Origin of the name Said
Said (ساعد) is a Muslim name of Arabic origin. Depending on the spelling, it has three different meanings: “Sa`īd” – “successful”, “happy”; “Sā`id” – “growing upward”; “Sā`id” – “hunter”. Sometimes this name is interpreted as “leader.” The female version is Saida.
Very often the lexeme “Said” is used as a component of complex names: Saidazim – “great leader”, Saidalo – “gifted with success”, “blessed by Allah”, Saidamin – “honest leader”.
Said ibn Zeid is one of the ten closest supporters of the Prophet Muhammad. He and his wife Fatima converted to Islam early and initiated many of their relatives into it. Said took part in almost all the battles of the Prophet Muhammad. He was governor in Damascus.
The name Said is revered among those professing Islam and is widespread in Arab countries, North Africa, India and Pakistan, as well as among Tatars, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Bashkirs, and Chechens. In Russia it is quite rare.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Said
As a child, Said was an attentive and purposeful boy. He matures early and understands that in order to achieve success, he must work hard and painstakingly. Therefore, Said is not prone to childish pranks; he prefers to spend time with a book, visiting various sections and clubs. Said begins to care about money early on; he knows how to save it and put it to use. Can buy a popular toy in a warehouse at a wholesale price and sell it profitably to friends and acquaintances.
One of Said’s main qualities is self-discipline. He does not allow himself excesses either in food or in entertainment. Never spends time idle. Said also has a good rest, he can visit an exhibition, a useful master class, a lecture, spend time in nature, do yoga or breathing exercises. Said is also disciplined in his work. He will never let his team down, knows how to optimize his work and achieve excellent results.
Said strives to become a leader, but even more often he opens his own business. An innate talent to manage money wisely, determination, and a cool mind help Said achieve success in business. Said is a good but strict leader who will never allow his subordinates to deceive themselves or be dishonest in their assigned work.
Said is attentive to his health and appearance. He regularly visits doctors, works out with a personal trainer at the gym, and has a trusted cosmetologist and hairdresser. This man always has a presentable appearance, loves expensive accessories and stylish clothes.
A smart, well-groomed, wealthy man is an excellent attraction for many women. But Said is extremely picky and demanding. He will not buy into flattery and will easily discern selfish intentions. Said needs a beautiful, smart, educated girl who will appreciate his human qualities. However, he will not allow his wife to have her own opinion; he will decide everything himself. If the girl agrees to completely submit, then Said will surround her with attention and care and pamper her with expensive gifts.
Name days:
June 21, March 8
Diminutive version
Saidushka, Saidik
According to the church
- lilac
- turquoise
- gray
- Uran
- air
Stone talisman
moonstone, ruby, onyx
Totem animal