Origin of the name Samvel
The name Samvel (Սամվել) is the Armenian version of the name Samuel. From Hebrew, Samuel is translated as “the name of God,” “God heard,” “heard by God.” There is another version, according to which the name Samvel should be elevated to Savel – “begged from God.”
“Samvel” is a historical novel by the Armenian writer Raffi, which he worked on for more than six years, but never completed. The novel takes place in Armenia in the 4th century. This was a difficult period in the history of the Armenian state. King Arshak was forced to go to war with the Persians in order to defend the independence of the country and preserve Christianity in it. Samvel Mamikonyan is a patriotic young man, but his father betrayed the Armenians and went over to the Persian camp. Experiencing a series of life crossroads and mental anguish, Samvel at the end of the novel kills his unfaithful father.
Initially, the novel was called “Samuel”, but over time this old form was supplanted and the novel began to be published under a new name.
The name Samvel is popular among Armenians. In Russia it can be found in children from mixed marriages. This beautiful melodic name goes well with Russian patronymics and surnames.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Samvel
Since early childhood, Samvel has been in good health. Even serious illnesses are easy for him, and if the parents strengthen the boy and monitor his nutrition, he will forget the way to the doctors until old age. Samvel’s good health and athletic physique allow him to engage in any sport; he loves running, skiing, and swimming. Samvel studies at school with pleasure, he does not try to become an excellent student, but he learns the material well.
Samvel is attached to his parents, especially his mother. He will never move to another city; it is very important for him to see his father and mother several times a week. Samvel will faithfully care for his elderly in case of illness. He will not hire a nurse because he cannot trust a stranger with the most precious thing he has. Samvel would rather quit his job and do odd jobs, but devote himself entirely to his parents.
Samvel is a cheerful and charismatic man. He has the gift of eloquence, knows how to negotiate with people, and resolve any issues. He has a great sense of humor. Therefore, Samvel is constantly surrounded by people. Everyone comes to him for advice and help, especially since Samvel has golden hands, he can repair anything. This man loves physical work; he will happily engage in farming or devote his free time to decorating the garden.
Samvel can become an engineer, geologist, accountant, personnel officer, or official. He is very careful and efficient, always in good standing with his superiors. Colleagues respect Samvel for his friendliness, ability to create a good mood, and reliability.
Samvel loves women, and they reciprocate his feelings. But strong attachment to parents can destroy this man’s first marriage. It is difficult for him to leave his parents’ house and start living on his own. However, later Samvel will draw the necessary conclusions and be able to create a strong and happy family. He will choose a beautiful, educated woman as his wife, who will surround him with warmth and care. Samvel loves children and is involved in their upbringing and development.
Name days:
March 1, September 2
Diminutive version
Samvelchyk, Samvelushka
Sam, Sam, Sammy
According to the church
- lilac
- gold
- Venus
- fire
Stone talisman
opal, ruby
Totem animal