History of the origin of the name Vadim

In Rus’, the name Vadim appeared even before the adoption of Christianity, more than 2000 years ago. It has several origins. One option suggests the ancient Aryan origin of this name. There are also several ancient Slavic variants of the origin of the name Vadim. It is sometimes believed that the name Vadim is a shortened form of the Old Russian name Vladimir. There is also a version of its origin from the word “volod”, which means “ruler”.

The name Vadim was originally used only among the nobility. And after the 1917 revolution it became popular in all social strata. Vadim’s name day is celebrated on April 22 (9), the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyr Vadim of Persia.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Vadim

If we assume that the name Vadim is of ancient Aryan origin, then it means “sower of confusion”, “argue”, “wind”.

According to the Old Slavic version, this name has two roots: “vadit”, which means “to beckon”, “attract”, “to call” and “ima, imati”, which means “to possess” or “to have”. This combination can be translated as “having attractiveness,” “beloved,” “calling.” It is also possible to interpret the Old Slavic “vadit” as “to argue.” In this case, the name Vadim means “argumentator” or “troublemaker.” Origin from the name Vladimir, meaning “who owns the world.”

The name Vadim is popular in many countries. In all languages ​​this name has a similar sound. In English, Spanish and Latin, the name Vadim is spelled Vadim. In Danish and Polish: Wadim.

Character traits of the name Vadim

Vadim is often compared to water, as it can be very different. Vadim can suddenly flare up and calm down just as quickly. Stress and anxiety arise quickly and pass just as quickly.

Positive character traits of the name Vadim can be considered a balance of mobility with balance, patience. Vadim is able to concentrate on important matters, find and captivate like-minded people. Vadim is sociable. He is charming because, unique to him, the mystery and extraordinary depth of his soul attracts and fascinates those around him. Vadim easily forgives insults, he does not remember evil.

A man named Vadim is hardworking and obliging, but calculating. He carefully thinks through his line of behavior. Vadim is friendly and does not like conflicts. He is very sociable. With friends he is gentle and caring. Vadim always helps his family and friends. He is generous with good deeds.

This is a passionate and addicting nature. If Vadim takes on something, he will do it very well, because he cares for the result with all his soul. He will make every effort to successfully complete what he started.

Vadim always persistently strives for his goal and works hard until the goal is achieved. However, Vadim lacks the ambition that would allow him to achieve great success.

Negative character traits of the name Vadim are thoughtfulness, slowness and dispassion. Vadim may become bored with daily duties and routine work. Vadim is often characterized by restless behavior, as he has a lot of internal energy. He loves risk. He is a fatalist by nature.

Vadim always speaks the truth, although his straightforwardness sometimes harms him greatly. At the same time, he does not want to offend or offend anyone, he simply believes that one should always be honest with everyone. He usually never changes his point of view. Vadim is calculating and cunning. Vadim is also unusually smart and resourceful. He always thinks one step ahead. Vadim has such a quality as secrecy. It’s always difficult to understand what he really thinks. Vadim himself has a great understanding of people.

Family and love relationships of Vadim

In relationships with women, Vadim is characterized by inconstancy and changeability, which is often the cause of difficult life situations. He can date one girl for a long time and already think about marriage, and then suddenly become interested in another. But if Vadim falls in love, then it will be for a long time. Vadim loves passionately and thoroughly.

Vadim is gentle with women, and they adore him. He is attractive because he has natural charm and charisma. In relationships, he strives to give the woman the opportunity to fully reveal herself. Vadim tries to bring joy and tenderness into relationships.

The owner of this name usually takes a long time to choose a life partner. After all, Vadim’s wife must have a very attractive appearance, an excellent figure and some life experience. However, Vadim is jealous.

Vadim is reliable in his family. It’s easy for his wife to be with him, she feels protected. Vadim loves his young children and tries to spend more time with them.

Vadim can have a happy marriage with women whose names are Alexandra, Vera, Svetlana, Ekaterina. Less successful would be a marriage with Anna, Alla, Alina, Elena, Olga, Maya, Tamara, Polina.

Relationships with his parents and their opinions are very important to him. He loves his parents and tries not to upset them even in adulthood.

Choice of profession, Business, Vadim’s career

Vadim takes a long time to decide on the choice of a profession that would suit him. He can become a good leader, whom his subordinates love for his goodwill, interest in their lives and commitment to business.

Vadim can be trusted with any complex case. Vadim is unhurried and persistent in his work. However, he avoids routine. Vadim’s sociability allows him to make new useful contacts. And he has enough persistence to achieve what he wants.

Vadim can work in the high technology field, for example, as an electronics engineer or programmer. He may find himself in a construction or trucking company. He can work in law enforcement. Vadim has a wide choice of professions. Vadim’s subtle nature will help him achieve success in such creative professions as writer, actor, and artist. Vadim is interested in spirituality and may choose the profession of philosopher, theologian or priest.

Vadim usually makes good money. He loves to win by overcoming difficulties. Vadim is not allowed to gamble, as he is not known for his luck. For the same reason, he cannot participate in speculation and “get rich quick” projects. Vadim has to work hard to create savings.

Vadim’s health

In general, Vadim has good health and immunity. He sometimes gets colds. Vadim is very inattentive to himself and absent-minded, and is also too active and energetic, so he often finds himself in situations that can end in a fight, accident, or injury. Vadim should be protected from accidents.

In old age, Vadim may gain excess weight, so he should be wary of heart disease and strokes. Vadim may suffer from neurological diseases, as he is always overly excitable.

Name Vadim for a child

Vadim was a very active and restless child as a child. This is a healthy, cheerful and cheerful boy. He loves outdoor games and always noisily shows his emotions. His parents often have to pull him back so that he behaves calmly. Vadim’s parents must constantly monitor him, as he can fall from a tree or from a chair, or get injured while riding a bicycle. He loves his brothers and sisters very much.

At school, Vadim becomes an exemplary and flexible student, but he is very active and restless. The boy usually studies well. He is diligent and attentive. Vadim does equally well in all subjects.

Vadim is distinguished by extraordinary flexibility of character and already in childhood he knows how to adapt to various situations. All kinds of blows of fate usually do not leave a tangible mark on his soul. All Vadim’s reflections and thoughts are not overshadowed by painful feelings. Having become a young man, Vadim becomes secretive and also freedom-loving.

Name days:

22 April

Diminutive version

Vadimchik, Vadechka, Vadyushka, Vadyusha, Vadimushka, Vadimochka, Vadisha


Vad, Vadik, Vadimka, Dima, Vadya, Vadka

According to the church



  • yellow


  • Луна
  • Mercury


  • fire

Stone talisman

lapis lazuli, black opal




nut, dahlia, dandelion

Totem animal


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