Origin of the name Salavat

The name Salavat (صَلَوَات‎) is of Arabic origin and is translated as “song of praise”, “blessing”, “prayer”. This name is very popular among the Bashkirs and Tatars. In Bashkir it can sound like Salauat.

A famous bearer of the name Salavat is the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev. This man was one of the leaders of the peasant war, an associate of Emelyan Pugachev. After the defeat of Pugachev, Salavat’s native village was burned by the troops of Empress Catherine, and he himself ended up in hard labor, where he spent more than 25 years. In addition to military skills, Salavat had poetic abilities and spoke several languages. He wrote songs and fairy tales. In Bashkir and Russian folklore, many heroic songs dedicated to this hero have been preserved: “Salavat the Batyr”, “The Lay of Salavat”, “Speech of Salavat”, etc. In them he appears as a brave defender of the enslaved people, a real hero, strong, stocky, black-haired , with a soulful gaze.

The city, a number of streets and districts, and sports palaces are named after Salavat Yulaev. There is also an order and a literary prize named after him.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Salavat

Salavat is a very kind, impressionable boy. He is attached to his mother, helps her with housework, and spends a lot of time in the kitchen and in the garden. Salavat likes to read more than play with other boys. He studies well, does not cause trouble to teachers, and behaves well. Salavat is not interested in sports. He tries to avoid competitions and physical education lessons, but he loves literature and history.

Salavat doesn’t have many friends. He does not like noisy companies, prefers to have one or two good friends. Salavat also loves to travel. He wants to see with his own eyes everything he read about in books. Salavat always has a camera at hand to photograph sights, interesting things, people, landscapes. From his travels he brings not souvenirs, but books.

Salavat is a very responsible person who is attentive to any business. He does not strive to become a boss, but thanks to his diligence and intelligence, he quickly moves up the career ladder. Salavat shows himself well in the role of a leader. He is wise, consistent, understanding. He can show by example how to deal with this or that matter. For this, his subordinates sincerely respect him. Salavat will make an excellent teacher, as well as a politician capable of winning the hearts of voters with his honesty and incorruptibility.

Salavat marries late. His calm disposition and love of being a homemaker do not contribute to numerous love affairs. Very often among men with this name there are monogamous people. If Salavat really liked some woman, then he will not let her go. Salavat can be persistent and inventive, among his strengths are the ability to listen, caring, responsiveness, and sincerity.

Salavat is a faithful and devoted husband, he is attentive to his wife’s needs and listens to her opinion. But at the same time, he always reserves the last word. His wife feels completely safe with him. Salavat loves children. From birth he plays with them, bathes them, takes them for walks, reads fairy tales, and helps with homework.

Name days:

January 8, June 18

Diminutive version

Salavatik, Salavatushka


Kudos, Sally

According to the church



  • Orange


  • Saturn


  • water

Stone talisman

coral, marble




Apple tree

Totem animal


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