- History of the origin of the name Vasily
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Vasily
- Character traits of the name Vasily
- Family and love relationships of Vasily
- Choice of profession, business, career of Vasily
- Vasily’s health
- Name Vasily for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Vasily
Vasily is a male Russian name of Greek origin. It originates from the ancient Greek words “basilios” and “basileios”, which are translated as “royal, royal” and “basileus” – “king, monarch, ruler”. Appeared during the Persian wars in the 5th century BC. In ancient Greek mythology, this is the definition of the two elder gods – Zeus and Poseidon.
In Western European languages, the sound of the name closest to the Greek has been preserved – Basil in English, Basil in French.
The name came to the territory of Rus’ from Byzantium along with Christianity. Prince Vladimir Yaroslavovich himself was baptized with the name Vasily, which in Byzantium was the name of the imperial family. After the baptism of Rus’, children in families of different branches of the Rurik family were often given this name. After the formation of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the name Vasily became a grand-ducal hereditary one, and subsequently a royal one. The use of the name by the ruling dynasty and the presence of many saints bearing the name made it quite common among the nobility, among the common classes and even holy fools (St. Basil the Blessed, a descendant of peasants). In terms of popularity before the twentieth century, the name Vasily was second after the name Ivan in Russia. Since the 60s of the last century, the name has become a “village” name.
In the old calendar there is a form of the name Vasily, Vasilik. The modern Orthodox calendar includes the following derivatives: Vasoi, Vassian. There are closely related forms Basilisk (“king”) and Basilid (“prince”). The female derivative forms of the name Vasily are known: Vasily, Vasilla, Vasilisa and Vasilina. Modern derivative forms: Vasilyushka, Cornflower, Vasilko, Vasya, Vasyuta, Vasyunya, Vasek, Vasyai, Vaka, Vasyanya, Vasyasha, Armenian form Vasil, Belarusian Vasil and Bazyl, Bulgarian Vasil and Vasylen, Ukrainian Vasyl, Chuvash Vasley. In the modern Orthodox calendar, there are about a hundred days – a name day for the name Vasily.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vasily
Thanks to his origin and popularity among the princely heirs, the bearer of the name Vasily seems to be a majestic, regal, powerful person with a broad outlook and panoramic thinking. If you analyze the name, abstracting from its history, it gives the impression of a cheerful, joyful, bright person and nothing more. That is, by the sound of the name, the bearer seems to be a simple and unpretentious person, although positive. At the same time, Vasya, the most commonly used shortened form, is characterized by the adjectives big, strong, majestic, round, joyful, powerful, but simple.
Analysis of the first three letters included in all Slavic forms of the name Vasily confirms the result of phonosemantic analysis of the form Vasya and the historical meaning of the name Vasily. The consonant B determines the ability to have high emotional impulses. This person is in search of extreme pleasures, an optimist and a lover of life. He carefully plans his life and strictly follows the plan. He does not know how to deceive, he is passionate, he knows how to love, he may turn out to be a monogamist.
The vowel letter A at the beginning of a name is a symbol of the beginning and desire for action, the love of harmony and comfort both in the soul and in the physical plane. A person with this name is proactive, hardworking, but selective.
The desire to stand out, to “shine,” the desire for pleasure, material stability, and extravagance of actions determines the S in the name. The bearer of the name in this case is hardworking, sensible, but irritable, prone to being capricious and exaggerating demands on others.
Character traits of the name Vasily
Vasily is a bright, open, friendly, cheerful, kind, balanced person. He is a selfless and loyal friend. Prone to misanthropy. The bearer of this name is calm, even phlegmatic, reliable, and thorough. He has a synthesizing type of thinking – he is able to assemble individual particles into a complete picture. Has an analytical mind. He knows how to find pleasure in any activity. Has his own opinion on any matter. He has an excellent memory, he is inquisitive, and he is attracted to novelty. He is reputed to be an intellectual. Able to simultaneously solve several life problems.
Vasily will not rush events; he is a fatalist who observes the course of events. He has excellent intuition, but he trusts logic more. A person with this name is self-possessed, prudent, practical, and does not retreat from obstacles. He is strong-willed, strong and domineering, capable of instructing others and protecting them from mistakes, but he rarely interferes.
Vasily knows his worth, is confident in his abilities, but is not without doubts. May withdraw into himself in a difficult situation. He is a perfectionist in business. But in everyday life it is unpretentious. He is inclined to purposeful activity; emotions will never come between his mind and will. Having set a goal for himself, he will move towards it systematically and confidently, without failures or stops.
A man with this name is cunning in small things and indulges his weaknesses. Due to his tendency to spread himself thin, Vasily can waste himself. In the heat of the moment he can get involved in a fight, he can be cruel in the name of a goal, and for the sake of it he can even violate the laws of morality, despite his inherent morality. The weak point in this man’s character is his tendency to alcoholism. In old age he becomes a grouch.
Vasily is a nature lover. An avid fan, passionate.
The character of men named Vasily is especially susceptible to seasonality. “Winter” Vasilys are cheerful, sociable, but love to philosophize. “Autumn” Vasily is responsible, even pedantic, prone to scientific activities, maybe a programmer, “summer” is more prone to alcoholism than others, weak-willed, henpecked, “spring” Vasily is cunning, capable of meanness, but has artistic and literary talent.
Family and love relationships of Vasily
Vasily is a knight, he is gallant with women, but it is important for him to be appreciated properly. A man’s self-control also affects his sexuality – he controls his emotions and desires. The sex life of the bearer of this name is active, but deep feelings are not for him. He knows how to care, is capable of romantic actions, is easily excited and often gets carried away. But he is not very interested in winning a woman; he is sure that he should be the one to achieve it. His intimate life is intense, he is rarely faithful to one partner. He is tireless in bed, knows how to choose the right words during intimacy, is attentive to his mistress, remembers her desires and preferences, and takes the leading role. Sex with him is bright, emotionally rich and memorable. He never tires of improving himself. But it depends on the response feelings. He does not talk about his feelings until he is convinced of reciprocity.
Vasily will marry a calm woman, a good housewife. His family comes second, and sometimes even third, after friends and work. Rest and self-realization will be a priority for him. However, this man is jealous. He does not help his wife with housework and easily puts up with everyday inconveniences. He loves children very much, enjoys spending time with them, but it is difficult for him to find a balance between tenderness and severity. In the case of an unsuccessful marriage, she rarely gets divorced. He will not offend his wife or child, even when drunk. Usually friendly with father-in-law.
Vasily, who does not drink, provides a decent living for his family; he is a hospitable owner and easy-going.
A successful union will be with a “summer” woman named Anna, Alexandra, Lilia, Maria, Milana, Olesya, Svetlana, Yana, Julia. Unsuccessful relationships with Ekaterina, Elena, Lydia, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Inna, Margarita, Christina.
Choice of profession, business, career of Vasily
The best areas of activity for Vasily are scientific work, engineering specialties, commerce, electronics, construction, and production processes.
Vasily is a balanced, intelligent, intelligent and hardworking employee. He is not ambitious, but can build a career through his approach to work – he is valued and respected. If Vasily has an addiction to alcohol, people at work often turn a blind eye to it. He is dedicated to his work, constantly develops, is interested in new achievements, he can be a talented inventor himself. It is useless to put pressure on Vasily. If he is sure that he is right, he will ignore any pressure. When it comes to deadlines, you need to take into account the thoroughness of the bearer of this name and his slowness; deadlines are not for him. For Vasily, it is important to earn money and grow professionally, but if he does not enjoy his work, all this becomes meaningless.
Vasily will be an excellent leader. He can handle both people and the production process. He is an impeccable organizer, but often has difficulty delegating responsibilities.
The true calling of modern Vasily is business. He is able to calculate his actions many steps ahead. He is lucky, confident in his abilities, and has excellent intuition. Yes, he will not risk everything for the sake of success or get involved in something absolutely innovative, but he will be able to systematically develop his business, moving forward and upward. Particularly successful in business are Vasily Vasilyevichs, Ivanovichs and Yakovlevichs.
Vasily’s health
Vasily has usually been in good health since childhood. The weak link in Vasily’s body is the nervous system. He should avoid mental overload, nervous strain, and prolonged stress. Any stimulants – energy drinks, alcohol, drugs – are dangerous for a man with this name. They destroy already fragile nerves. But yoga, walking, swimming, meditation and good sleep will help maintain the health of the nervous system until old age.
If Vasily succumbs to alcohol addiction, then, in addition to nervous disorders, he is at risk of developing diseases of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis), blood supply system (blood clots, myocardial infarction) and blood, endocrine system, nephritis and nephrosis.
Name Vasily for a child
Vasily has been a balanced and patient boy since childhood. Rarely shows affection. It is necessary to develop tolerance in a child with this name from childhood. At the same time, Vasya will never offend the weak – neither man nor animal. This is a kind and flexible child. His grandparents adore him.
Vasya is always surrounded by friends. He cannot live without communicating with his peers. Friends for him are the center of the universe and the ultimate truth. For their sake, the boy sacrifices his own pleasures and interests. For him there are no material or age barriers to friendship. This trait remains with him throughout his life. This child loves animals very much and will be happy to have a pet. Vasily is very persistent from an early age, he can patiently wait until his favorite swing or toys are free, without being distracted by anything else. Vasya studies well, thanks to his memory and curiosity, but without parental supervision he can succumb to laziness. Since childhood, a penchant for invention and analytics has been evident – the boy constantly comes up with new ways of performing familiar actions.
In his youth, Vasily’s hard work and perseverance intensify; it is important that by this time he already has a goal and enough motivation to achieve it. Otherwise, he will direct all his abilities in the opposite direction.
Name days:
5 января , 14 января , 20 января , 12 февраля , 14 февраля , 17 февраля , 19 февраля , 22 февраля , 23 февраля , 26 февраля , 3 марта , 5 марта , 13 марта , 14 марта , 17 марта , 2 апреля , 4 апреля , 5 апреля , 8 апреля , 10 апреля , 25 апреля , 1 мая , 9 мая , 12 мая , 13 мая , 19 мая , 22 мая , 23 мая , 26 мая , 31 мая , 1 июня , 5 июня , 10 июня , 14 июня , 20 июня , 21 июня , 23 июня , 1 июля , 5 июля , 8 июля , 11 июля , 14 июля , 16 июля , 18 июля , 19 июля , 28 июля , 10 августа , 13 августа , 15 августа , 20 августа , 24 августа , 25 августа , 26 августа , 27 августа , 4 сентября , 10 сентября , 12 сентября , 15 сентября , 17 сентября , 22 сентября , 23 сентября , 3 октября , 4 октября , 7 октября , 11 октября , 15 октября , 17 октября , 21 октября , 23 октября , 3 ноября , 4 ноября , 8 ноября , 11 ноября , 13 ноября , 16 ноября , 19 ноября , 27 ноября , 29 ноября , 3 декабря , 5 декабря , 8 декабря , 9 декабря , 10 декабря , 11 декабря , 17 декабря , 22 декабря , 28 декабря
Diminutive version
Vasenka, Vasyushka, Vasechka, Vasyasha, Vasyunya
Vasya, Vaska, Vasyok, Vasyochek, Vasyanya, Vasyuta, Vasyata, Syuta, Vasilek
According to the church
- blue
- Saturn
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
elm, thistle
Totem animal