- History of the origin of the name Semyon
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Semyon
- Character traits of the name Semyon
- Family and love relationships Seeds
- Choice of profession, business, career Seeds
- Health Seeds
- Semyon baby name
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Semyon
The male Old Slavonic name Semyon is of Hebrew origin. It comes from the Hebrew male name Shimon.
Catholic forms of this name are known – Simeon and Simon, as well as Orthodox forms – Simeon and Simon. This name also has a large number of forms used in different language groups. For example, the name Simon is widely used in English. In Italy, the name Semyon sounds like Simone or Simeone. The Germans use the form Ziemen or Zimeon. And among the Western Slavs, which include the Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, the Hebrew form of this name remained unchanged – Shimon. And the name Semyon is used by the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians).
The meaning and characteristics of the name Semyon
The literal translation of the Hebrew name Shimon into Russian means “he (the Lord) heard.” This translation is figuratively interpreted as “heard by God in prayer.”
By calling the boy Semyon, the parents believed that this name would protect the child from any trouble and help him choose the right path in life. The name Semyon contains a call to God and therefore people believe that it will serve as a talisman for the child throughout his life, and higher powers will help the person bearing such a name.
The man named Semyon can be described as an eternal fighter. He is not susceptible to any influence. Semyon will show great endurance and willpower to be the first everywhere. He needs public recognition, which inspires him.
Character traits of the name Semyon
Semyon has a well-developed intuition. He cannot be deceived. He will be a loyal and good friend to those who are sincere with him. Semyon is very constant in his feelings. He has a good memory and a love of classification. He has excellent control over his emotions and, if necessary, can be secretive and calculating.
The positive traits of the name Semyon are: kindness and good-naturedness, hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. He is friendly and easy to communicate with. Semyon tries to have a philosophical attitude towards life’s failures, although he is always very worried. He is inquisitive and does not like idleness. Semyon is patient, reasonable, disciplined and well organized.
Semyon is very attentive and kind to people. He will never forget to wish a friend a happy birthday or visit him in the hospital, despite his excessive busyness. He is very responsive and will always help in difficult times.
Negative traits of the name Semyon include some excitability, touchiness, and envy. Semyon has a sick pride that cannot be hurt, because if Semyon is offended, he will remember it for a long time. In disputes, Semyon will defend his point of view to the end, even if he is wrong.
Semyon usually achieves great success in life and a high position in society thanks to hard work, selflessness and integrity.
Family and love relationships Seeds
Semyon usually does not marry for a long time. He values his freedom, although he has many affairs. Semyon usually doesn’t fall in love at first sight, he needs time. Feelings mature in him gradually. But when they flare up, they don’t go out for a long time.
Semyon is often unlucky with his wife. He usually makes mistakes and chooses the wrong companion. Semyon often comes across conflicting and principled women with whom it is difficult to build relationships. He may even remain lonely, although family values are more important to him than material wealth. He must feel needed and loved in order to feel the fullness of life.
Semyon makes a great family man and father. He is a thrifty and very homely man. Children adore him, as he is at the same time strict, attentive, and gentle with them. He spends a lot of time with the children, takes an interest in their affairs and helps with everything. He is always ready to help his wife in everything and strives to provide for his family financially. Family means a lot in his life. Usually Semyon builds an equal relationship with his wife. He can go to the store, buy groceries, while trying to be economical and thrifty.
The wife is usually happy next to Semyon, especially since he is not prone to alcohol abuse and is indifferent to gambling. But Semyon is not always happy, since his wife should be loving, gentle and affectionate. But he usually puts up with what he has in order to save his family, especially if there are children. Semyon remains faithful to his wife, even if he is not happy with her.
Semyon finds it difficult to forgive his wife’s insults, and the accumulated misunderstandings very often destroy his family over time. In his old age, Semyon may remain alone or marry a second time.
Semyon’s marriage with Antonina, Anastasia, Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Zoya, Lydia, Maria, Maya, Nina, Tatyana, Oksana, Olga, Raisa, Tamara can become happy.
Semyon may not have a good relationship with Alisa, Angela, Victoria, Valeria, Zhanna, Svetlana, Irina, Inna, Karolina, Nika.
Choice of profession, business, career Seeds
Semyon is very smart and knows how to be thorough in his work. He can become a talented leader, and also achieve heights in science, art, journalism, pedagogy, medicine or in the literary field. He can become a talented surgeon or a satirical writer. Semyon can become a successful actor, stuntman, or police officer.
Semyon will be a reliable and competent business partner, an executive officer, a good economist, and a worthy church minister. He can be successful in business and trade. Semyon will also be good at coaching. Semyon always makes balanced and well-thought-out decisions, he is not in a hurry and is always careful, which helps him achieve heights in his chosen profession. Despite his thoroughness, he knows how to quickly respond to circumstances.
Semyon is an intellectual and easily achieves results. This is an extraordinary thinking person with diverse interests. Semyon is inclined to study natural sciences and achieves tremendous success in this area. He is also interested in research and scientific activities. He shows great interest in research in unknown areas of science and often chooses rare professions.
Semyon is able to achieve a high position in society, tirelessly and persistently climbing the career ladder. If Semyon feels that he made a mistake and chose the wrong field of activity, he will immediately quit his job, no matter how far he has progressed in it, and do something new.
Failures unsettle Semyon, and he tries to hide his experiences from others. He tries not to lose heart and stubbornly overcomes all obstacles in his path. He is confident in his abilities, but sometimes turns to loved ones for moral support.
Health Seeds
Semyon has had excellent health since childhood and gets sick quite rarely. He just needs to respond in time to symptoms of overwork or stress. Semyon may also have stomach problems. Semen should not be smoked.
Semyon monitors his appearance and, if necessary, can go on a diet or exercise in order to lose excess weight and correct his figure. Appearance is very important to him and he will never allow himself to look bad.
Semyon baby name
The boy Semyon develops very quickly and has a rich imagination. He is in great need of parental love and support. Parents should be patient and attentive with him. Since childhood, an interest in natural sciences has been formed in him, and he can collect a herbarium or collect butterflies.
During his school years, Semyon is a very inquisitive boy and loves to read. He can read day and night, forgetting about everything. He is especially interested in books about history and travel. Already during his school years, he begins to collect his library. Semyon also loves theater, sports and music. He will be happy to study in a drama club or dance.
Friendly Semyon has many friends. He often helps them with their studies. Semyon strives to be the best student in the class and he usually succeeds. He enjoys authority among his classmates. He has excellent oratory skills and always tries to achieve victories in disputes. You can always rely on Semyon, he will never let you down. Since his school years, Semyon has strived for stability.
Name days:
January 10, January 17, February 8, February 14, February 16, February 23, February 26, March 25, April 18, April 30, May 2, May 10, May 23, May 31, June 6, June 28, July 8 , July 13 , July 25 , August 3 , September 14 , September 25 , October 7 , October 11 , November 12 , November 17 , November 22 , December 3 , December 7 , December 29 , December 31
Diminutive version
Semenchik, Semyonochka, Semyonushka, Semyonchik, Semyonushka, Semyonochka, Senechka, Senyushka
Syoma, Syomka, Senya, Senka
According to the church
Simeon, Simon
- green
- Mercury
- Saturn
- air
Stone talisman
ash, weight
Totem animal