Origin of the name Samat

The name Samat is an ancient Muslim name that has several rather contradictory interpretations. Some scholars trace it back to the Arabic word “samat” (صمت) – “silence”, “silent”.

Other scientists quite rightly believe that the name Samat is a dialectal version of the name Samad (along with Samed, Semed, Samet), which is translated as “leader”, “supreme ruler”. It is found in the Koran and other religious books of Islam as an epithet of Allah. In this case, the name is interpreted as “ever living,” “one who is independent of others, but everyone needs him.” Since the name belongs to Allah, in some Islamic movements it is not customary to call a person by it. In others, on the contrary, the name Samat is quite common due to its mention in the Koran and involvement with God.

The name Samat is often found among Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Kergyz, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, and Circassians. It is popular in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, India and Pakistan. The name Samat is not common in Russia.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Samat

As a child, Samat is a wonderful child and never gives his parents any trouble. His pranks are always innocent and make you smile. Samat is afraid of upsetting her parents and listens carefully to their advice and teachings. Nature has endowed Samat with many abilities: he is smart, athletic, and has a craving for beauty. The boy studies well, but is not satisfied with the school curriculum. Samat devotes a lot of time to self-education.

Samat maintains warm relationships with her parents and loved ones for many years. For him, his family always comes first; for its well-being, he is ready to do anything. Samat is an excellent host and helper. He is charged with positivity, can always cheer you up, support you, and give reasonable advice. A man with this name is extremely friendly and sociable. People are drawn to him thanks to his openness, consistency, and balance.

At times Samat can be capricious and overly emotional. But this only happens when the people he trusted do not live up to expectations. Samat does not know how to be offended for a long time, it is easy to put up with him.

A craving for beauty and a constant desire to improve oneself make Samat an interesting person. He is capable of becoming an outstanding art critic, designer, film critic, restorer, artist, fashion or literary historian, poet or journalist. Sometimes Samat is attracted to heroic deeds; he can become a doctor without borders, a volunteer, a priest, a military man, or a police officer.

Samat takes building a family very seriously. He chooses a life partner for a long time, looks closely, analyzes, gets to know the family. If he doesn’t like the girl’s relatives for any reason, he can break off the relationship. Everything about Samat’s chosen one should be perfect: appearance, education, intelligence, and origin. Samata is also concerned about the girl’s ability to manage the house, cook, and her attitude towards her children and her husband’s parents. When he finally manages to meet a girl who meets all these requirements, Samat immediately gets married. Family life with this man is going pretty smoothly. He is caring, attentive, loves children, and actively participates in their upbringing.

Name days:

June 6, September 8

Diminutive version

Samatushka, Samatonka, Samatik


Sammy, Sam

According to the church



  • white
  • yellow


  • Venus


  • land

Stone talisman

marble, garnet




rose white

Totem animal


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