Origin of the name Suzanne

Suzanne is a female name that came into modern society from Hebrew culture, literally translated meaning “lily” or “snow-white lily.” The name is very popular in many European countries and can often be found in works of art. In each country you can find its own version of the name – Susanna, Suzan, Suzy, Azucena, Shusan, Zuzana.

Characteristics of the name Suzanne: main character traits

Initially, the owner of the name Suzanne gives the impression of a narcissistic and hot-tempered person to others. In fact, she is quite a sensitive, even vulnerable person, distinguished by kindness and sincerity. Most often, Suzanne is endowed with a choleric temperament, which manifests itself from an early age in restless behavior, nervousness, and outbursts of anger. She does not always listen to the wise advice of loved ones, trying to show herself as independent and self-sufficient. With age, she becomes more sedate and reasonable, but stubbornness remains the dominant character trait.

Often, heightened pride and temper prevent Suzanne from realizing her ambitious plans. She will be able to achieve impressive success in life if she learns to direct her vigorous energy in the right direction. She does not like routine work and always strives for a more dynamic lifestyle, rapidly moving up the career ladder. Suzanne has excellent memory and analytical skills, which greatly help her in the professional field. The best job for her is one where she can show her individuality. She often finds herself in acting, music, painting, design, architecture, journalism, and advertising. Also, luck smiles on her in economic professions – entrepreneurship, investment banking, real estate trading. She was created for a bohemian life; from her early youth she dreams of occupying a high position in society. Suzanne loves flashy luxury items, expensive jewelry, luxury cars and other attributes of success. She is often the life of the party, loves to have fun and have a good time. Always prefers active pastime to passive rest.

Positive character traits: sociability, sociability, sincerity, openness, determination.

Negative character traits: stubbornness, hot temper, tendency to narcissism.

What is Suzanne like in love?

Suzanne is a loving person who cannot imagine her life without passionate relationships and romantic adventures. She was used to being beautifully looked after. Most often she gets married closer to 30 or at a more mature age. Suzanne takes the choice of a life partner extremely seriously, studying his habits and biography in detail. With her characteristic spontaneity, she is interested in his life, because in the future she wants to be an ideal wife. In family life, she wants to bask in adoration; it is important for her to feel needed and loved. Most often, she connects her life with a rich man who holds a respectable position and who does not skimp on gifts.

Name days:

June 19, August 11, August 24

Diminutive version

Susanka, Susya


Sanna, Sana, Suna, Susa, Anya, Sunny, Zuza, Zusya, Zhuzha, Suzi, Sue

According to the church



  • yellow


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman

per month





Totem animal


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