Origin of the name Solomon

The male name Solomon has deep biblical roots. The name Shlomo (Solomon) in Hebrew or Shloyme in Yiddish has the meaning “peace”, the opposite of the word “war”, and is also the same root word “shalem”, which translates as “whole, perfect”. In Eastern Europe, among Jews there are forms of the name Zalman and Zelman.

The first Solomon in the history of mankind is the third king of the Jews, the ruler of the kingdom of Israel, which included Israel and Judah, the son of the legendary king David and Bathsheba. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom, wealth and love. He built the famous Temple of Jerusalem and is the author of several sections of the Old Testament (Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Proverbs of King Solomon).

In Arabic, the name Solomon sounds like Suleiman and also means “peace” and “prosperity, tranquility,” as well as “living in health and prosperity.” In the Koran, King Solomon is described as the prophet Suleiman – the son of the prophet Davud, wise and fair, having power over genies and other mystical creatures.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Solomon’s name day on December 15, Catholics on September 2, September 28 and March 13.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Solomon

A literal analysis of the name Solomon characterizes its bearer as a powerful, sensible, intelligent, ambitious man with logical thinking and a critical view of things, caring and hardworking, but at the same time nervous, emotional, and petty.

The owner of the name Solomon is characterized by determination, independence, self-confidence and self-confidence, balance, and logical thinking. This man knows how to control himself and hide his true feelings. Solomon values ​​order, stability and a calm atmosphere. He knows how to resolve conflicts, showing miracles of diplomacy, and knows when to retreat. The bearer of the name is distrustful, even closed, cautious, always relying only on his own strengths and his intuition.

If Solomon cannot control his emotions, he is capable of impulsive and even eccentric words and actions. He can be sarcastic and corrosive. Solomon is calculating and perspicacious, goes to the goal, ignoring obstacles, and can be cruel. At the same time, the owner of the name is often sentimental, emotional, vulnerable and touchy, and proud.

As a child, Solomon causes little trouble to his parents; he is a calm, flexible, kind child. And at the same time restless, active, cocky. Often looks like his mother and is attached to her. He is often fond of chess, and in adulthood, preference.

Solomon allows spontaneous decisions, relying only on intuition, is vain, ambitious, determined to succeed, and strives for leadership. Achieves success through strong will, perseverance and hard work. He often shows ability in the exact sciences, jurisprudence, and masters oratory and stagecraft. Capable of building a successful business.

Solomon often chooses his first wife on the advice of his relatives; if he does not love her, he is capable of turning into a moral tyrant. The second time the bearer of the name usually marries for love, in marriage he is generous and caring.

Name days:

February 5, December 15

Diminutive version

Sol, Solomonchik, Solonya, Monya, Monechka



According to the church



  • blue


  • Mercury


  • fire

Stone talisman

ruby, serdolik





Totem animal


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