- History of the origin of the name Ulyana
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Ulyana
- Ulyana’s character traits
- Family and love relationships of Ulyana
- Choice of profession, business, career of Ulyana
- Ulyana’s health
- Name Ulyana for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Ulyana
There are at least three versions of origin for the female name Ulyana. According to the first two, he has Latin roots, while the third connects him with the image of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. It came to Rus’ slightly modified – Juliania. However, later among the common people its pronunciation changed and the name began to sound like Uliana. It is included in the Orthodox naming book. In Russia in the 18th century, the name was very common among the peasant class. In the 20th century, girls were no longer named after Ulyana; most likely, this was due to the transformation of the meaning of the name towards the leader of the proletariat.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Ulyana
The name Ulyana comes from Latin, meaning “belonging to Julius.” According to the second version, it is associated with another female name Julia, translated as “from the family of Julia.” In addition, the name Ulyana in Latin has common roots with the words “happiness”, “curly”, “fluffy”. Finally, some are trying to see in him a connection with Lenin, whose real name was Ulyanov.
If we consider the name from the perspective of phonosemantics, then it, containing vowel sounds at the end and beginning, denotes frankness and categoricalness. The name carries a charge of optimism and love of life.
Ulyana’s character traits
Since childhood, Ulyana has been distinguished by justice, energy and strength. Outwardly seeming weak, she is a strong-willed and purposeful person. Ulyana is an open, sincere and sensual person. Despite all her indecision and shyness, she can sometimes be stubborn and carried away. A girl with this name is delicate and tactful. Vulnerable Ulyana is very self-critical, but she has a hard time withstanding criticism from others, withdrawing into herself. Constant reflection prevents her from living; only the help of friends can help her cope with self-criticism. She has an original sense of humor and does not like flattery. She has a trait that attracts everyone: the ability to smooth out conflicts. Ulyana has many friends who are attracted by her intelligence and insight, responsiveness and compassion. She is a moral person with high principles and moral standards. She strangely combines opposite traits: femininity and categoricalness, softness and cruelty.
Family and love relationships of Ulyana
Ulyana is an attractive and mysterious girl. Mystery and charm provide her with a large number of fans. However, she herself hardly understands the power of her beauty. In addition, the appearance of her lover is not of great importance for a girl. Ulyana is a passionate person, but she carefully hides her passion. Sex is not the last thing for her, but not every partner will open this up. It is difficult for a girl to get along with a young man; he must prove to her that his intentions are serious. In addition, she does not tolerate weak-willed men. Therefore, Ulyana starts a family late and most often this happens more than once. In married life, she occupies a leading position. A woman makes decisions alone. Her husband should not worry about betrayal: Ulyana, being a monogamous woman, will never betray her husband. She herself will never forgive the betrayal: she will immediately file for divorce. A woman with this name is a gentle, patient, respectful wife and a good housewife. He devotes all his free time to children. She loves to welcome noisy companies into her home.
Choice of profession, business, career of Ulyana
Since childhood, Ulyana has been interested in art, so she chooses creative professions. She will make an excellent artist, art critic, and designer. She is also good with words: the profession of a journalist or writer would also suit her. She will achieve great success if her work involves traveling to exotic countries. However, frequent business trips make her irritable. They note that Ulyana makes an excellent teacher who knows how to find a common language with children and their parents. Colleagues respect Ulyana: she is an honest and decent employee who is not afraid of difficulties. She has slow career growth, because a woman with this name does not know how to flatter her superiors. It’s difficult for her to stay afloat in business, but if Ulyana can find a good team of like-minded people, she will achieve success.
Ulyana’s health
Even as a child, Ulyana begins to get sick often. In adulthood, she suffers from constant infectious diseases. She should also pay attention to the normalization of metabolism and the state of the cardiovascular system. Some women with this name experience skin problems. Ulyana often neglects her health, not caring about it and having bad habits. Due to their character, girls with this name often show signs of nervous exhaustion: they need to monitor their sleep patterns and engage in active sports.
Name Ulyana for a child
The girl Ulyana is an inquisitive, cute and good-natured child. Some parents note that she is sometimes whiny and irritable. Ulyana loves to play with her little brothers or sisters. If they are not there, then she pays all her attention to pets. She is sociable and kind-hearted. However, in an unfamiliar group, he may become shy and withdraw into himself. Since childhood, Ulyana has been characterized by responsibility and a heightened sense of justice. The girl is very trusting, and her parents need to tell her that not all strangers can be trusted. They don’t have to worry about the girl’s ethical upbringing: she develops moral principles and moral beliefs from an early age. She takes failures hard, so she needs constant support from loved ones. Let us note that a girl cannot be raised harshly and strictly: she can become withdrawn. For the same reason, you should not allow her to analyze her actions for a long time. She has no close friends; with her peers she is good-natured and benevolent. Since childhood, the girl loves to do handicrafts: knitting, sewing, embroidering. Ulyana draws, sings and dances well; if she wishes, she will be able to do this professionally in the future. At school, the girl has problems with exact subjects. She is responsible for decorating the classroom, publishing wall newspapers, and organizing events.
Name days:
January 3, January 15, March 17, April 2, June 15, July 5, July 19, August 30, August 31, October 11, November 14, December 17
Diminutive version
Ulya, Ulka, Ulyakha, Lyana, Lana, Liana, Yana
According to the church
- Pluto
- Venus
- fire
Stone talisman
amber, labradorite
maple, melissa
Totem animal