History of the origin of the name Valery

The name Valery has ancient Roman roots, from Latin “valeo” – “to be healthy”, “strong”. Initially, the name had a different form and sounded like Valerius (Valerius), it was first mentioned in legends and myths about Ancient Rome. In mythology, Valerius is an epithet for the god of war, Mars. In Rus’, the name appeared much later, only in the 19th century, the church form of the name is Valery. The name Valery gained popularity only after the revolution; during this period it was fashionable to call children new, previously uncommon names, one of such names was the name Valery. The peak of its popularity occurred in the 60s of the last century, when it was one of the ten most popular male names.

The patron of the name is Saint Valery of Sebaste – a Christian who was not afraid to accept martyrdom in the name of his faith. Believers turn to the icon of the Holy Martyr with prayers for protection from troubles, enemies, and a request to give them strength to resist temptations.

Days of Angel Valery: March 22; the 6th of May; November 7 and 20.

Short form of the name: Lera, Valerik, Valya, Val, Valek, Valerchik.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Valery

Valery is a strong masculine name, its main meaning is strength and health. It has strong energy, giving a man strength of character, faith in himself and in his success. The initial part of the name “val” means determination, desire to win, the middle of the name “ler” speaks of confidence, and “riy” means perseverance, perseverance. On the path to his intended goal, Valery will never stop; he will confidently move forward to success, overcoming obstacles with dignity. Men named Valery are endowed with determination, optimism, have a strong psyche, are active and enterprising. As a rule, Valeria are choleric, quickly excited, emotional, cannot stand monotony and calmness. They need frequent changes of environment and communication with people. They secretly crave recognition, strive to be liked by everyone and feel important. Active, witty, inquisitive. He does not accept established rules, loves fun, noisy companies, and has an easy and relaxed approach to life. He often gets distracted from the really important things in his life and wastes his time on trifles. If Valery manages to overcome this drawback, then he will be able to achieve considerable victories in any business.

Character traits of the name Valery

Valery is a lover of life and an optimist, confidently walking through life. He can rarely be found in a bad mood or despondency. He is sociable, always open to communication, makes acquaintances easily, and loves to give advice. He can be overly emotional, quick-tempered, quickly wound up and can show aggression, rarely thinking about the consequences. He is one of those who does first and only thinks later. However, he is able to admit his mistakes and is ready to apologize if he is wrong, using his charm and eloquence to smooth out a conflict situation. Valery is a reliable and devoted friend who sincerely values ​​​​friendship, he has been faithful to his friends for many years, and is always ready to run to the aid of a friend at the first call. It is difficult to endure deception or betrayal from friends, believes in justice and is ready to fight for it to the end. In quarrels and conflicts he is harsh, sharp-tongued, sometimes he lacks delicacy and tact in relation to others. Valery is self-confident and fearless, easily takes on difficult tasks, loves risk and adventure since childhood, and is prone to adventurism. He boldly pursues his goal and successfully overcomes all difficulties. His activity and energy help him achieve his goals; he knows what he wants from life.

Family and love relationships of Valery

Valery is an amorous and fickle man who takes a long time to choose his life partner. He is unusually delicate and courteous with the female sex, knows how to speak and look after beautifully, has charm and attractiveness to the opposite sex. He prefers intellectual, spiritually rich, interesting women, and is also a connoisseur of female charms. Having experienced true love, he treats his chosen one very tenderly and reverently, but is in no hurry to get married. He very carefully selects a wife for himself, who must have a gentle, balanced character, occupy a good position in society and be educated. As a rule, in a marriage he is monogamous and does not cheat on his wife; he divorces only in extreme cases, trying to save the family. His devotion to marriage and family is explained by his determination and a strong sense of duty. For the sake of the well-being of his family, he is ready to work hard and achieve success. His main goal is to provide a decent future for children and make sure that they do not need anything. He devotes all his free time to his family and values ​​warm and harmonious family relationships. Prefers neat, thrifty women who know how to create comfort and order in the home. His home is a place of rest and recuperation from a busy and active outside life. Valeria’s wife should not only be a wonderful housewife, but also an attractive, gentle and feminine person. The intimate side of life plays an important role for him, but he never shows his sexuality in public, but shows it with care and attention to his chosen one.

Valerias are gentle and loving fathers who adore their children, especially if they have daughters. She pampers and cherishes them, treats them like little princesses, indulging all their whims. Valery is a homebody who is not afraid of housework, helps his wife with housework, goes shopping, monitors the family budget, is economical and prudent. He takes a leading role in the family and is its head. He does not tolerate disrespectful treatment; it is important for him to receive attention.

Choice of profession, business, career Valery

Valery is always full of ideas, he is a born innovator who is not afraid to take risks and experiment. His sharp and lively mind, energy and determination can be used in any field of activity, both in science and business. He does not tolerate control or restriction of freedom, so he rarely stays in the workplace, where there is no room for his bold ideas and experiments. He will search for himself for a long time, change jobs and fields of activity until he finds something he likes.

Among the Valeriyevs there are many successful entrepreneurs, businessmen who achieved success thanks to the ability to take risks and quickly make the right decision. Valery can show his activity and love of travel in journalism, in work related to long trips and business trips. Valery is a talented leader or organizer, capable of captivating a team and inspiring them to work with his optimism and confidence. This is a fair and responsible boss who is respected by his subordinates. Possessing talent and creative abilities, Valery can become a successful architect, musician, actor or athlete; success awaits him in any business.

Valery’s health

Valery has a good strong immune system and excellent physical characteristics; he practically does not suffer from colds. Valeria is prone to harmful addictions, such as smoking and alcohol, thereby harming their excellent health. Active and energetic during the day, needs proper rest and sleep. To feel good, it is important for him to follow a daily routine and eat right.

Name Valery for a child

Valera is a restless and mischievous person; his pranks bring a lot of worry to his parents. Since childhood, he needs attention from his parents. If he doesn’t get enough of it, he tries to attract him with noisy behavior and inappropriate actions. Little Valera is afraid of loneliness and needs the support of adults.

He is active and mobile, he is the leader of the yard, always surrounded by friends, prefers noisy games. He has organizational skills, as a rule, becomes a leader in the class, and knows how to unite and cheer up the team. He grows up as an independent boy, rarely listens to his parents’ advice, is a revolutionary by nature, always strives to defend his opinion, does not tolerate restrictions and boundaries. He is often reckless and hot-tempered. Studying is easy, he loves to read, and is interested in science fiction and adventure. Valery loves sports and achieves good success in contact sports. Loves to be the center of attention, easy-going, sometimes overly sociable and intrusive. Possessing excessive self-confidence, he often enters into conflicts and cannot stop arguing in time.

Growing up, he becomes less harsh and willful, but does not lose his charisma, people are drawn to him. For Valera, it is important to feel important to people, to be needed by them. Valery, born in winter, has a wayward character, spring Valera is a creative person, sometimes capricious. Those born in summer are active, energetic and passionate, while autumn Valeras are smart and also have an obstinate character.

Name days:

March 22, May 6, November 7, November 20

Diminutive version

Valerchik, Valerochka, Valeronka, Valerushka, Lerunya, Lerusha


Valera, Valerka, Lera, Lerych, Valik, Valya, Valka

According to the church



  • blue
  • yellow


  • Pluto


  • air

Stone talisman





chestnut, peony

Totem animal

horse, scarab beetle

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