History of the origin of the name Svyatogor

The origin of the name comes from the epic epic. In East Slavic mythology there was a hero nicknamed Svyatogor. He lived in the mountains, which were called the Holy Mountains. This is where the name originated. There are many legends about the hero, but he was not the main character in them and did not accomplish great feats.

The epic character was famous only for his colossal strength, indestructibility and gigantic size. Even the ground sank under his weight. The hero suffered repeatedly from his own strength. There was nowhere to use it, it was bursting Svyatogor from the inside, but it was absolutely useless. According to legend, before his death, the hero transferred part of his strength to Ilya Muromets.

The fate of the character in the epics is quite sad. He was very lonely and did not find a place in this world. No friends, no enemies, no shelter, no relatives. There are several versions regarding the death of the hero. According to one of them, Svyatogor, after long wanderings, stumbles upon a coffin. He lies down in it and goes underground thanks to his gigantic heavy body.

According to another version, the giant goes underground, trying to pick up the bag thrown by Mikula Selyaninovich. This bag contained the entire weight of Mother Earth, beyond the control of even the strongest hero.

Nowadays, ancient Slavic names are gaining popularity in Russia. Svyatogor was no exception; boys are increasingly called by this name. In other countries the name is practically not found.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Svyatogor

Since childhood, little Saint has been distinguished by his curiosity and increased interest in life. A sort of “why” child, parents often get tired of his questions. At school he studies diligently and diligently. Teachers love young Saint and often set him up as an example to other students.

Later, the adult man shows inquisitiveness and meticulously penetrates into the very essence of the matter. Svyatogor approaches any activity thoughtfully. He will not calm down until he understands the exciting issue. A man is often approached for advice, knowing that he has a solution for any problem.

In relation to others he is friendly and welcoming. Sociable, sociable, the representative of the name gathers many friends around him. The soul of the company, he is sincerely loved and respected. Casual acquaintances can develop into strong friendships over time. Svyatogor’s house is always ready to receive guests. Sometimes these are noisy parties, and sometimes very warm, sincere meetings.

Svyatogor is a gambling person, which does not always work to his advantage. In a fit of passion, he doesn’t notice anything. Failures force him to go headlong towards his goal. Saint shows his passion in sports, in work, in love affairs, but he will never allow himself to be deceived and is not subject to clouding of his mind in casinos and lotteries. While pursuing the woman he loves, Svyatogor can get into a serious argument with his rival, and sometimes it even turns into a fight.

The representative of the name loves changes in life. He needs a change of environment like air. Svyatogor falls into despondency from monotonous office work. Traveling gives him the necessary emotions and energy for further achievements. He doesn’t have to travel far to change his surroundings. Loves hiking, walks around his native land and small trips to neighboring cities. Everywhere Svyatogor finds interesting places and vivid impressions.

Doesn’t know how to communicate with small children, because… He himself doesn’t feel old enough. Loves praise and admiration addressed to him. Tries to please everyone and is dependent on the opinions of others. In a family, he is largely responsible for the material component, and entrusts the upbringing of children and household chores to the woman.

Svyatogor has a very reverent attitude towards his parents. For him, his father is an undoubted authority. And he treats his mother with special tenderness and love. Even as a child, Svyatik tries in every possible way to please his mom and dad. Elderly parents will be patiently looked after and given care and gratitude.

Name days:

May 11, December 3

Diminutive version

Sviatyk, Sviatushka, Svyatorushka



According to the church



  • white
  • blue


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman





water lily

Totem animal

Goose, rabbit

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