Origin of the name Vanessa

The history of this name is associated with two legends, but the exact origin remains a mystery. The first legend dates back to the 18th century, the period of the work of the world famous English writer Jonathan Swift. The author of the books simply made up a beautiful female name by combining the first syllables of the surname and first name of a girl he knew, for whom he had warm feelings. The lady’s name was Esther Vanomri and, initially, the name Vanessa was invented just for her.

Unfortunately, Esther died tragically and, a few years after her death, the writer named the heroine of his poem Vanessa.

According to another legend, the name Vanessa comes from the name of a genus of beautiful butterflies. This story arose already in the 19th century, when a new genus was discovered and received the name of the Greek deity Phanes, which translates as “appearance.” According to this interpretation, the name Vanessa means “butterfly”, “revealed, appeared, arisen.”

The name gained its greatest popularity already in the 20th century, especially in its second half. For example, in Germany, for several decades, the name Vanessa was among the ten most popular names.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Vanessa

The girl, named Vanessa, is incredibly inquisitive from a very early age. She is drawn to everything beautiful, she very subtly feels harmony even in the little things. This makes the girl quite creative, emotional, and ready to share her impressions with others. If there is no one to share her delight, Vanessa does not worry, but remains alone with herself and, with ecstasy, is engaged in creativity. Such withdrawal into oneself often ends in loneliness and loss of friends.

In adolescence, an understanding of one’s own peculiarity, difference from others comes, which does not please, but, on the contrary, leads to even greater isolation. At this time, Vanessa’s most complete immersion in creativity, art, in everything that gives the girl joy and protects her from a world alien to her.

With age comes self-confidence, based on the self-esteem that is always present in Vanessa. Creativity drives achievements, develops determination and perseverance. A rich inner life and the desire for perfection allow a girl to realize herself in any creative profession.

For those around her, Vanessa always remains enigmatic and mysterious. She is loved and valued as a sensitive, interesting person, interlocutor, and friend. Vanessa does not strive for marriage. Her self-sufficiency is so great that she values ​​freedom much more than marriage. However, if a man still manages to win her heart, Vanessa will respond with her characteristic passion. However, you should not expect a woman to turn into an excellent housewife. It will be an interesting life, full of travel, various events, but without routine household chores.

Since the name Vanessa was created artificially, it is not recognized by the church and is not mentioned in the calendar. Therefore, at baptism, the girl is given her middle name.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Vani, Nessie, Essie, Essa, Vanesska, Vanessochka, Essichka


Ness, Essie, Essa

According to the church



  • red


  • Sun


  • water

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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