History of the origin of the name Tair
There are several versions of the origin of this name. There are roots in the dialect of the ancient Huns, as well as the possibility of ancient Persian and Arab origin. Based on this, a man’s name has several meanings (depending on the language): Pure, Unshakable, Persistent.
The name is very rare in Russia and other Slavic countries, more often found among citizens of Eastern nationality and Muslims.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Tair
A man with this name has an unshakable character, his distinctive feature is reliability in everything. It is difficult to convince him or lead him astray. From an early age, Tair knows what he wants to do and persistently achieves his goal.
The little boy Tair pleases his parents with his obedience and calm character; he is diligent in his studies and in completing any tasks. Yes, you can entrust him with any task, and he will not rest until he completes it and does it perfectly. He has an excellent memory and grasps new information on the fly. The same applies to work. It is difficult for him to work under someone else’s leadership, but the entrepreneurial spirit is in his blood. Tahir loves his job and his work and gives 100%. He analyzes every step and every situation; making mistakes is unacceptable.
He has few close friends. He selects them very carefully from an early age. First of all, he needs to prove his reliability and loyalty; if he has a choice – friends or work – he will choose the second. For him, business comes first. If he promised to do something, he will complete the task on time. In his own business, Tair will be able to reach the very heights.
The owner of this name is too serious, with a bad sense of humor. It is difficult for him to relax; he is constantly focused on business. If he wanted something, he needed it here and now, overly stubborn and pedantic. This can be corrected if parents pay attention to the first signs in early childhood.
Tahir is a favorite among women. They pay attention to him, they are attracted by his strength and masculinity, reliability. He doesn’t like falsehood and deceit in women; he won’t be able to fall in love with you so easily, especially if this relationship is built on deception or a sense of benefit. He will not turn his attention to a simple, sincere and thrifty girl who will be able to create comfort in his home and will be waiting for him at home with a deliciously prepared dinner.
He is very pedantic in his life, in his habits. It will be possible to establish relationships and create a strong family only with a woman who can lead life in the house according to a well-functioning schedule and can withstand the dull nature of her husband. He is taciturn in relationships, but is ready for broad gestures for his beloved, devoted to her and the interests of the family. He is faithful to his woman, does not look around. Even if something doesn’t go well in the relationship, he will not raise a scandal and take the quarrel out of public view. He will leave silently. Tahir really doesn’t like conflicts, drastic changes, when something doesn’t go according to schedule or contrary to the usual way of life.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Tairchik, Tira
According to the church
Tahir – Muslim name
- yellow
- green
- Venus
- land
Stone talisman
diamond, citrine, emerald, aquamarine, quartz, opal, diamond, tourmaline
grapes, mullein
Totem animal
polar bear