Origin of the name Salim
Salim (سالم) is a Muslim name, translated from Arabic it means “safe”, “whole”, “unharmed”, “healthy”, “invulnerable”. It promises its owner a long and successful life. There are several other translation options for the name Salim: “sound”, “a person with a pure soul”, “calm”, “quiet”.
This beautiful and euphonious name is very ancient, it is common among almost all peoples who profess Islam. In different languages, there are different variants of its pronunciation, which correspond to the phonetic and orthoepic features of these national languages: Selim, Sali, Salya. A variant of the name Selim is very popular in Turkey. Selim I the Terrible Yavuz – Turkish Sultan of the 16th century, the founder of the Great Ottoman Empire.
The name Salim is actively used to form complex names. For example, Salimgaray means “good health”, Salimzade means “healthy son”.
The name Salim can often be found in Muslim countries: Dagestan, Chechnya, Tatarstan, Iraq, Iran, UAE, India, Pakistan, Mali, African republics. In Russia, the name Salim is quite rare.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Salim
As a child, Salim is a kind and sympathetic boy. He loves his parents, obeys, tries to study well, and enjoys playing sports. Salim has no conflicts; he has many friends. He gets along well with his younger brothers and sisters. The boy does not like to think about the distant future, he enjoys the current moment, so he can easily skip studying for an important exam and then sit over books all night. But this does not prevent Salim from achieving what he wants; he is smart and resourceful, able to find a way out of any situation.
Salim likes life to be in full swing around him. He easily endures changes in revenge and circumstances, and quickly finds new acquaintances. Salim is sociable, he loves to talk, share his thoughts and impressions. Sometimes he is even too talkative. If Salim fails, he will not be sad and reflect for a long time, he will simply discard everything negative and move on to a new goal. This man’s life motto is optimism, no matter what.
Salim is an impeccable friend. He is ready to support and come to the rescue at any moment. But this quality of his extends only to his closest, chosen friends. Salim is friends with them, as a rule, from early childhood to old age.
Salim is extremely efficient. He has an analytical mind and inventiveness. Salim can diversify even routine work and make it interesting. He can achieve success in any activity, he just needs to concentrate and push aside the desire to quit halfway through the process. Creative work with people would be ideal for Salim: designer, photographer, architect, stylist, makeup artist.
Salim appreciates beauty in all its forms. Therefore, when meeting a girl, he pays attention, first of all, to external data. Salima’s chosen one must be very beautiful, have good manners, and be able to carry on a conversation. Salim is a devoted and faithful husband. He has a very hard time being separated from his beloved and strives to spend as much time as possible at home with his wife and children.
Name days:
May 6, October 9
Diminutive version
Salimchik, Salimushka
Lim, Sammy
According to the church
- green
- brown
- olive
- Pluto
- water
Stone talisman
cinnabar, dioptase, ivory
Totem animal
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