- History of the origin of the name Stepan
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Stepan
- Character traits of the name Stepan
- Family and love relationships of Stepan
- Choice of profession, business, career of Stepan
- Stepan’s health
- Name Stepan for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Stepan
The name Stepan originates in Ancient Greece. It was formed from the word “stepha-nos”, which means wreath, ring, crown. In Orthodox antiquity, the name was pronounced as Stefan – the Church Slavonic form. From this name the beautiful maiden name Stefania (Stepanida) was later formed. In Europe this name is also widely known. Its French sound is Etienne, and its Hungarian sound is Istvan.
The name is not very popular in the modern world, but given the return of fashion to antiquity, it appears more and more every year.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Stepan
Stepan has a stable psyche; it is almost impossible to get him emotional, no matter how strong the stimuli. It is also difficult to stir him up and push him into action; Stepan’s reaction is very slow.
The attitude towards everything new is wary, often all changes are sharply rejected, since they lead to a breakdown of the foundations that have already developed over time and are accepted painfully by Stepan. He needs a long time to get used to the changing environment and situation.
Stepan loves specifics, doesn’t give too much away and has a good memory. The overly observant Stepan notices little things around him that most people cannot see.
He has organizational skills, like no one else, who can easily and quickly subjugate those around him and involve them in any process. Realist in his views on the world and things.
Stepan’s strong-willed character, combined with original thinking, captivates and seduces. Communication with him motivates you to take action.
Character traits of the name Stepan
Stepan has a strong, extraordinary character. He is simple, easy to read and superficial, absolutely incapable of dissembling, fiddling and weaving intrigues. Confident in his abilities and therefore full of self-esteem.
Too kind, not vindictive and quickly forgives insults, then forgetting about them forever. He is not curious, he would never get involved in the financial matters of his family and friends, he does not control his wife’s expenses, at the same time he loves to earn money himself and will easily agree to a part-time job as an additional income.
Stepan is loyal, and this trait is especially evident in relation to those who show their patience with him. In return, he knows how to pay with sincerity.
Stepan is very calm, calm, and cool. It is impossible to get him emotional: what is happening inside him is practically not manifested externally. He communicates coolly with relatives and friends, keeps his distance in the company of unfamiliar people, and does not talk to strangers.
Family and love relationships of Stepan
Stepan is quite secretive. His relationships, not excluding those closest to him, are cold, unemotional, and shallow.
Among women, Stepan feels liberated, capable of true love, but his cold mind does not allow him to plunge headlong into the pool.
Stepan’s sexual excitability is high. He has to restrain a strong attraction, suppressing his temperament with sobriety of reason. He loves erotic games, brings something new, his own, into intimacy, shows initiative and imagination. At the moment of sexual intercourse, at the highest point of intimacy, the mind falls asleep, Stepan is unable to control emotions and pours out passionate words.
When choosing a beloved woman, he gives preference to an inaccessible nature that needs to be conquered. He does not hesitate to flirt with the opposite sex even when in a serious relationship or marriage.
Since sex is important for Stepan in a relationship, and sometimes plays a decisive role, he needs to choose “summer” women to achieve sexual harmony. The ideal wife for Stepan would be a quiet and calm woman during the day and an unbridled tigress at night.
The relationship with his wife is not ideal: Stepan, popular among women, does not want it himself, gives reasons for jealousy and provokes scandals in the family, leading not only to discord, but also to divorce. Divorce is followed by a second, third, or even fourth marriage.
He practically does not take care of the children, considering this the prerogative of his wife and shifting all worries about the child onto her shoulders.
Choice of profession, business, career of Stepan
Stepan is welcome everywhere – he has many acquaintances, which means he has many connections. Finding himself in a new working environment, he quickly gets used to himself and masters the business, colleagues listen to him, mechanisms and machines obey him.
Stepan chooses one thing, one profession, striving and achieving heights in it. He quickly moves up the career ladder and becomes a true master of his craft in his chosen field. He is driven to this by the desire to lead people rather than obey them. It is alien to him to be under the influence of other people, although he himself often exerts his influence on his subordinates and uses it. Demanding, does not accept sloppiness and laziness. Professions related to the processing and exploitation of wood and metal are suitable for him. Since he is not connected by society, Stepan can find himself in free professions, where he can learn something extraordinary and interesting.
Stepan’s health
Since childhood, Stepan has been growing up as a healthy and strong child, becoming more resilient every year. Problems can arise with the heart; this is directly related to secrecy and self-isolation, with frequent internal experiences and self-criticism. During adolescence, it is necessary to show Stepan to a psychologist in order to bring his emotions out and prevent possible further heart diseases. Fresh air, the absence of bad habits and an annual vacation at sea will also not hurt.
Stepan is predisposed to various kinds of infectious diseases, and due to his restlessness, he is also prone to injuries.
Name Stepan for a child
As a child, Stepan is a fidget and loves to play, especially outdoor games. Non-conflicting, cheerful and playful. He won’t be able to sit for a couple of minutes with a book, so parents must get creative and teach the boy on the go, telling or reading useful, necessary information in a playful way. Stepan has a good memory and he can easily grasp all the material on the fly, without realizing it.
Due to his attentiveness, he notices the mistakes of adults and asks a bunch of questions, showing his restlessness until he receives an answer.
If parents from birth accustom their son to a routine, hard work and try to turn restlessness into a positive direction, then in adulthood such a Stepan is destined to reach heights in his career and achieve goals.
Being active and obedient in early childhood, Stepan can become withdrawn and withdrawn in his youth.
In a family, you can always come to an agreement with Styopa, find a common language – he is not capable of conflict and causing whims and quarrels.
From early childhood, Stepan is sociable, self-confident, and does not strive for leadership in companies, but those around him consider him an integral part. He has no secrets from his parents or friends, and at the same time, he knows how to keep secrets like no one else.
He studies well at school if he manages to curb his restlessness. It is difficult for Stepan to concentrate his attention for a long time, so success in school directly depends on the teacher, who must be able to interest the boy. The teacher, in turn, also has more than just problems with Stepan – he can easily reprimand the teacher, considering himself absolutely right.
Name days:
January 9, January 17, January 24, January 27, February 12, February 21, March 12, April 6, April 8, April 10, May 9, May 10, May 20, May 30, June 6, June 20, June 25 , July 13 , July 18 , July 26 , July 27 , July 31 , August 1 , August 13 , August 15 , August 25 , September 9 , September 10 , September 12 , September 15 , September 17 , September 20 , September 26 , 28 September, October 7, October 15, October 17, November 9, November 12, November 13, November 17, November 24, November 25, December 11, December 15, December 22, December 23, December 28
Diminutive version
Stepasha, Stepchik, Stepanchik, Stepashenka, Stepunya, Stepusha
Stepa, Stepashka, Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stepuha, Stesha, Stenia
According to the church
- Mercury
- Sun
- fire
Stone talisman
ruby, serdolik
rowan, apple tree, peas
Totem animal