Origin of the name Spiridon

The name came to our region from Byzantium and is considered rare. In Greece the name Spyros is very popular. Translated it sounds like “strong, reliable, strong.” According to another version, it comes from the name of the body, woven from wicker, symbolizing the strength and reliability of the product. In ancient times, parents, naming their son Spiridon, dreamed that he would be firm in his convictions, unshakable, strong in flesh and spirit.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt (memory day December 25) is a Cypriot bishop, born into a poor family in the 2nd century AD in the city of Askia. In those days, Christians were severely persecuted. He was a modest, wise man, and married early. He baptized his daughter Irina and raised her in faith and piety. When his wife died, he gave his daughter to the church community to be raised, and he himself became a monk. Having become a bishop, he was a model of spiritual purity, virtue, modesty, became famous for many miracles, cast out demons and healed the afflicted.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Spiridon

The bearer of the name is prone to introspection, shows curiosity, and is distinguished by creative imagination. He assimilates new information with his mind, analyzes it, and uses his intuition. May begin to doubt, show skepticism and distrust.

The man has business qualities and is self-confident. Tries to learn more new information, has a deep inner world. He cares about his appearance and loves high-quality clothes. It is distinguished by sophistication, sentimentality, and sensuality. Good intuition helps Spiridon understand the essence of what is happening and determine the character of his interlocutor. In life he can become successful thanks to his intelligence, intuition, and ability to analyze events. He will be a loyal friend and will always try to help a loved one, although he tries to sort out his problems on his own.

In relationships with the opposite sex, he is demanding and can be capricious. His companion must meet all the requirements, be well-groomed, tastefully dressed, well-mannered, and educated. When Spiridon finds his ideal, he will be a good and faithful husband, he will make concessions, and try to find a compromise. Family life with the bearer of the name is characterized by comfort and tranquility. A man likes to reason, dream, and tries to avoid aggravating the situation, since conflict situations unsettle him, make him suffer and worry. He values ​​his wife, protects her, and helps her. Spiridon will prove himself to be a wonderful husband, a good owner and a caring father.

His career will be very successful; the man will achieve a lot thanks to his patience and abilities. Spiridon’s superiors appreciate him, and his non-conflict nature helps to establish good relationships with colleagues.

Name days:

September 12, October 11, November 13, December 25

Diminutive version

Spiridosha, Spiridosha, Spirya


Spirid, Svirid

According to the church



  • blue


  • Sun


  • water

Stone talisman





lily, cornflower, snowdrop

Totem animal

doe, bear

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