Origin of the name Sabir

The name Sabir (صابر) is of Arabic origin and translates as “patient”.

Before moving into the category of proper names, “sabir” (savir, suvar) was an ethnonym designating a number of nomadic tribes of the 1st century. AD Turkologist Gyula Nemeth claims that this ethnonym comes from the participle ending in “-ir”, and its basis is the word “obey”. He derives the original meaning – “tribe of the submissive.”

The first mention of sabirs dates back to the 5th century. The historian Priscus of Pannius describes the tribes that inhabited the Western Caspian region. Then the Sabirs migrated to the North Caucasus, where they were defeated by the Iranians, and moved to Transcaucasia. Over time, they joined the tribes of the Volga Bulgars, became Russified and settled in the north. According to one version, the ethnonym “Sabir” gave the name to Siberia.

There is another version of the translation. Historian Vasily Nikolaev believes that “sabir” comes from the Iranian “rider”.

Currently, the name Sabir is popular among the Chuvash, Uighurs, Uzbeks, and Azerbaijanis. It is also common in Iran. This name came to Russia from the northern territories, and can be found in children from mixed marriages.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Sabir

As a child, Sabir was a charming and sociable boy. He easily wins over and attracts people to himself; he has many friends and acquaintances. Sabir is active and reckless, he does not think about the essence of things, but simply enjoys life. School science is easy for Sabir, he grasps everything on the fly, and never sits for hours on lessons. Sabir loves outdoor games and sports.

Sabir has a hot temperament. He can be intemperate if people contradict him. He always tries to defend his point of view and persuade his interlocutor to his side. Sabir is characterized by diplomacy, he can persuade and compromise. But if his interests are hurt, Sabir is capable of throwing a bucket of bile and murderous irony at the “enemy.” He will never descend into assault and insults, but he won’t go to great lengths for a word either.

Traveling gives Sabir great pleasure. He loves changing places, meeting new people, new dishes and drinks. Sabir tries to spend as much time as possible outside the home. He knows all the most interesting corners in the surrounding area, spends a long time studying the sights of countries around the world, and develops in detail his individual tourist routes. From his trips he brings back many souvenirs and photographs.

Sabir always has a lot of thoughts and ideas. He has a passion for inventive activity, reads a lot, and attends technology exhibitions. But his ideas do not lie exclusively in the field of engineering; he can come up with a profitable business startup or create a fashionable clothing collection. Sabir’s wonderful quality is his determination. He always finds an opportunity to bring his plans to life and does not leave things unfinished.

Sabir easily finds a common language with women. They love him for his cheerful disposition, eloquence, and generosity. But Sabir is not a ladies’ man, he is a romantic at heart. He would like a smart, attractive girl who will share his interest in travel and achievements. Sabir is ready to devote a lot of time to his wife and children, surround them with care and attention, and provide for them. He is an excellent and hospitable host.

Name days:

April 19, December 5

Diminutive version

Sabirchik, Sabirushka


Sab, Sabi

According to the church



  • yellow
  • purple


  • Lands


  • air

Stone talisman

rock crystal, emerald, agate





Totem animal


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