- History of the origin of the name Savely
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Savely
- Character traits of the name Savely
- Family and love relationships of Savely
- Choice of profession, business, career Savelya
- Savely’s health
- Name Savely for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Savely
Such an unusual and euphonious name Savely has two versions of its appearance in the world. According to the first, this name is exclusively of Hebrew origin. Another version talks about the absolute Latin roots of the name. Historians associate the name Savely with a Christian legend about heroism. Savel is a great martyr, one of three heroically famous brothers who lived in ancient Persia. The brothers were raised in strictness and in the canons of the Christian faith by their mother. For their high moral qualities and level of education, the ruler of Persia sent them to Rome as envoys to preach the Christian faith, however, the emperor opposed the adoption of Christianity, forcing the brothers to take part in pagan rituals. Having accepted the refusal, the emperor forced Savely and his brothers to be subjected to the most severe torture, and then beheaded. Until the last second of their lives, the brothers glorified the name of the Lord, showing fortitude and courage. According to legend, when their heads were cut off, their bodies were swallowed up by the ground, but after the joint prayer of all believers, after a few days the bodies reappeared and exuded a wonderful aroma. The relics of Savely and his brothers were recognized as miraculous for their courage, inflexibility of will and character in the face of terrible torment. Thus, the name Savely bears the imprint of tolerance, fortitude, will and steadfastness of character and in some way obliges its owner to have the same qualities. In our country, the popularity of this name is very periodic. It was incredibly popular back in the days of the Soviet Union, then they began to call it less, and now, in modern times, an increasing number of parents call boys with this unusual and euphonious name.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Savely
According to the Hebrew version of its origin, the name comes from the name Saul (in Hebrew שָׁאוּל Shaul) and literally means “begged”, “begged from God.” The Latin version interprets the name as coming from sabellus and meaning “unpretentious”, “unpretentious”.
There is no name Savely among the church names, and the child bearing the name acquires a church name either according to the calendar (according to the date on which he was born) or in honor of a specific saint.
The sound of the name is soft, bright, attracting attention to its owner. It endows its owner with similar traits – soft, good-natured, open. The name is strong in energy, which, in contrast, gives the bearer determination, a tendency to introspection and self-control.
Savely is a courageous and outwardly serious person with an open heart. The owner of the name has one peculiarity: he can endure something he doesn’t like for a long time, but if he is taken out of a state of emotional balance, he becomes merciless. Savely is a merciless avenger, he can take revenge on his offenders and he will take revenge thoroughly prepared for this.
Outwardly he is always balanced, has excellent self-control, keeps himself aloof from society, and after drinking too much he can open up in a completely different way, thereby surprising those around him who are accustomed to seeing Savely silent.
Character traits of the name Savely
By his psychotype Savely is an introvert, by character he is an absolute phlegmatic, outwardly always cold, unemotional and silent. But this is only appearance, and it, as a rule, can be deceiving. In fact, behind the mask of isolation hides a rather sensitive and good-natured person, but he is not ready to open his soul to every person, he is secretive and isolated.
Savely is a meticulous perfectionist, he completes any task he begins perfectly, he places very high demands on himself and wants the same from the people around him. The Savelievs have extremely developed intuition and they know about it and often listen to it. The owners of the name are mysterious people, thinkers, philosophers. They love to read books, because they help them plunge into their inner world; for the Savelievs this is another way to deeply know themselves, without the interference of external factors. Savelya’s deep inner peace and high intellectual level evoke the universal respect of those around him; they always ask for advice and listen to his opinion. Saveliy’s friends are similar to him, mostly intellectuals and deep-thinking philosophers. In general, Savely’s nature is quite complex; communicating with him is not easy. Savely is characterized by selfishness and reluctance to hear others; he always proves his point of view, regardless of the opinions of those around him. Savely has no sense of humor and rarely smiles, it is worth saying that this is his normal state, so it can be difficult for others to understand what mood he is in now.
Family and love relationships of Savely
Savelias are so selective of those around them that choosing a life partner is very difficult for them. They approach the process of choosing a chosen one wisely, guided not by feelings and emotions, but by reason and cold reason. But this does not mean that they do not know how to love; on the contrary, they know how to love very reverently and tenderly, but they will give their love only to one and only one and for the rest of their lives. Savely somewhat frightens women with his excessive seriousness, but, having truly fallen in love, he becomes romantic, open, very reverent and vulnerable. He chooses a worthy woman as his chosen one: kind, beautiful, intellectually developed, balanced. It is important for Savely that his wife is also a friend to him, since he does not have many friends. Many Savelias get married late because they choose a bride for a long time and carefully. In family life, Savely is a role model; harmony in relationships, in raising children, and in creating comfort in his home is important to him. He does not pretend to be a leader in the family and will gladly give this role to his wife. Savely takes an active part in raising children, he is a well-read and knowledgeable father, he loves to pass on his knowledge to children and knows how to interest them. He is not inventive in his intimate life; he can truly open up only with the woman he loves.
Choice of profession, business, career Savelya
As a rule, Savelias choose those professions where they do not have to, or have to communicate with people to a small extent. He is attracted to low-active, intellectual work. An ideal place to work would be to work in an office, where Savely can show his perseverance and focus on the ideal result at his best. Savely has an excellent relationship with management; the bosses like Savely’s taciturnity, efficiency and high performance. The field of business and entrepreneurship is absolutely not suitable for Savely, he is not an entrepreneur, he is not good at managing people, and he doesn’t need it. Savely is not an upstart or a careerist; he likes to just sit and do his work calmly and efficiently. An excellent option for him would be the professions of a banker, office worker, jeweler, archive worker, historian, mechanic, programmer. Savely can clearly express himself in the field of art; his erudition and rich inner world will help him become an artist, performer or an excellent writer.
Savely’s health
Savely can boast of his health, because he has good health. Owners of the name have a slight likelihood of developing colds, diseases of the throat, ears and nose, and even then, mainly in the cold season. Some Savelias may be prone to allergic reactions. Many Savelias are prone to obesity; parents of small bearers of this name should monitor the child’s nutrition from childhood and not overfeed him. There is a slight tendency to develop diseases of the digestive tract. But all these health problems can be avoided if you teach your child to play sports from an early age, take care of your health, eat right, and harden yourself, thereby strengthening your immunity.
Name Savely for a child
A baby named Savely is an incredibly modest, sweet and kind child. He is shy and silent, but very stubborn and persistent. Savely retains these traits throughout his life. It is not easy for little Savely to study, but he is very diligent and diligent, so he studies well, behaves diligently, and teachers love him for this. In a group of peers, Savely does not strive to take the place of leader; he plays equally with everyone; other children love him for his natural kindness and openness. Little Savely has been interested in crafts since childhood; he will gladly go to various clubs where he needs to do something with his own hands.
A child born in winter is open and friendly. He is happy to make contact, loves to tell tall tales and surprise others.
Vesenny Savely is an assertive and stubborn child. He always knows exactly what he wants, goes towards his goal and proves that he is right.
Savelia children born in the summer are extremely insecure and very reserved children; it is very difficult for them to adapt to a team due to their natural timidity. They are so modest and uptight that they often cannot refuse a request, which their unscrupulous peers can take advantage of.
Autumn Savelias are very careful, neat children. They also have a negative trait – rancor; these children remember an insult for a very long time and can recall it at the first convenient opportunity.
Name days:
June 17, June 30, December 3
Diminutive version
Savvushka, Savvochka, Savelka, Savelyushka
Sava, Savka, Savva
According to the church
- blue
- Pluto
- Mars
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
carnelian, selenite, opal
birch, water lily
Totem animal
hermit crab, seagull