.
Health of Vera
There is no clear information regarding Vera’s health. Some sources claim that most often problems in women bearing this name are associated with diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. Vera is very squeamish, and therefore, purely intuitively, she will not eat food that she does not like outwardly.
Other sources emphasize that Vera often suffer from various joint diseases, including arthritis and arthrosis.
Vera is very sensitive to colds, and therefore must take care of herself so as not to give the disease a single chance.
However, a healthy lifestyle and constant preventive measures can protect Vera from various illnesses and guarantee a long, happy and healthy life.
Name Vera for a child
Traits such as determination, balance, and a healthy mind make the name Vera attractive to young parents. Vera is a name that periodically disappears from use, then becomes relevant again.
Faith is a characteristic of a strong, self-confident woman who is able to overcome all life’s difficulties and confidently achieve her goal.
The name Vera is borne by both representatives of the Slavic peoples and the Western world: Vera Kholodnaya – silent film actress; Vera Alentova – actress; Vera Romanova – princess; Vera Mukhina – sculptor; Vera Glebova – chemist; Vera Lockwood – actress; Vera Miles is an actress.
Name days:
February 26, June 14, September 30, October 14, December 31
Diminutive version
Verochka, Veronka, Verushka, Verchik, Verunya, Verusya, Verulya, Verasha, Verusha
Verka, Verukha, Rusya
According to the church
- gray
- Saturn
- fire
Stone talisman
maple tree, scream
Totem animal