Origin of the name Selim

The name Selim is a Turkish name that comes from the Arabic Salim. In Arabic, Salim means “unharmed”, “healthy”.

Selim I the Terrible Yavuz – Turkish Sultan of the 16th century. His father was Sultan Bayezid II. During the court struggle for the throne with his younger brother, Selim was forced to flee from Istanbul to the Crimean Khanate. But subsequently his father voluntarily abdicated the throne, and in order to avoid a bloody war between his sons, he transferred power to Selim. Having come to power, Selim killed all male relatives who could lay claim to the throne and began the persecution of the Shiites. This led to a war with Persia, in which Selim was victorious. He also subjugated Armenia, Kurdistan, Northern Iraq, Syria, Eastern Anatolia, Egypt, Palestine, and Hijaz. Selim actually became the first Sultan of the Great Ottoman Empire, preparing the ground for its growth and strengthening. This is what his son Suleiman the Magnificent did later.

The name Selim is popular in Muslim countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, as well as wherever Islam is practiced.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Selim

As a child, Selim is a mischievous boy who spins like a top and runs around with his peers all day long. He is in excellent health, he is cheerful, full of strength, and does not even suspect of illness. Salim loves to eat delicious food, sometimes he gets bouts of laziness, and he can lie in bed all day. From time to time Selim remembers that he needs to study, then the boy is able to learn in one day what he has not studied for a month. He is very smart, he has an agile mind and developed ingenuity.

Selim makes friends easily, but he doesn’t have many real friends. One of Selim’s character traits is authority. He wants everything to be the way he decided. If someone does not want to obey Selim, friendship is impossible. In fact, Selim has no friends, he only has loyal followers. He is stubborn, quick-tempered and even rude. It is not easy to find a common language with such a person.

Selim loves his parents, but he reserves the last word in decision-making. He is jealous and may come into conflict with his family if he decides that they pay little attention to him and give preference to one of his brothers or sisters.

Selim is very smart, obliging and vain. He wants to achieve a high position in society, gain fame and wealth. Therefore, men named Selim often choose politics, military service, and entrepreneurship as their activities. Selim makes every effort to achieve what he wants: he strives to become a leader, head the party list, and earn a high rank. Sometimes Selim chooses a scientific path, or can go in for sports or art.

Selim approaches creating a family carefully and seriously. He is looking for a woman who can provide a reliable rear, maintain peace and comfort in the house. At the same time, the wife must completely obey Selim and do everything as he wants. Selim does not accept democracy in family relationships. He would like a girl with a kind but strong character who can behave diplomatically: not claim the first role in the family, but also will not allow herself to be ignored. Selim is strict with children.

Name days:

May 6, October 9

Diminutive version

Selimchik, Selimushka


Lim, Sam

According to the church



  • green
  • brown
  • olive


  • Pluto


  • water

Stone talisman

cinnabar, dioptase, ivory





Totem animal


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