- History of the origin of the name Vasilisa
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Vasilisa
- Character traits of the name Vasilisa
- Family and love relationships of Vasilisa
- Choice of profession. Business, career of Vasilisa
- Vasilisa’s health
- Name Vasilisa for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Vasilisa
The name Vasilisa refers to pairs, and is a female version of the male name Vasily. Both names came to our language from ancient Greek, and during the period of the spread of Christianity they became very popular. The name Vasilisa has been known since ancient times thanks to the legend of the holy martyr Vasilisa of Nicomedia, who already at the age of nine had such strong faith and exceptional fearlessness that no persecution by the Roman emperor Diakletian and his henchman Hegemon Alexander could convince her to renounce Christianity. After the young warrior for the faith emerged unharmed from the fire and was not touched by the wild lions to whom she was thrown to be torn to pieces, Alexander was shocked to such an extent that he stopped torturing Vasilisa and accepted Christianity himself. During the years of Soviet power, the name Vasilisa lost its former popularity, but now it is becoming in demand again.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Vasilisa
The male name Vasily comes from the Greek “basilius”, which is translated as “ruler”, “king”. Over time, the ancient Greek letter “beta” was transformed, it began to be pronounced as “v”, for this reason both paired names began to be pronounced differently, the female one began to sound like Vasilisa. Vasilisa’s character largely depends on the time of her birth.
Vasilisa the Winter is narcissistic, unyielding, merciless, vain, conflict-ridden, and at the same time she quite sincerely considers herself open and fair. Winter Vasilisa is overly emotional, which causes problems in relationships with people. She finds it difficult to build relationships with men.
Spring Vasilisa is distinguished by cunning and ingenuity, these qualities help her make a career. She cleverly manipulates men who present her with whatever she wants. When Vasilisa spring begins to build a serious relationship, it turns out that she knows how to love and be a devoted friend.
Vasilisa Summer can be called an altruist; she does not require absolutely any concessions for herself. At the same time, she knows how to stand up for herself if it occurs to someone to offend her. This woman has been able to absorb new knowledge and learn all her life; she sees the meaning of life in development.
Autumn Vasilisa is distinguished by rare diplomacy, tact, and gentleness of character. In conflicts, she prefers to remain silent, knowing that life itself will put everything in its place. She finds it difficult to get along with strangers and is afraid of deception and betrayal. Loneliness is not for Autumn Vasilisa; she feels a real need for love and friendship.
Character traits of the name Vasilisa
By nature, Vasilisa is a powerful, stubborn person; she does not tolerate any objections, but at the same time, all her motives are distinguished by rare nobility. Vasilisa is a female leader, despite this she can be soft and responsive, prone to asceticism and self-sacrifice. However, when the need arises, he openly goes into conflict, regardless of personalities and authorities. The strength of her character in wisdom, determination, and firmness of spirit gives this woman a masculine origin to her name. Vasilisa can also be affectionate and feminine, but only with those people who do not offend or betray her.
Family and love relationships of Vasilisa
Vasilisa has high demands on a man. He must be courageous, smart, kind, brave, hard-working, fair. This woman knows how to wait, she gets exactly the kind of person she imagined in her dreams. Her marriage does not always stand the test of strength; most of the blame here lies with Vasilisa.
Vasilisa is demanding, highly moral, these character traits do not allow them to establish correct interpersonal relationships. When bearers of this name fall in love, they become more tolerant and gentle towards their partner, but this period quickly ends. After getting used to her husband, Vasilisa again returns to her previous style of communication and behavior. Not every man can withstand such metamorphoses; many spouses prefer divorce.
Vasilisa’s intelligence, beauty, and undoubted charm cannot hold back a man; many of them suffer from loneliness. If Vasilisa managed to overcome her difficult character, she can become a happy wife and an excellent mother. Vasilisa will be able to both pity and punish her children; she is fair and diplomatic. She does a lot to make her home cozy and comfortable; there is also a place for guests here.
Men who managed to build a strong family with Vasilisa sincerely consider themselves lucky. And almost always these are patient, good-natured and tactful men who managed to discern in a powerful, pragmatic woman a soft, vulnerable and sensual soul, capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.
Choice of profession. Business, career of Vasilisa
Since bearers of this name have been drawn to the exact sciences since childhood, they often choose male professions, which require a lot of mental investment and strength of character. Men who occupy a dominant position in the profession needlessly underestimate Vasilisa; she is quite capable of surpassing them in professionalism. Working with this woman is not easy; she is talented and ambitious. Hard work, responsibility and diligence help her quickly make a career.
These women make excellent biologists, chemists, lawyers, bankers, judges, accountants, teachers, and psychologists. She can find herself in the exact sciences, where abstract thinking is necessary, in research activities in the field of genetics and brain physiology. Occultism, hypnosis, and healing using unconventional methods can become this woman’s professional activity.
As for Vasilisa’s business and career, when developing her original ideas she will be met with misunderstanding from others. However, success and fame are almost always guaranteed to her, and money comes second for Vasilisa. There are areas in which she can achieve financial success, usually this is science, she is often awarded for discoveries, or healing, which can also be a good source of income.
Vasilisa’s health
In childhood, girls with this name are born and grow up weak, prone to frequent colds. By adolescence, the pain goes away, but it does not come by itself – hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, and healthy sleep are necessary. All these recommendations should be followed in adult life; Vasilisa has a tendency to overwork herself, and mental and psychological overload is extremely harmful to her. The older Vasilisa gets, the more she needs to pay attention to her diet; she is not inclined to be overweight, but she may well spoil her stomach.
Name Vasilisa for a child
The baby with this name grows up as a timid, shy child; she extremely dislikes conflicts and showdowns. The girl resembles a modest wildflower that gives people tenderness and beauty. Friends and relatives are perplexed, not understanding when and how their quiet person turned into a powerful person. But the name obliges – Vasilisa loves justice, does not tolerate meanness, and defends her point of view to the bitter end. Vasilisa’s peculiarity is that she takes other people’s pain very close to her heart.
She grows up as her mother’s assistant, knows how to cook and clean, knit and sew. For parents, little Vasilisa is a great consolation. At school she is an exemplary student, Vasilisa methodically and persistently masters subjects, exact sciences are her strong point. The only thing that little Vasilisa can be reproached for is her excessive stubbornness, but she will carry this trait throughout her life.
Name days:
January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4, September 16
Diminutive version
Vasylya, Vasylyka, Vasyunya, Vasyliska, Vasyusha, Vasylyna, Lyssa
Vasya, Vaska, Vasena, Vasyuta, Syunya, Syuta
According to the church
- blue
- Mercury
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
amethyst, amber
ash tree
Totem animal