History of the origin of the name Sayan
Derived from the name of the Sayan Mountains in Central Asia. The mountain system covers the territory of the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia, and northern Mongolia. Accordingly, the name Sayan (the female equivalent of Sayan) is common among residents of these regions.
The origin of the name of the mountains – Sayans has several versions: 1. Mongolian, Buryat. From the words “sagaan”, “tsagaan”, which means “white”. This definition is associated with snow-capped mountain peaks. The climate in these places is harsh, the snow melts only at the end of June, and falls again after a couple of months. The thickness of the cover reaches 3 meters. 2. Tuvan. From the name of the Soyot peoples inhabiting this territory. Also, Soyots are a small indigenous people in the Okinsky region of the Republic of Buryatia. 3. Yakutskaya. From the word Sayaan – “generous”, “kind”. 4. Kazakh. The word “sayan” is interpreted as “helper”, “assistant”.
There is also information that in the Kursk province there was a separate group of people, a subethnic group called the Sayans.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Sayan
The bearer of the name Sayan is a soft, calm person. Balanced, but with a solid core inside. Responsive, kind, will always come to the rescue. People are drawn to him. Anyone can feel comfortable being around him. Because with children he is a child, with adults he is an equal, with old people he is an old man.
Sayan carries positive energy. Such a person could become a teacher, clergyman, educator. Not prone to conflicts or manifestations of anger. But he always stands firmly on his own, defending his chosen position. Principled. For the sake of principles, he is ready to sacrifice the blessings of life – a career, financial well-being.
Such a man is happy on his own. He values what he has and does not strive for the stars. Hardworking, economical, cooks well. Sayan painstakingly forges his happiness. Perhaps he will not reach great heights in life, but he will provide stability for himself and his loved ones. Not afraid of difficulties or hard work. Throughout his life, fate will present him with various obstacles, which Sayan will overcome with dignity. Values family relationships.
A person bearing this name, as a rule, communicates with all relatives in the family. Because he will never refuse help. People always turn to him for it. Reliability is a positive and at the same time negative trait of his character. As is balance. Sometimes it seems that Sayan is too calm. I want to stir him up.
Showing off, vanity, and the desire for material enrichment are not inherent in him. He has a philosophical attitude towards life and people. Spiritual purity and peace are important to him.
Sayan’s chosen one will most likely be a more active, temperamental, and practical woman. At the same time, she must definitely honor her husband’s family traditions and respect him himself. Saiyan is not touchy, but it is better not to hurt his sense of dignity. This man, although calm, is by no means a softie.
Name days:
doesn’t celebrate
Diminutive version
Sayano, Sayanchik, Sayanushka
According to the church
- Orange
- yellow
- Uran
- Mercury
- land
Stone talisman
black agate
sea buckthorn
Totem animal
a fish