Origin of the name Samira
The roots of the name Samir should be sought in the Proto-Indo-European language, this is what explains its existence in both eastern and western languages.
From Arabic, the name Samira (ثامر) is translated as “night conversation”, “interlocutor”, “woman speaking in the night”, “talkative”. One of the Muhajirs, immigrants from Mecca to Medina, bore the name Samira. Translated from Sanskrit, the name Samira means “generous”, “gifter”.
In Old English, the name Samira means “overseas”, “revered beyond the sea.” And in the Gaelic dialect of the Scottish language, the name Semer (Samar, Semar) is found, which is considered a masculine version of the name Samira, and means “rising sun.”
The name Samira is now rarely found in the British Isles, where it is perceived as borrowed rather than native. In Russia, the name Samir is also quite rare. This name has gained wide popularity in Arab countries in various national variants. So, in Turkey it sounds like Semra, in Bosnia – Semira, Samra, in India – Sumira, Somira.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Samira
Samira is a calm, modest girl. She has practically no friends, although she maintains good friendly relations with all the children she knows. Samira does not share her experiences even with her parents. She trusts her most intimate feelings and thoughts only to her diary. He studies well at school, but due to indecisiveness and self-doubt, he often does not fully reveal himself. Samira tries to avoid social assignments and sports competitions; she is afraid of losing or not being able to cope with the task.
Samira spends a lot of time at home, reading, drawing, and maybe dancing or singing. With age, she has one or two good friends with whom Samira attends theater performances, film premieres, and may do yoga or Pilates. Samira avoids noisy companies and crowded events; public speaking is a real challenge for her.
Samira chooses a profession that does not require communication with people and drastic changes. She can become an accountant, economist, bank employee, secretary, archivist. Samira is very scrupulous and loves precision and accuracy. She is ideal for working with numbers and documents. Sometimes Samira chooses creative professions; she can become a dancer or singer in a choir. Often a girl with this name finds her calling in religion; she can serve in a church or even become a nun. Samira is kind and always helps the poor and needy.
Samira is attractive and educated, which is why she attracts the attention of men. But she is too timid, wary of accepting signs of attention, afraid of disappointments. Samira goes through the breakup for a long time and painfully. A man should show maximum delicacy in order to win the girl’s favor. In marriage, Samira is able to open up and become a passionate lover, a caring wife and a kind mother. The husband will never regret that he chose Samira as his wife, because he will constantly receive maximum attention and support from her.
Name days:
March 7, November 25
Diminutive version
Samirochka, Samironka, Samirushka, Mirochka
Sam, Mira, Sama
According to the church
- the black
- cornflower
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
zirconium, emerald
Totem animal
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