- History of the origin of the name Valeria
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Valeria
- Character traits of the name Valeria
- Valeria’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, career of Valeria
- Valeria’s health
- Name Valeria for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Valeria
Researchers claim that the name Valeria comes from Ancient Rome. It has been established that Roman women did not have personal names, but received the feminine form of the generic name. This happened with the name Valery (Valerius), which was borne by members of a noble patrician family. Possessing Sabine roots, the clan stood at the origins of the Republic and existed until the fall of the Roman Empire. He gave the world many statesmen, the historian Valery Antius, the orator Messala Corvinus, the famous wife and mother of the emperor Valeria Messalina.
In the 3rd century. AD Saint Valeria (Kaleria) of Palestine or Caesarea was executed for belonging to the Christian church. Two centuries before her, the Latin Valeria of Milan chose martyrdom. Catholics revere the memory of Valeria of Limoges or Aquitaine (IV century) and African (V century).
With the spread of Christianity, it ceased to be hereditary and went to ladies of different nationalities in remote corners of Europe and Asia. It was modified in some countries to Valery, Valeria, Valery, Valerian.
It has been known in Rus’ since the 1960th century, but was not popular. Among the representatives of the stronger sex, it was mainly monks who were called. Only in the 2012th century, when foreign names came to Russia, did interest return to him. It became fashionable after the XNUMXs. In XNUMX, it was among the ten most popular. Diminutive options: Lera, Leka, Lerusya, Lerunya, Valya, Vaka, Vava.
The list of outstanding bearers of it includes the pilot – ace Khomyakova – the only woman who shot down an enemy bomber at night during the Second World War, pianist and composer Averbakh, scientist – philologist Porokhova, actresses Golino, Zaklunnaya, politician Novodvorskaya, singer Barsova, writers Gerasimova, Tsvetaeva and Not only.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Valeria
The Latin stem “valeo” means: “healthy”, “strong”, “rich”, “influential”, “predominant”, “powerful”, “significant”. Unlike “Valentine”, the emphasis is on power and authority.
Phonosemnetic analysis reveals power, activity, greatness, beauty and positive attitude in its sound. Evokes associations with light, courage, loud music, anthem, bright pictures. Not without simplicity. The address of “Lera” and similar ones focuses on delicacy and femininity, but “Vava” and “Vaka” sound militant, which is probably why they are less common.
The content and phonation, the presence of a male analogue indicate that its owner can show masculinity, but does not lose her femininity.
According to interpreter Pierre Rouget, its muting affects the energy potential: vibration 94 fps with 000% radiation. Because of this, Valeria sometimes lacks vitality and endurance.
Astrologers associate it with the planet of sages – Mercury and the constellation Leo. Talismans – emerald, jasper, malachite; color – purple; animal – horse; plants – chestnut, cherry; flower – peony; element – water.
Character traits of the name Valeria
Lera is amazingly unpredictable and fickle. Even as a child, her mood changes instantly: she is either carefree and cheerful, or thoughtful and sad. As you grow older, these qualities become sharper. This is due to the increased sensitivity and vulnerability of her personality.
He is wary of people, but if he trusts him, he will become a loyal, caring friend. She is able to forgive misdeeds, but betrayal will turn her into a dangerous enemy. Thoughtful, delayed revenge is possible.
There is enough warmth and kindness in her nature, but she will give them only to a few worthy people. Evaluates people almost accurately, notices insincerity and finds hidden motives for actions. She has developed intuition – insight allows her to unravel the complex intricacies of events; it is difficult to deceive her.
Valeria is sociable, they like leadership and attention from the company. They are attractive, perky, but display impulsiveness and temper. Their anger passes quickly and, as a rule, they do not harbor grudges.
Fate does not always spoil Lera; she faces various trials, but she endures them with honor. This person is a brave “fighter” and an Amazon. It’s amazing how such firmness is combined with spiritual sensitivity. She is occasionally prone to melancholy, but hides her experiences from others.
Lera has a sharp mind, a good sense of humor, she is practical and judges everything soberly. Determination and ambition are combined with a willingness to take risks and adventurism.
She alternates between periods of revitalization and loss of strength, when she recovers by reading, cooking and other calming activities.
Valeria’s family and love relationships
The bearer of the name is passionate and amorous, she is driven solely by emotions, and not by calculation. With the opposite sex, Lera is also impetuous and unexpected in behavior. Therefore, her first loves and novels end in disappointment.
Not every man accepts her character and is able to appreciate her kindness. But when such a person is found, Valeria bestows tenderness on him. In difficult times, she encourages her spouse, knows how to console him and increase self-esteem. Her husband will need endurance, initiative and the ability to be reliable.
She approaches the birth of her child responsibly and spends several years preparing for the role of mother. As an excellent housewife, Lera creates comfort in the house, copes with raising children, prefers to spend time with her family, but her happy family life is overshadowed by her jealousy. Vice threatens marriage. In addition, contact with the mother-in-law is sometimes problematic. He reluctantly agrees to remarriage, he is monogamous and has a hard time with divorce.
Valeria is sexy, but contradictory: she rushes from erotic fervor to aloofness. Her lover must be attentive and sensitive. In her youth, she manages to change more than one favorite, seeks new sensations in sex, and loves experiments. Intimacy for her is an adventure and a significant part of marriage at the same time.
A wonderful alliance is formed with Anatoly, Boris, Semyon, Mark, Kirill, Albert and Vladislav.
Choice of profession, business, career of Valeria
Work is important for the owner of the name, it contributes to the realization of talents and gaining a place in society. Her assertiveness helps her succeed in her work. Valeria is a born entrepreneur, excels in negotiations, plans strategy, and is careful with finances. The desire for independence prompts her to open her own business.
Selects managerial specialties and leadership positions. It is desirable that her profession be connected with people: a teacher, a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary, a lawyer, an employee in the service industry or a bank.
Her affection for children makes her an ideal kindergarten employee and governess. Thanks to accuracy, he becomes an obligatory accountant or financier.
Her uncontrollable imagination and penchant for the humanities often leads her to art and literature: she makes a brilliant artist, vocalist, show business figure, writer, screenwriter, sculptor or architect.
She feels comfortable in the field of design, style, and hairdressing.
For a successful career, she needs to get used to being systematic, not succumb to the variability of her mood, and monitor the cycles of her ability to work. In this case, it will be possible to combine service with household responsibilities.
Valeria’s health
The meaning of the name generally corresponds to the physical condition of its owners. They rarely get colds even at an early age. However, they often take on overwhelming tasks that drain them. The nerves suffer from this and breakdowns occur repeatedly.
The kidneys, reproductive and endocrine systems are vulnerable. Sometimes there is a problem of excess weight and accompanying anorexia.
Lera has allergies and is sensitive to the environmental situation. This woman needs proper nutrition, proper rest, and time in the fresh air. It is important to avoid infectious diseases, toxin poisoning, hypothermia and other factors that provoke blood diseases to which it is predisposed.
Valeria should lead an active lifestyle, fight immobility and stress, and go out into nature. Gymnastics, running, and swimming will have a good effect on your well-being. It is recommended to free yourself from negative emotions, and in case of chronic fatigue, go on a trip.
Name Valeria for a child
Little Lerochka is a sympathetic, kind and cheerful daughter. But parents will have to overcome her whims. You cannot compare the baby with her peers, or evaluate her, taking into account her vulnerability. The mission of adults is to support her, teach her to communicate, and interact with other children. Creative and group games will be needed. The girl will enjoy visiting clubs and participating in school amateur activities.
You can name your firstborn Valeria: when brothers and sisters appear, she will have the pleasant opportunity to look after them as the eldest.
The name is favorable in combination with patronymics Artemovna, Vadimovna, Valerievna, Gennadievna, Denisovna, Maksimovna, Evgenievna, Svyatoslavovna.
It is believed that those born under the signs of Aries, Pisces, Aquarius or Gemini should be called this way.
Name days are celebrated on June 20.
Name days:
May 6, June 20
Diminutive version
Lerushka, Lerchik, Lerochka, Lerunya, Lerusya
Lera, Lerka, Lerukha, Leka, Valya, Valera
According to the church
- violet
- Mercury
- water
Stone talisman
silver, aluminum
chestnut, peony
Totem animal
horse, scarab beetle