- History of the origin of the name Svetlana
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Svetlana
- Character traits of the name Svetlana
- Family and love relationships of Svetlana
- Choice of profession, Business, Svetlana’s career
- Svetlana’s health
- Name Svetlana for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Svetlana
There are several versions related to the history of the name. There is an assumption that this is the female version of the rare Old Slavic male name Svetlan (“bright”). Also, some scientists suggest that the name has ancient Greek roots; in Greek it is consonant with the name Photina or Photinia, which means “light.” It is this name that Svetlana is given at baptism. An interesting fact is that the Russian Orthodox Church officially recognized the name Svetlana only in 1943, when it was already quite common in Russia and Ukraine.
The name became popular thanks to A.Kh. Vostokov, who first mentioned it in 1802 in his poem “Svetlana and Mstislav”, thereby reviving the beautiful Russian name. Later, the name Svetlana was used by V. Zhukovsky, who named it the main character of his famous ballad of the same name. The name quickly came into use and has not lost popularity to this day.
Short form names: Svetik, Svetlanka, Svetulya, Sveta, Lana, Veta, Svetusya.
Name days: February 26 and April 2.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Svetlana
Svetlana is a surprisingly warm and affectionate name, meaning “bright”, “radiant”, “pure”. The name has many foreign analogues. For example, in Italy it sounds Chiara, in Germany – Clara, Claire, in Armenia – Lusine and means “light”. Despite the bright and pure meaning of the name, Svetlana’s character is contradictory and unpredictable. On the one hand, she is a bright and energetic coquette, on the other hand, she is touchy and vulnerable, capable of sacrificing herself, often to the detriment of her interests. Svetlana can be kind to people, but she can also hurt them. Being decisive and purposeful by nature, at a vital moment for her she can give up and show indecision. She is a diplomat, a good and loyal friend, but loves to take a leadership position and “command”.
The name has powerful energy and endows its owner with inexhaustible energy, emotionality and impulsiveness. Svetlana cannot go with the flow or stand still, she is always searching, on the move, full of strength, persistently moving towards her goal. If necessary, Sveta can dramatically change her life and reconsider her life priorities. Sveta often lacks foresight and prudence, she is defenseless against intrigue and deceit, she is able to completely trust people, and is dependent on the opinions of others. In a difficult life situation, she will always find a way out and is able to withstand heavy moral stress.
A woman named Svetlana is naturally flirtatious and attractive to men. She prefers male society and feels great in a male team; it is more difficult for her to find a common language with women. But she treats all men with a certain distrust, the fault of which is the first unsuccessful experience in love.
Svetlana is aristocratic, intelligent, endowed with an excellent sense of taste, and easy to communicate with. She has a beneficial effect on the people around her, instilling warmth and light in them, they are drawn to her energy. She values spiritual closeness and is always interesting and fun with her.
Character traits of the name Svetlana
Svetlana fully justifies the “bright and pure” meaning of the name. This is a kind nature, prone to altruism and sacrifice. She is always ready to help friends and those who ask her for it. Sveta is easy-going, sociable, unforgiving, quickly forgets insults and knows how to forgive. Sometimes she is too trusting and naive, she is one of those who steps on the same rake twice.
Women with this name are good organizers, they know how to unite a team, colleagues love her for her positive attitude in life, optimism, and value her opinion. Svetlana’s cheerfulness does not at all mean that she is frivolous or thoughtless.
Svetlana tends to exaggerate her abilities, always has a high opinion of herself, and loves when the last word remains with her. She is stubborn, and it is simply impossible to convince her of what she considers true. Natural impulsiveness sometimes plays a cruel joke on her, she is able to quickly abandon a decision, and therefore often makes mistakes. And only with age does he become more reasonable and calmer.
Family and love relationships of Svetlana
A woman named Svetlana is flirtatious and mysterious, a real magnet for men. She is neat, loves to dress beautifully and fashionably, and emphasizes her appetizing curves. Svetlana loves to please, bask in male attention, loves compliments and signs of attention. Life without male attention seems gray and uninteresting to her. Sveta never runs after men and does not impose her communication. But, if she is confident in a man’s sincere feelings, she is ready to surrender to him completely. In a partner he values spiritual qualities and life positions more than appearance. Her chosen one must be worthy of her. Svetlana is very demanding when choosing a life partner; she must be confident not only in his feelings, but also in his financial ability to provide for his future family. This is a wonderful mother and faithful wife. Her natural flexibility and agreeableness allows her to maintain harmonious relationships with both her husband and mother-in-law. Her house is always clean and comfortable. With age, she becomes an exemplary housewife, mother and grandmother, who is adored by everyone at home.
Choice of profession, Business, Svetlana’s career
Svetlana is hardworking and dedicated to her work. He is not afraid of difficulties, confidently moving towards his goal. But by nature Sveta is not a workaholic and rarely reaches the top of the career ladder. She tends to choose the profession that she likes. Over the course of his life he can change many jobs.
In her younger years, Sveta does not like to study, considering education not the most important thing in life. But, as he gets older, he can educate himself and learn a new profession. Svetlana is suitable for the profession of cook, salesperson, accountant, operator, manager. Her organizational skills and ability to manipulate people allow her to occupy leadership positions. Being a creative and aristocratic person, Sveta can successfully express herself as a writer, musician, and actress. But it is better for Svetlana to avoid business, as she is able to quickly make the right decision and bring the matter to the end. She is driven by feelings, emotions, and not common sense.
Svetlana’s health
The name Svetlana imparts vital energy and activity, so women with this name have practically no health problems. The main factor for Sveta is her moral and psychological state. Nervous breakdowns, anxiety or worry can cause severe headaches and even migraines. Svetlana needs to maintain inner calm, get enough sleep, eat well and follow a daily routine. All Svetlanas love sweets, so they are prone to being overweight and obese. Allergic reactions to certain foods are also possible.
Name Svetlana for a child
Naming the baby Svetlana, the parents crown her with kindness, light and the crystal purity of the world. For those born in spring, this name imparts softness to the character, giving spring activity and vitality. Summer girls are cheerful, playful, sociable, ready to give everyone their love. Autumn and winter Svetlanas are active, purposeful, although outwardly they can be secretive, but in their souls they are bright and positive.
Little Sveta is the real sunshine in the house, radiating happiness, joy and warmth. She does not sit still, is curious and active. She loves outdoor games and fun, and her infectious laughter can always be heard in the house. She is very persistent, does not tolerate refusals, and can be capricious. Her contradictory character is greatly influenced by the environment where she grows up. Svetlana is her mother’s assistant, loves neatness, enjoys playing with her younger brothers and sisters, loves animals and nature.
During her school years, she is a little cool about her studies, but this does not affect her performance. Sveta has an excellent memory, a lively mind, she quickly assimilates material, but does not try to deeply assimilate the information. But, if something really captivates or interests her, she is ready to fully study the topic or subject, perhaps this will become her future profession. She likes to be the center of attention in a group, but sometimes she is unsure of her abilities.
In her youth, Svetlana is very careful about her appearance, following fashion trends. Likes to dress beautifully and attract attention. In adolescence, her contradictory, changeable character begins to appear. She has a unique ability to change before our eyes: from a pleasant and friendly girl, disposed to pleasant communication, she can turn into a sarcastic person, capable of offending and causing pain to a person. Such inconstancy of character creates problems with communication and spoils relationships with friends, colleagues or loved ones.
Even such an unpredictable character does not prevent her from being popular and having many friends. She is ready to help her friends. As a rule, Svetlana has many fans and quickly falls in love. Her first love can bring her disappointment, which she will remember all her life and will stop trusting the opposite sex. Svetlana is a loyal friend, an interesting conversationalist, communication with her brings only positive emotions.
Name days:
February 26, April 2
Diminutive version
Svetik, Svetochka, Svetushka, Svetonka, Svetlanka, Svetlanochka, Svetlanushka, Lanochka, Twig
Sveta, Svetka, Svetusya, Svetusha, Veta, Lana
According to the church
- blue
- green
- red
- Neptune
- Mercury
- land
Stone talisman
rock crystal, jade
birch, lily
Totem animal