Origin of the name Sandra

An interesting name that became independent only a few centuries ago. The feminine short form Sandra goes back to the masculine short form of the name Alexander – Sandro. Suffice it to recall the famous Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli. It was the Italians who introduced the diminutive form into the rank of a full name.

The female name Sandra is quite common and has long become common throughout Europe. The popularity of the name either grows or wanes depending on the fame of the owners of the name Sandra. Thus, the boom in craze for singer Sandra in Europe and America gave the world many girls with the same name.

The name is very often found in the Caucasus in the male form of Sandro, but there are also female Sandras there. In Russia the name is unique, extremely rare, because… associated more with Western culture. But in the wake of the fashion for rare and sonorous names, it may well find interested parents in Russia.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Sandra

Sandra is a shortened form of the masculine Greek name Alexandros, meaning “protector,” and is therefore translated as “protector.” The name partly leaves an imprint on Sandra’s personality – she loves honesty and justice, is brave and courageous, so she can stand up for the offended.

All women who bear “male” names are characterized by a certain rigidity, pragmatism, and determination. And this is not at all bad in our time! Sandra will always be able to stand up for herself and for others, and take her place in the sun. It is our own, and not someone else’s, because She is scrupulous in these matters.

Sandra’s childhood is spent in an atmosphere of mischief and, to be honest, stubbornness. Throughout her childhood, Sandra tries to expand the boundaries of what is permitted, to insist on her own. This is important for the development of her personality, although it is difficult for parents. But patience will be rewarded – then Sandra will be more obedient, and the resulting breakthrough qualities will help her in life.

School years will add many new friends to Sandra’s social circle; friendship with some of them will last a lifetime. The owners of this name take relationships very seriously: friendship, love, family ties. It is at school that Sandra can discover her talent and decide on a profession. Sports, serious professions, traditionally male professions, business, creativity – she can do it all. In any case, she will be successful, because… We still need to look for such workaholics and smart people. This is true when it comes to a job she loves, but Sandra won’t give her all so much in an unloved but profitable job.

Sandra’s relationships with men are not easy. On the one hand, she loves attention, knows how to charm, understands the male character, but on the other hand, she seems to avoid serious relationships. It takes a long time to get married. But when he finds “his” person, then, to the joy of his relatives, he will finally “have a normal family and children.” Sandra may become too much of a correct mother; she needs to learn to trust her intuition and mother’s heart more, and not books and advice from psychologists. Old age can find Sandra in travel and new hobbies in theater, painting, handicrafts, dogs – she is one of those who finally allows herself to live to the fullest only in retirement, when all her affairs have been redone.

Name days:

This form of the name does not have a patron saint, but May 6 (April 23) can be celebrated as the feast day of St. Alexandra of Rome.

Diminutive version

Sandrochka, Sano, Sandrinya, Dri, Dryusha, Sandrinka, Sandryusha, Sandrusya, Sanya, Sanechka, Sandi, Sandrina, Sandy


Sanya, Sandy, Dri, Sanda, Sano

According to the church



  • crimson
  • brown
  • vinous


  • Saturn


  • land

Stone talisman

spinel, agate




barberry, tulip

Totem animal

mole, armadillo

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