Origin of the name Tagir

Tagir is a name characteristic of the Turkic peoples and the Arab world. It has ancient roots, comparable in time to the history of the Islamic religion, and is often found among nations (Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Caucasian peoples) united by the Muslim faith.

Tagir (Tahir) is one of the main characters of the eastern version of Romeo and Juliet, who, unlike the European version, grew up together and were promised to each other, but by the will of evil forces they were separated and died, he – from the hand of the executioner, and she – from her own dagger .

According to one version, the name Tagir correlates with the name of one of the sons of the Prophet Muhammad. By naming a boy after the descendant of the prophet, parents hope for his special attention, protection and intercession before external forces, which is why it is so popular in Islamic countries and certain regions of Russia.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Tagir

Translated from Arabic, Tagir means “pure, sinless, immaculate, chaste, unsullied”; the Bashkir version of the name is translated as “bird”. Both interpretations are reflected in the character of this man. “Bird” gives the owner independence, speed, desire for heights in life and career, and “pure” fully corresponds to Tagir’s desire to act honestly, decently, honor traditions and be faithful to duty and family.

The owner of this name is a real hero, he is characterized by courage, vitality, there are no barriers for him. This is a strong personality who successfully achieves his goals, but does it honestly, without going ahead. Independence, mobility, decisiveness in action, desire for career heights, material wealth and independence are his main characteristics as a leader at work. He is very practical and passionate about business, able to devote all his time to the work process without breaks or vacations. Tagir’s innate abilities as an organizer help him become a successful, successful businessman who professes unity of command and autocracy as a management style, when he makes all decisions himself.

A master of power diplomacy, he believes that it is better not to break the enemy, but to persuade him by suppressing arguments. His opponents succumb not to destructive force, but to an unbending will that helps implement well-thought-out projects. Sociability and observation skills allow the bearer of this name to usefully contact a large number of people, to identify for himself the true sides of human nature, so as not to be deceived in the future.

Since childhood, Tagir does not recognize authorities or other people’s imposed opinions, however, on the other hand, he shows genuine respect for his elders and, if necessary, listens to other people’s advice. He welcomes the conservative, patriarchal family structure, a clear separation of male and female. A leader in the family, with an enviable temperament, he takes duty, family responsibilities, family values ​​very seriously, and pays attention to children. Conscience is the life measure of this man. He lives by the axiom “Your deeds will affect the fate of your children,” and therefore always avoids dishonest actions.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Tagirushka, Tagirchik



According to the church



  • violet


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman





aspen, alpine rose

Totem animal

electric Stingray

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