History of the origin of the name Valentin

Valentin is a male name of Latin origin. The Latin word valens (genitive valentis) means “strong, healthy, calm” and shares a root with the Latin word valeo. The literal translation of this word is “good,” but it is also translated as “to be healthy.” The Latin name originally sounded like Valentis (Valent), the diminutive form of which Valentinus (Valentinus) acquired the status of an independent name. The church form of the name is Valentine.

The main Christian saints, thanks to whom the name entered the Christian namebook, are Valentin, Bishop of Interamna, who lived in the 14rd century, Presbyter Valentin the Roman and the warrior Valentin of Dorostolsky, who died for the faith. There is a possibility that both priests are actually the same historical person; in any case, Catholics have the same day of remembrance of the first saints with the name Valentine – February 6. But in Orthodoxy, their name days are celebrated on different days – July 30 and July XNUMX.

In the Middle Ages, the name Valentin was used mainly by the clergy, and only after the October Revolution this name became in demand by other classes, the peak of its popularity falling in the 20s of the XNUMXth century. The more popular female form of the name is Valentina.

Common derivative forms of the name are Valya, Valyukha, Valentinka, Valyusha, Valik, Valyakha, Vaka.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Valentin

The emotional and subconscious significance of the name Valentin is very weak. There are no associations other than “good, simple, beautiful, joyful” with this name. The same story is with the popular shortened form Valik, which is characterized only by the signs of good, majestic and joyful. The same cannot be said about Val’s form, which, despite its feminine sound, gives the impression of the wearer as a strong and interesting personality. Associated with the traits are good, big, bright, active, simple, strong, beautiful, cheerful, majestic, bright, round, joyful, loud, brave, kind and powerful. If the parents chose this name for the child, the diminutive form “Valya” is preferable for a boy. The letter analysis of the first three letters of the name somewhat contradicts the phonosemantic one. The consonant B determines the ability to have high emotional impulses, honesty, sociability, and a thirst for adrenaline. The owner of this letter in the name carefully plans his life and follows the plan. He is a passionate, impetuous person, a lover of life and an optimist. The owner of the letter A in the name always strives to do something, he is hardworking, proactive, mental and physical comfort is important to him. Routine is not for him. It is important for this person to do what he loves. The consonant L in a name is a sign of sophistication, the ability to appreciate and create beauty, artistry, and artistic talent. A man with this letter in his name knows how to empathize, give and receive love, share knowledge and experience. He is dependent on bodily comfort. Loves change. He is an interesting and sociable person. He has a hard time experiencing mental trauma and tends to abuse food and alcohol in stressful situations.

Character traits of the name Valentin

Valentin is a philosopher who is immersed in himself and at the same time contemplates what is happening around him. He has a lively, receptive mind and a love of knowledge. Notices every little thing, to the detriment of something important.

This is a person in whose character everything is balanced: kindness and toughness, modesty and ambition, perseverance and indecisiveness, calmness and activity. Valentin is prone to psychoanalysis, has a sense of humor, and is easy to communicate with. Appreciates old affections, a devoted friend. He chooses honest and sincere people as friends. Valentin is honest, hardworking, thoughtful, diligent, has excellent intuition, and therefore is successful. Before getting down to business, he must first carefully think over and weigh everything, calculate his strengths and capabilities. Valentin knows how to adapt to any circumstances. Not aggressive, fair, despite the apparent softness, has a steel core inside.

The bearer of this name can be nervous, eccentric, unpredictable and even paradoxical. Gives in to influence, doubts himself. The period of active activity is replaced by complete idleness, sociability – by isolation. Valentine may be claustrophobic and therefore needs open spaces. A holiday at sea, in the steppe and even in the desert is ideal for him. But forests and mountains put pressure on his psyche. He loves passive recreation – books, leisurely walks, chess, crosswords, fishing. Valentin is distinguished by sentimentality and dreaminess. Often the logic in his actions gives in to his emotional impulse. The owner of this name is characterized by kindness to his own detriment; he is an altruist. Valentin is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down.

Family and love relationships of Valentine

Valentin’s sex life depends on his emotions. He quickly falls in love and just as quickly becomes disappointed. He is charming, knows how to approach a woman, is passionate, persistent, ardent. He is captivated by the very process of conquering a woman, so a new object of hunting soon appears. The owner of this name can be aggressive in sex, or passive to the point of masochism. Valentin needs time to sort out his feelings and desires. He treats sex as an important part of his life. Dialogue with his partner, love, tenderness, trust are important to him. Sentimental Valentine remembers and idealizes his past romances for a long time.

“Winter” Valentine is more likely than others to experience failure in his intimate life, but he retains the ability to please women and sexual success into old age. The “summer” bearer of the name loves erotic magazines and is terrified of growing old. “Autumn” is doomed to difficulties in intimate and family life due to his thirst for adventure. Valentin will marry a modest woman with a calm, even character. He is not whimsical in everyday life; he will not demand culinary delights and ideal order from his wife. She takes on some of the housework, which she does well. Valentin has a good relationship with his wife’s relatives. Jealous, but faithful in marriage. He is ready to compromise, compliant, easily reconciles, attentive, takes responsibility for the family, and therefore his marriage is stable. I’m indifferent to alcohol. Good father.

Successful marriage with Angelica, Valeria, Valentina, Victoria, Evgenia, Daria, Lilia, Marina, Maria, Karina, Leah, Emma. The same cannot be said about relationships with Albina, Alevtina, Antonina, Elizaveta, Eva, Nadezhda, Lolita, Tamara, Jadwiga.

Choice of profession, business, career Valentina

Thanks to his analytical mind, patience, hard work, scrupulousness and perseverance, the field for Valentin’s activities is quite extensive. The best choice for him is medicine, in particular psychology, psychiatry and surgery, research work, engineering specialties. He works hard to achieve his goal.

This man prefers individual lessons, but is capable of effectively managing several areas at once. Such managerial responsibilities as punishment and dismissal are a burden for him. Although some Valentines assert themselves in this way.

Valentin has high creative potential; he can be a talented artist, musician, or actor.

If the bearer of the name has sufficiently developed ambition, he will make a good career or build a business, calmly outperforming competitors. The most successful in entrepreneurial activity are Valentinas with patronymics Vadimovich. Efimovich, Konstantinovich, Emelyanovich.

Valentine’s Health

Valentin is in generally good health. But there are several weak points. There is a high risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, which is associated with the characteristics of a man’s temperament. He easily catches infectious diseases, in particular bronchitis, but usually recovers without complications. There are problems with vision, which are often associated with a love of reading and work characteristics.

Valentin may also have complex diseases that are difficult to diagnose, tumors. It is also characterized by rapid fatigue. A man needs a daily routine – sufficient sleep, regular walks and at least minimal physical activity.

Baby name Valentin

Valyusha is an obedient, calm, diligent, sincere and unobtrusive boy. He is often friends with girls and protects them. He is observant, very kind and generous, easily shares with other children and helps the younger ones. He never provokes conflicts, is friendly, and often maintains childhood friendships for life. He loves his grandfather very much, adopts many of his habits, hence his passion for fishing, chess and crosswords.

Successfully learns thanks to curiosity, responsibility, perseverance and diligence. Often more interested in humanities and psychology. Although exact sciences are easy for him. He reads a lot. Parents should encourage their child’s desire to improve their intelligence level. From childhood, the child’s creative abilities are obvious.

As a teenager, Valentin shows his strong inner core in various difficult situations, in problems with peers. He constantly tests himself, proving to himself that he is brave and courageous. During this period, it is important to engage your son in a suitable sport associated with the release of adrenaline in order to avoid reckless actions in search of adventure.

Name days:

April 27, May 7, July 19, August 12, October 4, October 11, December 2

Diminutive version

Valyunya, Valyusya, Valyusha, Valentinka


Valya, Roller, Valyukha, Val

According to the church



  • blue


  • Uran


  • water

Stone talisman





maple, foxglove

Totem animal


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